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Potion Master

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  1. Here's the short descripts, to ease a little of the wait... Spirit Bottle A potion of courage and confidence, power and command - all the elements required to manage your pesky Djinn. Based upon the Hoodoo "Bend Over" potion; potent EOs and oils of Calamus Root, Katrifay, Vetiver, Anise, Frankincense and Honeysuckle are added to lush Indian and Arabian Attars and Musks, Saffron and Dahnul Oud. CALAMUS ROOT EO ~ Power and control. KATRIFAY EO ~ Fortifying, for aiding and restoring of physical strength. BERGAMOT EO ~ Relaxant, confidence builder. Uplifts emotions, protection, attracts riches. FRANKINCENSE ~ Spirituality and power, purification, consecration, protection, exorcism HONEYSUCKLE ~ Bonds of love, generosity; attracts money, prosperity, clairvoyance, healing, creativity, protection. RUH ZAFRAN (SAFFRON) ~ Love, beauty, happiness, lust. Purification, healing, clairvoyance. ANISE ~ Clairvoyance, protection, luck, cleansing, purification. VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty. Love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking. DAHNUL OUD (AGARWOOD) ~ Love, aphrodisiac, spirituality, health. Expels negative energies, brings alertness, relieves anxiety, invokes a sense of strength and peace and enhances cerebral functioning. Agarwood is highly psychoactive. It is used for a spiritual journey, enlightenment & clarity. INDIAN BLACK AMBER ~ Fertility, love, luck, riches. ARABIAN BLACK MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shen Tao Sweet enough for the gods themselves...a delicious peaches-and-cream blend made warm with floriental accents, abundantly powerful...just as the immortal peach granted longevity and good fortune to all who tasted it, PEACHES & PEACH BOSSOM ~ Love. Promotes fertility, happiness, and abundance. A symbol of marriage. Longevity, wishes granted. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy. BERGAMOT ~ Relaxant, confidence builder. Uplifts emotions, protection, attracts riches. DEWBERRY ~ Healing, money attraction, protection. JASMINE ~ Self confidence, anxiety reduction, prosperity; powerful love attractant, spiritual love. HYACINTH ~ Attracts love and luck; protection, playfulness, joy, relieves grief, eases childbirth. Dependability, constancy, friendship. SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism. PINK, WHITE & MUSCOVADO SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marigold & Amaranth An ode to immortal love, comprised of sweet green apples, daisy petals (he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me...), marigold and amaranth - for healing of grief and broken hearts, May Lily, orange blossom and orange blossom honey - for eternal love and marriage; sugar - for sweetness, love and wishes come true, and earth for renewal, reincarnation and life. MARIGOLD ~ Strengthening & comforting, prophetic dreams, divination, protection. A traditional gift for the expelling of grief, and for their gift of yearly rebirth. AMARANTH ~ Speeds healing, mends broken hearts, wisdom, protection, aids recovery from grief. GREEN APPLE ~ Immortality, love, healing, fertility, good luck , happiness, fortelling spells. APPLE BLOSSOM ~ Peace of mind, contentment, success, happiness, love attracting. MAY LILY ~ Purity, modesty. Wards away evil, protects, breaks hexes. A blessing for departed souls. ORANGE & BLOSSOMS ~ Strong 'magnet' to attract men; eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness, thoughtfulness, happiness, tribute. HONEY and SUGAR ~ for sweetness, love, and wishes come true. DAISY ~ Gentleness, innocence, loyalty and romance. Love, reunion, luck. EARTH ~ Grounding, centering, protection, renewal, reincarnation, life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prophetic Pie A delicious smelling concoction, designed to assist you in overcoming whatever ails ye...maybe before you even know what it is yourself. Ingredients to attract helpful spirits, build courage and confidence, attract love and prosperity, encourage physical well-being, and soothing of emotional burdens. * RHUBARB ~ Protection, fidelity, willpower. * PERSIMMON ~ Sex, sexual identity, healing, good fortune. * LEMON BLOSSOM ~ Energizing, uplifting. Longevity, faithfulness, fidelity, friendship. Used to attract spirits. * GINGER ~ Fiery and fortifying, induces passion. Intensifies love spells and success spells. Love, money, success, power. Ginger increases sensitivity in the erogenous zones. * PECAN ~ Money, employment. * BUTTER ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy. * BROWN SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing. * VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brother Brimstone - for Men A fun, sexy and ferocious interpretation of the old west bad guy, comprised of Hay, Firewood, Dirt, Kentucky Bourbon, Sage Brush, Leather, Mexican Spice, and smoky resins. Try paired with our Wanted Man pheromone formula!
  2. Lure of the Siren Ghost Bumps Elixir of Silver Love Potion: Sunfire Brother Brimstone All labels by Starlitegirl, with a little tweaking from moi. Names by me, Luna, Starlitegirl, and Naughty Jester. Potion ideas by me, John John, Naughty Jester, Ail, Catherine, Luna & Starlitegirl. Awesome stories by Luna...on the way!
