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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. The New Releases are now up and orderable on the LUV site here: https://luvpotionperfume.com/shop/21642631/new-releases Thank you, Luna for the fabulous scribings! ❤️ (Midnight Rider is my favorite!)
  2. I did these in the manner of digital paper dolls, where you cut out every single thing separately and then mix and match different parts. I intentionally made the bits slightly the wrong scale to make everything look ultra creepy. lol. I hope they don't wig people out too much.
  3. The 'WEENIES have landed! The New Releases are now up and orderable on the LUV site here: https://luvpotionperfume.com/shop/21642631/new-releases 10:31 w/ Magnet Blud 2019 w/ Sexpionage Cloven Sand (unisex) Garland Latte Haunted Forest (Unisex) Honeyed Pumpkin Love Potion: Fall Equinox 2019 Midnight Rider OCCO: 'Weenie Pump w/ Eow Copulins Pearfection Pippin Potion Toys in the Attic (Unisex) Velvet Kisses w/ Cuddle Bunny Winter (Unisex)
  4. I tried it out last night on my own kitties, and Seven was definitely mad for it. She was glued to me all night long and doesn't usually sleep on me like that. However, just my own gut reaction, I feel like it's not quite balanced properly yet. I feel like it needs some DHEAS to round it out. Will add a few drops and try again.
  5. lol, yes the stinky feet smell! I gag every time I've tried to take a capsuled one myself and eventually gave up. I do have the loose herbs too though, will see if my kitties go for it. Loki certainly could use it. Vegan raised cats, omg. WTF is with people!? I think I will try to make an air aquarium - to see if fish actually need water.
  6. Thanks for the great input, you guys! Interesting to hear about B2.2 with the kitties, Snoops, my experience is similar. Halo, I went very light on the epi as that's how it works best, and a tad more of Est, but the main ingredient is still A-1. Beta Nol packs a punch so should behave like it's actually equal to or more than the Est in the blend. Thanks for the encouragement, Hedgehog, I may just wear this to our First Friday party myself tomorrow and see how it behaves with my chemistry. @Eastwood22, Lavender is highly toxic to cats and causes liver failure. I just looked up on PetMD though, that you can give your cat dried Valerian and it works similar to catnip only it conks them out afterwards. The pheros used in pet products are nursing mama cat or mama pooch pheros apparently, so at least my reasoning ended up being pretty right on using the more parental human pheros. We'll see how it goes. Will report back!
  7. Also, was planning on adding the scent of warm vanilla milk to this, because so many EOs are highly poisonous to pets, and also because mother's milk is said to be vaguely vanilla-like and is a soothing smell to just about every living creature.
  8. One of my shop kids is moving in with her boyfriend, so two households are combining into one, each with their own adult cat. The fireworks began last night, and they asked if I had anything to help, and of course I think that I do just with simply mixing Teddy BB and couple drops of cops. But then I got to thinking about how I would do it from scratch, because in my experience, the commercial pet phero blends really do not work very well. So I was thinking of something that might make all of them get along comfortably...be it people with 4 legs or 2. How does this sound to you? Androstadienone (alpha male at peace) Estratetraenol (nesty-ness and nurturing) Beta Nol (bonding, familiarity and trust) Epi-Rone (queen bee / gentle feminine alpha-ness) Cops (animals perceive the smell as "honesty", imo) This is the order of concentration as well. So if you are a budding phero scientist and want to weigh in on percentages, please do. I think I will have them try it this way first, and then see if adding a little DHEAS helps for camaraderie, and maybe a drop of Beta TH-Doc as well, if things need calming further. In what other situations might a blend like this be useful? I think without the cops, it could be good for leveling the playing field and dynamics of any new housemate or workmate situation. ?? What do you think?
  9. Yup, been working on brewing the NRs and oils for B&B and wax the past week. Still going, will happen soon! Thank you for asking!
  10. I would suggest Treasured Hearts or Balm Bomb for unwinding and relaxing. If you want a more energetic mood you can try Open Windows or Levitation.
