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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Hey Kiddies, For those of you who's creations are a part of this month's FAVORITE PE Collection, you are entitled to either a FREE BOTTLE or a FREE SAMPLER PACK. If you have not done so already, PLEASE EMAIL ME to let me know which you would like. You can pick any bottle from the collection, btw, doesn't have to be yours. My email address: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com THANK YOU!!! xoxoxox Mara
  2. Hi JOC, I've been trying to email you but it's bouncing back as undeliverable all of a sudden, which is weird since we didn't have any problems emailing before! ?? Anyway, you noted that you wanted changes to both your delivery name and delivery address, and I do not want to mess it up, so I was requesting that you simply email me your name and address EXACTLY as you would like it to appear on your label. I will print out what you send me and use it as your shipping label. Could you please send me an email with that info? Thanks very much, I want to get your package out to you as soon as possible! My email: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  3. I searched, and it doesn't appear that she sells her prints online. (It looks like she's part of an art cart trading group though). Anyway, she licenses her work for commercial use, and it looks like the size one would need for downloading and printing oneself is only around $10.00 each. As long as you didn't sell her work, just printing one copy for personal use would be an acceptable use as far as the license goes. You can email me for additional info if you wish. CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com
  4. Front page/ Perfumerie pages up now! I think Ms Luna was determined to embarrass Commander Fox on one of them.... she a funny grrrl!
  5. Thank you, everyone!!!!!! HUGS ALL AROUND!!!!! Got thru the deposition yesterday and do not have to go back today, thankfully. One day will tell you all about this HELL, but can't yet. John John and Catherine worked their patooties off the past two days without me, keeping up with orders and stuff, so now I am behind THEM - a lot of orders shipped without the thank you notes going out first, so I'm off to catch up on that now. xoxoxoxox Mara
  6. We sell them in the 1/3rd oz. roll-on bottles. (The silicone roll-on caps do not break down/dissolve the way that dripper caps do...longer product life.) Not sure about wearing more or less (anyone?) - They are exactly the same strength and concentration as the LS bottles, it's just a different base, ours being dpg oil. I think the oil base makes it wear closer to the body so that the impression and effect comes off as being more organic. I've also noticed that there's a sharp top note that is kind of amplified by the alcohol base, that seems to be more subtle with the oil base.
  7. Side note, Beccah - did you get my email last week? It came from my new email addy: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com xoxoxox M
  8. Hi Polly! We're doing a sort of "Best of" month. This collection consists of what we consider the most interesting ideas and/or best sellers that were previously only available in tiny quantity. The first ten labels are what is included in this month's sampler set.
  9. Ok, just finished getting everything up and loaded in the shopping cart! YAY! (which means you have to go here to see them) http://lovepotionperfume.com/shoppe/ The expanded descripts/perfumerie pages/front page of the site I will get to within a few days. Not sure how fast I can get to it because I have to deal with legal issues for the next three days. Your prayers and good wishes would be appreciated! xoxoxoxox Mara
  10. Ack, sorry, I'm too tired, I can't get it all programmed tonight. Currently orderable - the monthly sampler packs, and the PEs. I will get the rest posted in a few hours...forgive please! Me and the kittehs are off to bed!
  11. Oh yeah, ooops.... coming sometime this evening. But y'all can order sampler packs now if you wish !
  12. LOL! I will try to have them up by tomorrow morning. I am doing some special solstice brewing at the moment...Ail is helping me from across the pond to make some extra special magic!!! (I think you are going to love the LP SS 2010 variant - I was planning to call it "Sunfire", and you shall see why, next month.)
  13. For Remind Me Again, I'm using the same perfume recipe, but it will be regular perfume strength rather than the super concentration. No pheros.
  14. No, Halo, I ordered the cocoa butter oil just to make this blend. It's got everything in it that you asked for.
  15. Yay! May! So glad you're here! It came out beautiful! Interesting how different the Rose WATER made the blend smell rather than the Rose OTTO you usually prefer. It gave it a lightness that makes the combo unique. I know you like heavier scents, but it's a gorgeous combo and perhaps a more Summer-y vibe for you? xoxox M
  16. They ARE! She goes by the name of Texas Art Gal. Starlite and I keep going back to her work, we love it. We decided to do a whole month of her work to make the set look like a "family". She also painted Acts of Violets and a few others we've used.
  17. And the PE's ready thus far....I may have 1 or 3 to add in a few days...
  18. Halo's Angelique Christine's Tropical Musk Ail's Voluptuous Vanilla Adrienne's Tangy Ylang Remind Me Again
  19. Here they are!! If one of your PEs was chosen to be a part of this month's wonderful collection, you may choose either a bottle or a monthly sampler set for FREE! Mara's Rocket Fuel will be available with and without pheros regular phero strength this time for affordability sake! Carolyn's Man Nip White Licorice Sea Monkey's Musk in the Pixie Dust Mark's Girl Nip
  20. You can tell by the price. The phero enhanced PEs have the same amt of pheros as the regular phero enhanced perfumes. If it sells for $29.95, it's got the same amt of pheros. (With rare exception - ie, Unisexy). A FULL dose adds $30 to the price of a 1/3 oz perfume. With regard to sandalwood - there's no way for me to know until I try it, but I find that the richer thicker oils agree with me better, maybe because of their weight.
  21. Oooh, sorry about that!! Leather is 50% Dominance to 50% EST. So if it's a bottle, you'd have to add 1/3rd ml to get it like Leather. Also, if you like the feel of the scent but not the pheros - might i suggest you try a sample of Eye of the Storm? It's in the same family, I think.
  22. This was my initial fear in working with pheromones, and the very reason why I chose a silicone base for our early offerings. (The silicone I use is molecularly too large to be absorbed into the skin, so the product sits on top of the skin and isn't absorbed.) Anyway, Dr. Stone, one of our suppliers and a leading scientist in the industry told me that my fears were unfounded. He said that the amounts of pheros that could possibly be absorbed into the skin are so negligible as to be non-existent. I trust his judgment. But if you are concerned, you can always use silicone as a barrier between the phero product and your skin, or spray on clothes and hair rather than skin.
  23. LOL! Thanks for your sweet post and kind words. I hope you enjoy all your goodies!!!! xoxoxox Mara
  24. LOL! Oh, man, I'm sorry! bwaha! That's the first time I've been told that about this mix. But I can understand it, because it's completely devoid of any aggressive male signature. On purpose. It's supposed to let off a vibe of relaxed non-competitive (alpha) male. I can understand how some people may interpret that chemical message as being too passive. I LOVE it on my guy. It's my favorite blend on him. (He likes Intellectual Man best on himself.)
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