  3. Spirit Bottle Shen Tao S'more than a Feeling Seven Tears Marigold & Amaranth Prophetic Pie
  4. Hi Sweets! If you want a signature waived for an express box under $100, just ask. (Over $100, we are required by PayPal to ask for the signature or we lose the sellers' insurance they provide.) As for special instructions to the mail carrier, I wrote your instructions on the envelope. Whether the mail carrier abides by the instructions is beyond our control, but you could leave a note for your mail carrier...either a letter with the bldg manager, or taped to the inside of your mailbox. You've probably already done this, but I did this when I used to live in a big apt complex. Left the carriers notes, and then everything was delivered to the manager's office, and she would call me when they arrived. The mail carriers preferred it to dragging them up the stairs anyway. I also always put OK TO TO LEAVE WITH BLDG MANAGER on the special instructions of all my orders. And on another subject, it looks like the post office now isn't counting Saturday when it comes to express packages. It's a 2 business day guarantee. xoxoxo Mara
  5. Yup, I'm baaaack. John and Luna and Starlitegirl helped a tun while I was gone, and we'll have everything up in a few days! Thanking thee all for patience!
  6. The formula that B2 is based upon was actually intended originally for gay men. It was supposed to be a non-competitive, social, male bonding formula, (it lacks the aggressive part of the alpha male signature), but we found that females respond amazingly to it. It makes women feel very relaxed and cuddly, (this version boosts the cuddly note), and seems to work really nicely to soothe PMS symptoms for many of us. I really haven't heard reports from ANYONE reacting negatively to this blend. It seems to work really well for men - gay or straight, and women - gay or straight. Give it a go....interested in your report! We also have G2 which was designed for gay women, and many of us who have tried it have found it truly to be a chick magnet for gaining female friends in the workplace and for inspiring in some women the desire to kiss the wearer on the lips! From reports I have received via email, it seems that many gay women are very attracted to our blends with copulins in them. If you wanted to try to feminize the B2 blend a little more, you could add copulins to it...??
  7. Sorry, I forgot!!! not be mad at da mawa!
  8. The Magnet & BAM scents are VERY light. They are 'barely there' light covers for the pheros. The OCCO scents are VERY concentrated, to cover a high dose of copulins.
  9. Halo, why don't you have your package yet??? Oh, ok, I just checked and it says "out for delivery", so hopefully you will have it today. Ummm, yes I did sneak a little bit of almond milk into this, as Halo originally envisioned. I thought it would meld nicely with the cocoa butter once I started brewing.
  10. Easier way....just go to this page: http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/Pheromone_Blends.html scroll down to: Add Pheromones to any Love Potion® Fragrance There's an option there to "Add EoW Copulins only", which adds only $5 to the price of the perfume. Then you fill in the name of the fragrance in the following section: Add this to the following fragrance: all in one step! Yeah, I think it would be fine for a boost, as long as you remember to give yourself the 10 minute dry-down time.
  11. Not sure why you would post this here, rather than on the site from which you received the product, but just want to make it clear: The product that Allie has posted does not/did not come from our website. We do not sell this product, ie., EoW in an alcohol base. We sell EoW Copulins in an oil base, under the name "Essence Oil", and it comes in a 1/3rd oz glass roller bottle with silicone roller cap, which will not degrade over time due to the acidity of the contents.
  12. Body Paint has a strong berry note that is absent from this blend. I added just a tiny touch of raspberry for tang.
  13. No, it's been shipped. But delivery confirmation only confirms delivery, it doesn't track it along the way. SOMETIMES machines track it at sorting stations, sometimes they don't, but the service is only for the beginning and end of the journey. Frustrating, I know!
  14. Ok, the way it works.....more info than you asked for, but here's the whole scoop for the benefit of all.... -------------------------------------- First Class mail is on us, (for USA & Canada, and subsidized by us for international orders). Paying for Priority Mail gets your stuff sent Priority Mail, but it doesn't move you up any earlier in the line. First come, first served. Express Mail gets you moved up to the front of the line, as a courtesy, because we understand you need it fast. BUT, it still might take us a couple of days to put your order together, depending upon what is in it. -------------------------------------- Any package weighing over 13 ounces automatically gets shipped Priority Mail, whether you pay for it or not. Any package worth over $100 requires a signature confirmation - (PayPal makes us do that.) All orders have delivery confirmation, which does not mean it's trackable along the way - just at the start and finish mostly. -------------------------------------- "Off the shelf" stuff goes quick, things I have to make special will take longer. Making multiple orders will slow down all of your orders. Your stuff will generally get pulled from the line and grouped with your other orders. We try to group them as best we can because multiple orders cost us considerably more money. First of all, we're paying for the shipping on each - plus boxes, wrapping, organza bags, etc. But also, we are paying a processing fee on each order made, and the smaller the order, the more that PayPal and our cart program charge us as a commission. For example, a $5 order will cost us a 10% commission, but a $150.00 order will cost us around 4-5%. That's why we BEG people to try to make fewer, larger orders, instead of multiple small ones in a short amount of time. All of the extra feebies we include with each order are quite expensive to produce in both employee time and in materials, so multiple small orders really hurt us. It eats up the funds that we use towards the freebies, boxes, organza bags, and postage. I think that's everything - feel free to ask any other Qs you might have. Mara
  15. Sorry about that perfumesniffer! John didn't realize there were two addresses for you in our system and just grabbed the first one. I've been trying to go through and delete old addresses when I have time. Sorry for the error, it won't happen again.