  11. Occo Weenie Pump it is then. lol we should just do a set with the filthiest sounding names we can think of. Maybe for Next Valentine's
  12. Pumpkin OCCO Weenie!! Can I call it Pump it Up?
  13. You can ask for any trial size fragrance you see as available, including Ltd Eds or Permanents. You can NOT ask for anything UNscented, LAMs or BAMs, or any trials that are only available in Sets (such as PEs, or the Ltd Ed Summer OCCOs). Does this clear up the question?
  14. LOL, I am sorry to laugh, but Empathy Potion just has very few uses, doesn't it? It's so extreme. It was an interesting experiment, VERY interesting. But other than therapeutic situations where you want everyone to be honest, raw and real - what else can it be used for? Legal battles maybe? Does anyone have positive reports for varied situations? I can always make more, but it was discontinued for this reason. I am sorry it cost you weeks of tears. I hope you maybe feel cleansed at the end of it all? HUGS! @greenappletart
  15. Your mystery boxes are complete, should be on the way tomorrow!
  16. A gift PE I made for my god daughter Alexi when she was having a meltdown a couple months ago. It's just simple and comforting. She loves it. I had to work on it so fast I even reused an old label image. https://luvpotionperfume.com/listing/711510472/alexi-relaxi-pheromone-enhanced
  17. As long as they are stored in a cool dry place, they will last indefinitely. No leaving on windowsills or on bathroom surfaces, and heaven forbid, never leave in a car - storing in a dark drawer is perfect.
  18. Sorry about that Ivy, when the sites and message boards changed over we lost all of our old links to pictures. Tell me what you are looking for and I can post new pix of what we currently have. Thanks!
  19. Allumette comes back every few years in one form or another, it's very popular!
  20. Wow, it sounds like it worked exactly as intended! Woohooo! Sexpionage is perfect for men with low T, and Wanted Man for him might do a little good as well. I would also try using Sexology or Cuddle Bunny if you want to skip the wrestling portion of the evening sometimes. lol
  21. I tried to make the Lemon and Lavender ones as close to the B&B versions as I could. Creamy Almond is a whole new recipe not exactly like anything else, but yes, several will be familiar. When you add copulins to fragrance, it changes the character of the final scent so there are little tweakings throughout, even if I went similar to an older recipe...it's always gonna be a tad different. But if you liked the other, you should like the cop'd version too! I went conservative on the sweetness with the Mocha because people ran the whole gamut from bitter to very sweet in their answers, so it's in the middle. Even the Butterscotch did not turn out as syrupy as expected after the cops were added. Orange Droolious is medium sweet as well, by my standards. I don't think anything is actually ultra sweet. My personal faves are the Mocha, Raspberry, and Resinate, btw.
  22. Yes, we are still working out the kinks unfortunately. The world wide hack a few weeks ago knocked a lot of our work out and we are doing it over.
  23. If you'd like to see the notes, they are now posted here: https://luvpotionperfume.com/shop/21642631/new-releases They will be up on the new site within a day or two. A portion of all sales from this set will be donated to the following charities: ACLU NAACP Feeding America The Trevor Project Planned Parenthood The Human Rights Campaign Native American Rights Fund The Southern Poverty Law Center Natural Resources Defense Council The National Immigrant Justice Center A total of 10 charities for each of the 10 OCCO varieties. As such, we are giving you the option to join us and add $1 to the price of your bottle if you wish. When you see this option, "***+ Donate" it means you are opting to add a dollar per bottle (or bottle's worth of perfume) for charity. Additionally there will be a separate Auction running concurrent with the sale to benefit the charity, RAICES. Thank you for joining us in donating!
  24. If you want sale credit for them you have to wait a couple of days and ask for an invoice as part of your sale order. I am putting them in the cart tonight in prep for that so they will be orderable by morning, but pre-sales will not count towards THE SALE. By the way, I am adding them to the TEMP site first, and Etsy, and then Jennifer is adding them a day later to the new site.
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