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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Yay! Yep, things are moving a bit smoother around here these days! Keeping up, and even ahead of schedule on the brewing calendar! Heeee!
  2. Right, PEs are Private Edition perfumes, which can take up to 3 weeks to make, but you're talking about custom prepared pheromone blends. These are things that we cannot just grab off the shelf, and we cannot prepare in advance due to the wide range of choices that we are offering these days. To carry each phero blend for us is a significant investment, and if we use up our supply by preparing too much in advance, only to have people order it in a different form than we anticipated....you see what I mean. We pretty much have to bottle almost everything to order. Thus the wait - sorry! I promise it will be worth it!!! We do our best to get everything out as fast as we can, but we also cater to "emergency" situations. If a client wishes to pay for Express Shipping, we pop them to the front of the line as a courtesy. Otherwise, you are in a line of people according to order date. Some items are harder to prepare and take longer. Making multiple orders will almost always slow down the whole lot, and we will endeavor to ship them together. Hope that helps a little, sorry for any confusion, and btw, your order should be shipping today.
  3. What do you mean by OD? Are you concerned about a reaction you have caused, or a reaction that you have? Certainly it is possible to use too much. And the reactions will vary depending upon whom you are using this on. Remember, EST is only produced naturally by pregnant women. It seems to bring out the chivalrous/adoring/protective side of most men, and kind helpfulness from women, just as if you actually were pregnant. But not everyone processes the chemical signal of PREGNANT as a good thing. Some men, especially younger ones, will run for the hills when exposed to EST. Pheros are chemical messages to the brain - they do not need to be processed logically to garner a response. Effects of wearing too much: Making men want to flee, or conversely, making them treat you so delicately, they act as if you might break. Some guys don't respond well to it because they prefer "capable" women, and Est makes them feel like the female is too needy or weak. Also, a small percentage of the population find the smell of EST objectionable. If someone is able to smell it, and there's a LOT of it....
  4. True, the bottles went really fast, but we still have tons of trial vials!
  5. To me: slightly musky metallic, with a mildly sour tinge of cops. I just compared between the Blatant Invitation and the Stone Cougar, and the BI smells like it has 3 or 4 times more cops than the Cougar does. Personally, I do not think it requires a strong or heavy cover.
  6. Coooolness - no hints on the celebs? c'mon...nudge nudge.... Picture of Tyvey from tonight's gala: Coochie-head, I LOVE that. BAHA! Can we use that as a perfume name??? Yeah, it does have cops, but not that much really. I think you're safe.
  7. If you like Pears, you might try 3 of Pears, or a new PE coming out this month called "Cop a Pear" (which has copulins in it). It sounds like you simply wore too much, and as the other ladies said, the OCCOs are mega concentrated, purposely, because the copulin level is so strong. You can add unscented pheros to your own favorite perfume, or simply layer them on your body. You need not search for a new scent at all, if you have one that you absolutely love already - just add pheros to it.
  8. Right. If your pores are open, from the shower or from exercise, EVERYONE becomes more sensitive to fragrance products. They say you're never supposed to wear perfume when sunning yourself or when working out. Face, neck and chest are super-sensitive. (I halt my application at my cleavage/bra level, I don't go higher than that). And yes, we use some real spices in our perfumes, which are very well diluted, but can be sensitizing if your pores are wide open. Your EoW issues are with the LS version in alcohol. True, EoW is a combo of vinegars really, and can be sensitizing too. I would suspect that our oil version would be a little less irritating than the alcohol version, but still, face neck and chest are not application points that I EVER use. (BTW, It's not true that each bottle is different.) Belly button to cleavage (not chest), BACK of neck under your hair. Those are the best application areas to diffuse along with your body heat, and run the least amount of risk of sensitivity issues.
  9. I have a very dear friend who is XXY. When I first met him, I really couldn't tell if he was a male or a female, and he also had an androgynous name, which drove me batty. (Like, an episode of "It's Pat" from SNL ) Anyway, I talked him into using his middle name instead, because it was obviously masculine, and he eventually began receiving injections of testosterone which allowed him to grow facial hair for the first time in his life. But his preferences were always, he felt like a guy who was attracted to guys. ----------------------- There was a CSI ep some years ago about a guy who had two sets of DNA, his top half and his bottom half of his body were as if from 2 different people. They explained that this happens sometimes when there are early twins in utero, and the cells of one of the twins sometimes are absorbed by the other....one baby, two sets of DNA. I also heard another interesting theory, though I am not sure if there's any validity to it at all... One of my friends, who is a mirror twin, and a lefty, told me that she was told that all babies are supposed to be right handed. Left handed babies are actually mirror twins, but the "primary" right-handed twin did not survive / the cells were absorbed back into the mix. All sorts of interesting stuff to learn and ponder in the world, aye?
