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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Most of them already did last week. A few that are accompanied by large custom orders will be shipping today and tomorrow.
  2. I vote for Leather. It has the Dominance but softened with the Est. (I've noticed that Dominance alone can make some women aggressive, but Est softens the effect with both sexes.) Personally, Lace makes me uncharacteristically ditsy. I wouldn't recommend that one if you're trying to come off as capable, which you are. It's my favorite blend, but not if I have to play "boss". B2 & G2 would both be worth experimenting with. B2 has a commandingly masculine, but relaxed vibe - that might be good, and have nice self-effects too. It makes me very calm. (No alpha pheros which can cause people to either follow, or fight. It's commanding, but peaceful.) G2 is great for encouraging friendly female to female behavior. I have not tried that one with an eye to effecting men yet. Anyone? Have any ladies tried Charisma on themselves? I'd be a little leery of that one myself, because it's truly a male blend, a bio-identical male mix. When you're giving off mixed or confusing chemical signals, the effects can be a whole range of negative. Have you thought of trying Intellectual Woman? Trust, bonding, communication, mood elevation, femininity. Best of success, Isa - and CONGRATS on your new position - that's very exciting! I'm proud of you, Baby!!!
  3. The first one was a mistake and had to be done over again... toss that first one, keep the second. ok? xoxoxox
  4. Ok, spent an hour on the phone with them on Monday, and hopefully worked out some kinks. Sending a bunch more stuff out today, tomorrow and next day, so if you're getting your notices now, post and let me know, k? Thanks, kiddies!!!! xoxoxox M
  5. A last minute addition..... a phero amped cologne spray for men this time... DUH! I had this slated for September, then realized what time of year this was...Father's Day in a few weeks. Brain not firing on all thrusters! :emot10:
  6. Quite different. Raven's was VERY traditional. And yeah, I westernized this one with the other ingredients. It's beautiful, try it!
  7. Everything is up in the store now. (Gift Shoppe area) Off to work on the main website and Luna's wondrous expanded descriptions! Give me a few hours and it shall all be up.
  8. Great. :heavy sigh: Thank you ALL for the responses. I appreciate the assistance. I see I have some tech time in my near future. Sorry about the lack of email alerts. Justs so's ya know, another big batch is going out tomorrow. I will try to email you your delivery confirmation numbers directly, until this gets sorted out. Majority of orders shipping tomorrow were placed after May 15th. There is NOTHING here earlier than the 12th, and that includes PEs and special phero orders. Everything else should be on its way. Thanks again, loved ones! xoxoxox Mara
  9. Ok, so, someone hacked into my stamps.com account on May 11th or 12th, denying me access to the account and freezing the funds within, so I had to close the account and open a new one. I opened a new one on May 12th when I discovered the hack. Since then, several truckloads of orders have been shipped. Notably, a huge bunch on the 12th, and another huge bunch on the 17th. Due to the sheer volume of emails I am getting, I am starting to get the impression that NO ONE is getting their stamps.com notices since the switch. I am really careful about making sure the "email recipient" button is clicked with each order. Has ANYONE been getting their alert emails with their delivery confirmation numbers?? Our new (and only) email address is now CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com The new stamps.com emails might now say, LP Fragrances has sent you a package, rather than Times Square Productions, and I think the new email address would be where it would appear to be sent from. So, just wondering, has ANYONE gotten an email? Do you think they're being stopped in spam filters, or should I call stamps.com on Monday for tech support??? Thank you! Mara
  10. Yup! Sex Berry Blast has Red Musk from India. Honey Cherry has African Musk.
  11. Yup, the ladies are all correct. It's meant to mean April for May. We haven't shipped the May for June product out yet....will be doing so next week. Good to see you again, Tempest! Don't be such a stranger!!!! We've missed you!!!
  12. Oooh, Lynne! What a beautiful picture of you!!!!
  13. Thanks, Honey - I stumbled across it by accident, didn't even know I had it. I still need you to help me install fonts on this blasted thing, soon! You did GREAT, as always, thank you so much. Catherine's fave is Unisexy, btw, she wanted you to know, and she loves the Elixir one too. {smooches!}
  15. MAJMUA SULTANA Label by Starlitegirl LUSTY LICIOUS LADY OF THE MIST Label by Starlitegirl ELIXIR OF WORLDLY DELIGHTS Label by Starlitegirl BABE IN THE WOODS Label by Starlitegirl & Mara DAD for Men Phero Enhanced Cologne Spray
  16. PURPLE PITCH UNISEXY - with B2 pheros!!! Label by Starlitegirl PORT JOLIE Label by Starlitegirl PLEASURE VALLEY Label by Starlitegirl PIE IN THE SKY Perfume by Ail! Label by Starlitegirl & Mara Name by Starlitegirl
  17. Have you guys gotten this set of releases yet? Everything has been mailed over the past week and a half+ ~ sorry for the slowness, much ado abounds here. I have the NEW month to post now, so want to make sure you've had time before I do.
  18. Woot woo....... I feel a need to sing the background vocals. Welcome, Triple J!!!!!
  19. The sale is located here: http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/Specials.html And every perfume on the list is at least $10 off, some are $15 off, and some even more than that! Come take a look!
  20. Ok, it's uploading now - and I am very sorry for the wait. Just want to say about the newest sale selections....some of these are Danna's and my favorite perfumes, and it's a bit sad for us to clear them out. For some, we just made too much, or they've been here too long and we need the room. For others, either the label or description didn't catch people's fancy so we still have a large supply, but never-the-less, many are AWESOME overlooked gems. We added a bunch of men's selections too, so they don't feel left out. Shop away! xoxoxoxoxox M & D
  21. If you WAIT a little while, I swear it will all be up and working on the sale page in a few hours. Was derailed by the "helpful" assistance, damage control, etc. The email looks like it will show from LPMP fragrances, not MK Picasso, so that's good.
  22. Just FYI - the email address was just changed due to a catastrophic ERROR made by a supposed IT specialist who had access to my accts last night. Our new email address is currently, (and maybe permanently, not sure yet), CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com. The name of the acct holder (if you are a co-yahoo user) will appear as MK Picasso, (an old nickname.) So when you put in a new order, this is what you will see rather than the usual TimesSquareProductions stuff. Just so ya know.
  23. Specials not ready yet - I conked out last night before finishing, but I'm back to working on it now....
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