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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Notes: Free shipping in USA applies now to orders over $24.95 (and is $4.50 if under). Automatic discount without having to use a code if you spend more than $100. (Fill a sample cart to see how it works.) For Forum Freebies, for those of you who do reviews, you must enter what you want in the notes section at checkout, along with your screen name. You can get them with a min order of $24.95, and your spending limit is $10 each month in freebies. If you are trying to see how many of an item there are left, you have to put it into the cart at a high qty, and it shows you in the last checkout window, but we are splitting the stock pretty equally between the LOVE and LUV sites so if you double what you see on the LUV site, that's your answer too.
  2. THANK YOU! I appreciate that hugely, my friend! ❤️
  3. On the menu on the left side, there are direct links to the Etsy and LUV sites. I am just keeping the one calendar on the LUV site so Events leads there too. The rest of the stock is split up between the two sites, if you usee it on one site but not the other, just ask for an invoice and we will get it all into one cart for you. The LUV site only uses Etsy checkout, the new site only uses PayPal, and the store uses Square, so you have options.
  4. I have the Private Edition page turned off still. I am sorry, I simply don't have the time. I have to do taxes next, then move to a new location, there won't be time before the new year, I apologize. It will be there eventually! Oh, for the ones that are already made, we are going to do what we did previously, which is have those listed on Etsy since there are so few of them. So all the GGG, low stock and PEs are on the LUV site or on Etsy. I didn't want to bog down the new site with too many things that were almost sold out.
  5. Searching, sorting, wish list, automatic discounts... We couldn't get the cloud background on this version unfortunately, but as everything finally works, I do not care!
  6. go to.... www.lovepotionperfume.com Try out all the lovely functions. EVERYTHING WORKS! This is a BRAND NEW site that I built from scratch over the last month. Let me know what needs fixing if you find any errors, thank you! More info later.
  7. Great advice from Luna, and I would also add looking into his diet. There are some foods that make men's testosterone levels drop like a brick. Licorice and Soy based foods being two of the most extreme examples, and also some kinds of nuts. (There is debate about whether burning soy candles does the same thing as ingesting soy too btw). Likewise, there are foods that naturally boost testosterone. It would not hurt to do a little google research on the subject. I'm sorry you are going through this crisis and hope things work out for the best for you. Oh, also, anti-depressants and several other medications can effect this as well. Good luck!
  8. Last night I put them into the sale section of the pattern site and dropped the price. LuvPotionPerfume.com i am about a day away from launching the New new site Anything not on that will be on the pattern site. 😊
  9. I think you will enjoy it, Snoops, and get some Pippin Potion for the Bride too!
  10. Thank you for these awesome reviews, my friends! What I was trying to go for was a variant on The Sand Box. Do any of you feel that from it?
  11. It's comforting to sleep with a bit of your native soil, they say. Nyeheheheh.
  12. Thank you, Sweetie! I fixed it! ❤️ I am currently programming the brand new NEW site and going back and forth between every channel, so things are getting a big makeover all over. Perfect timing to let me know where there are errors. SEND ME ALL DA ERRORS! This is a good time, over the next week, to check the GGG section too, and see what's almost sold out. xoxox
  13. It doesn't remind you of 2007 at all? I was kinda going for 2007, but with an earthier feel, because I personally love to wear earthy notes. @luna65
  14. Ah, well that makes sense. That website is so damn buggy, we have never gotten the order alerts, and ONLY have paypal to go on. Yeah, please just email so we know it is done properly, I would hate for that to happen to you twice. CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com Thanks for letting me know!
  15. LOL, Snoops! A 500 page website is not simple regardless of the platform, I only wish it were that easy. I am glad you are happy with yours! :)
  16. I'm even optimistic this time. I really hated the last two attempts and allowed others to talk me into them. This newest format I am currently programming 24 hours per day actually WORKS for me, and I hope it will for you guys too.
  17. That's the plan. Spell Potions are great to start off a new year.
  18. @StrawberryKitten, sending an email and asking for an invoice works best when you have special requests. I think I recall this situation - it was actually a miscommunication the first time around, right? The boys are used to seeing the words FORUM FREEBIE when it's a reward for posting reviews. Just asking for samples will get the usual freebie package included for which there are no choices, it's random, and that's what they thought you were referring to that time. Sorry about that. It was fixed, though, right?
  19. This latest website has again been nothing but trouble and we are trashing it in favor of a new platform. I am very sorry to report this, the changeover will be quick, so if you have a wishlist you want to save or download, please do it now as we are swapping things over in the next few days. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
  20. I will have to try it a few more times myself to know. I will try it on Loki tonight, he has seasonal anxiety, lol, when it starts to get darker earlier he gets very upset. Poor little chicken.
  21. OMG, I forgot to report back! Thanks for reminding me, Snoops! It went extremely well!!! The couple I gave it to sprayed it on the cat bedding and lightly around on carpets and in the air and they said the hissing and fighting just abruptly STOPPED and they are getting along fine now! They said it worked like MAGIC! This is with the first formula, I have not fiddled with it yet.
  22. Please let me know if you find any mistakes, thank you! ❤️ Have fun!
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