  10. Well, first of all, it may be a Sandalwood headache. I get those too, that's why I am super picky about Sandalwoods - some just give me instant migraines. It's possible this particular Sandalwood just doesn't agree with you. Secondly, this is also the very reason I sent around those few B2 testers in both 1x & 3x, because I found in myself, that 3x was giving me a headache. I was surprised when you reported back that you couldn't really feel a difference between the strengths. The reason I did this is because Diane felt that 3x should be our baseline (the 3x should be treated as 1x) and I just felt it was way too strong. When pple have been ordering x1 additions, I've actually been sending 2x, just to split the difference and gauge reaction. So, I'm guessing, the combo of Sandalwood and B2 @ 1x (which you were purposely sniffing at close range), is probably the culprit. And you've helped me confirm my suspicion that 3x is just too strong for a baseline. I did get a fab email from one of my tester gals yesterday, who said that the 3x worked a charm as a perfect raging PMS foiler. That makes sense. Extra strength should be saved for use in extreme emergency conditions.
  11. I know of that study/theory. It says that if you have a family with lots of male children, that progressively, each male child is born with less and less testosterone. They say that, biologically speaking, it keeps the males in one family from competing with each other for the same types of females - an evolutionary mechanism from a time when communities were small and the pool of available females would have been limited. I believe it also said that the youngest male in a large family of sons was more likely to be gay. All fetuses start out as female, and at a specific time during the fetal development, the baby receives a "testosterone bath" that turns the baby into a male. The testosterone bath has to be delivered with precise timing. If delivered too late, it can result in females who are gay or more masculine than the 'norm', or males who retain more feminine traits, etc. It seems to make sense on an intellectual level, but I have a LOT of gay friends of both sexes, probably 70% of my friends in total are gay, but anyway, point being, many of these friends are 'only' children, or just have one sibling, so the theory might appear to work on paper, but it could just be a law of averages, and within larger families, there's just a larger statistical likelihood that one or more of the kids will be gay.
  12. To put that into mcg language.... Each 1/3rd oz bottle of UNscented pheros contains 1,000 mcg The same goes for fragrances that you pay to have boosted. For our phero enhanced perfumes, (the ones that sell for $29.95 each), we put in 333 mcg per bottle, unless otherwise noted. Sometimes I will ultra boost something just to see the responses, to see if people note a difference. (Blind test) For example, Unisexy has 1,000 mcg of B2 per bottle.
  13. Well, on the upside, I see your package finally arrived. On the scent issue...Rosebud, did you try it with a 100% fresh nose? This couldn't be more vanilla saturated. Y'know, once you've smelled 2 scents, you have to wait like 2 hours to be able to smell properly again, from scratch. Coffee beans do not help. You need the time. Will you promise me to try it again without smelling anything for 2 hours, then see if it changes your perception of it? xoxoxox M
  14. I agree with Luna. Capable, dependable, worthy of respect - that's what the typical boss is going to look for. I have actually been told by fellow biz owners and managers that they refuse to hire people with too much charisma, or who are too good looking, or seem to be attention seekers, because they feel it will disrupt the workplace. Unless you're going for a job in an ultra hip club clothing store, or hair salon....that's where the rock star vibe would be to your advantage.
  15. Based on your choices, might I also suggest Mielihyva? Danna and I both really love that one, we were surprised it didn't get much attention. It's a delicious blueberry scent.
  16. They're not going to clash. The scent is compatible. It would just be like wearing Magnet with extra cops and extra scent. But it's always good to try things each individually and gauge responses to them, before combining. Have FUN!!!
  17. Yeah...welllll...the obvious is the right answer. Some gay guys just HATE the smell of copulins. Tho, I have known a few who are more attracted to straight guys, and they actually wear the stuff as an attractant.
  18. Wow, that was great Luna! Thanks for sharing the whole version, I loved it!!!!!
  19. I like the more handcrafty look...I already have 3 of those wooden Tea Chests that Tempest Teapot found for us a while ago, plus a couple of our wooden racks, and I have been trying to stop myself from hitting the buy button for a few of these.... http://www.worldmarket.com/product/index.j...oductId=3597191
  20. Not at all! It just helps round out the body of the scent. It's a beautiful and interesting aroma.
  21. It's not better, Liz, it's personal preference and depends upon how/where you like to apply it. Alcohol will get the most up into the air around you, because it's lighter and evaporates with the alcohol, but it also lasts the shortest amount of time. If you like to wear in hair and spray on clothes, alcohol can be the best choice.
  22. WELCOME, Blue Bear! Glad you could join us!!
  23. Oh, goody! That's what I wanted it to say. Yay, it's working! Finally!
  24. It's more like a grown-up version of Love's Baby Soft. It's really nothing like Cuddle Bunny.
  25. LOL! Well, according to John John here...I just had him sniff it and he says, resoundingly, yes, and then promptly slathered himself with it. Loves it! It smells reeeally PURPLE in the bottle, but quickly moves to a resiny smooth feel on the skin.
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