  16. Ok, story...sorry for the wait! This happened around 15 years ago. A friend of mine, we shall call her Lisa, had a mad crush on a guitar player in a local, but famous, band. (We live in Hollywood.) He was YUMMY. Long hair, insanely talented, fabulous guitarist, vocalist and songwriter, and of course always lots of swooning females around him, (we shall call him Tim). She told me all about her mad crush on him, and how she had been trying to get his attention for months. He was always polite, but really never gave her a second look. She was also around 8 years older than him. She was really frustrated and didn't know what else to do, and she was quite obsessed. She reeeeeallly wanted this guy. So she insists on dragging me to a local club one night to see him play and check out his lusciousness. But I say, wait, let me do something first....and I DOUSE her in Love Potion. The original blend. Take note: NO PHEROS. So we get to the club and the band is still setting up, Tim walks past on his way to the bar and Lisa makes a nervous little squeek that's barely recognizable as the words, "Hi Tim!" He only glances in her direction and responds, "Oh, hi Lisa." and continues past for a couple of steps, then stops DEAD in his tracks. Like in mid-step. He swivels his head around slowly to look at her, and I mean, ACTUALLY LOOK AT HER for the first time. Then walks back to her, puts his hand behind her head in her hair, and KISSES her. Without one frikken word, just grabbed her and kissed her. And then the makeout session started. They were all over each other with me just standing there in shock. (Which I'm sure didn't match how shocked SHE felt!) So anyway - I'm thinking, ok, my job here is done...and I silently back away...I don't even think I stayed to see the band. Lisa and Tim were together for nearly a decade after that. Instant couple. They eventually parted but are still friends. So anyway - THIS is what I created Love Potion perfume for. This is what I created the whole line for. The ingredients are carefully chosen due to how people are KNOWN to react to certain scents and combinations of scents. We've only been adding pheromones to the potions for around 3.5 years, but making magic with scent, I've been doing that for over 25 years. The effect of original LP, and the variants, seem to consistently produce this kind of effect. It can make a person see you as if for the first time, (Hey! I just realized, you're a GIRL! And you're HOT!), or it can give that one last shove to a person who is shy or reluctant in some way. The combo of ingredients seem to melt away inhibition. They also inspire oral fixation, (guys just feel like they can't keep their lips off of you when you wear it), and a sense of cozy comfort (this feels right, she feels like home). So my take on the matter is, choose a perfume/potion that will get you where you want to go, first. Then you can add whatever pheromone blend you like to help amplify the whole effect even higher. But first and foremost, the magic is in the potion. It's the scent that will grab his attention. It's the scent that will lure him closer. It's the scent that will make him want to inhale a deep breath of your beautiful smell, and then whammo, now he's just taken a deep breath of your pheros too. Happy hunting, Sweetie! Let us know how it goes!!!!!!
  17. I KNOW, me too! I love that video! And it taught me the words to the song finally!
  18. LOL! OMG, do I have a story for you.... It's 3:30 am for me now, so I will post it in the morning, Come visit again, k? xoxoxox M
  19. LOL! Cheers, Baby! And WELCOME! I wish you much enjoyment and success with our products, and invite you to speak freely. So...obliviousfox...are you a musician too?
  20. D'oh! Sorry, it looks like you a got a girl's sampy pack rather than a boy's sampy pack. I promise to do better next time! Oops. (I shall have to whip the house elves. ) And fyi - these oils can be used in an oil warmer or in the bath tub if you enjoy the scent but don't want to wear them in public.
  21. Tezza, you are PRICELESS! My BF is writing a Viking novel, so I gave this to him to wear for inspiration. The forum ladies designed this one last summer - they did a great job on picking the notes, yeah?
  22. "unholy drooldom" HAHAHAHAHAAAA I am glad you are enjoying it, Sweetheart!!!! YAY!
  23. Hi Jdolly! Glad you made it! They're not really the same AT ALL. The ingredients are in order of concentration. Leather is 50% EST, while BI only has a smidge in comparison. They really do come off much different. Blatant Invitation is perfectly named, in my opinion. That's the vibe it gives off - blatantly sexual. Leather is our Dominance blend, softened by half with Estratetraenol. It's still dominating but with the Est it's more girly. xoxoxox Mara
  24. Or, we could call you LIXX. I like that one. I often type LIX by accident anyway when I am typing your name and have to correct meself.
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