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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Dr. Stone told me that EoW was pretty much the equivalent of strong vinegar. It is acidic in the same way - thus the irritation for some I guess.
  2. I asked Dr. Stone of Stone Labs (creator of Essence of Woman), and he had this to say: Re pheromones and pregnancy: While there is no research to indicate any problem, I - like you - usually recommend discretion with regard to use of ANYTHING during pregnancy, though most women have issues with olfactory responses during pregnancy anyway and seldom WANT to smell anything - fragrance, pheromones, etc - over a very limited threshold. I would definitely recommend she refrain from using anything with the EW and most importantly Oxytocin (though we don't sell products containing this, I'm just mentioning it as general info; "Liquid Trust" is an Oxytocin-based product, as I'm sure you're aware) - as this is a hormone commonly used along with Pitosin to induce labor in pregnant women - definitely NOT the stuff you want to be using while pregnant! This is pretty much what I expected to hear, and adding my 2 cents, we generally advise expectant mothers not to use fragrances of any kind. I wouldn't go nuts trying to eliminate fragrances from every product you use, but aside from becoming ultra-sensitive to scents, one has to keep in mind that anything you expose yourself to is greatly amplified to your unborn babe. Something as innocent-seeming as peppermint or licorice can raise one's blood pressure and stress the baby. All this aside, I think it's a pretty well-accepted fact at this point, that the emotional state of the mother is mirrored in the baby. A happy mother produces a happy baby. And the endorphins of happiness even bolster immunity. So if a few indulgences help make you happy, tis just fine. My own grandmother told me that her ritual was to have half a beer, a chunk of pepperoni, and one cigarette every day through her pregnancy, and even while my father was suckling at her breast. Can you imagine? Smoking while breast feeding? LOL! Well, there seems to have been no ill effects from it, and she claims that it kept her relaxed and happy, so there. I guess the key is to be moderate in everything, and all will be well.
  3. Hey, doesn't that mean you'll have to stay away from Pheromone products for at least the next year? Do you want to change/cancel your pending order? xoxoxox :c38-0022:
  4. we still have a few bottles of phero girl 2, but yes, there's a couple of ingredients on order, and when they've arrived we can complete PG 3. Betrothal III is ready and it smells PERFECT!
  5. Just brewed up a new batch of Merlin for Men! Going to work on Betrothal III next....
  7. I DID adjust the Cougar. I mixed both grapefruits, and I tried to make it a little darker by adding more of the darker ambers as well as the lighter, and it still might darken after standing a few days, but it seems to have a mind of its own. As of this moment, it smells pretty much identical the first. For the Cuddle Bunny, I decided to use Ail's original phero recipe of Est and Cops just like I did in the first blend, rather than the Pharmacom blend. I used concentrated Est from Pharmacom, and EoW copulins in oil that Dr. Stone made for us.
  8. Joke: What's the worst part about dating a Cougar? / / / / / / / / / / / / / When you slap her ass, the lights keep going on and off.
  9. Liz, Darling... The scent of our Essence Oil EoW is exactly the same as what you tried...maybe not as LOUD, lays closer to the skin. But truly, I don't think this is for you at this time. I'm having a good time blending Ewww into perfumes because I'm treating the smell of it like a perfume note, and blending it with complimentary ingredients accordingly. You might have better success if you stick with our finished blends with EoW Copulins in them. Try the Synchronicity instead, you'll like that one! As far as Fortune Cookie, the Almond note is well blended and not dominant at all. It's there as a supportive prescence and for magical and thematic purpose, but this is not an ALMOND perfume. It's more crunchy sugar cookie, tea and bamboo. As far as the surprises...ahhhhh...there's some pretty significant prizes in those cookies. heh. It's a lottery of free stuff!
  10. Thank you, Chai. And thank you, ladies. I treasure this sentiment above all others. xoxoxoxox! Just popped in to say that everything is UP on our site now! Order pages, the perfumerie and the individual perfumerie pages, front page, etc. Thanks for being so patient! I've spotted one or two typos I'll need to fix...please let me know if you spot any errors too.
  11. I believe so. The way that our supplier likes to make the products is at maximum efficacy. It's quite logical. They craft them to be the best results for the dollar. I think we talked about this elsewhere on the boards, they explained to me how you reach a certain point and the returns are not as great. So if '150 mcg per spray' is what gives the best results, you may add 20% more pheros, but only get 2% more results, so you're wasting money if you make them stronger than that. Likewise, if you make them weaker.
  12. I'm just working out the conversion because people keep asking this per spray question. So here it is... The company selling 1 oz (30 ml) as 50 mcg per spray, they go on to say that there's 200 sprays per bottle. so that's 10,000 mcg total, which equals 10 mg per 30 ml bottle. What we are selling is 3x that strength - 30 mg per 30 ml bottle. 30,000 mcg total. Following their 'per spray' sales pitch of 200 sprays per bottle, ours would be 150 mcg per spray.
  13. I got an answer to this question from Dr. Stone of Stone Labs. He said that they test to 3 years, and find no detectable change or breaking down of molecules. He couldn't tell me if or when they do, only that at 3 years, they are still 'fresh'.
  14. Unless one is using a medically measured spray, this is nonsense. It's just a sales pitch. The strength of EST we have is 1000 parts per million. 200 mg per 200 ml. It's strong. If you compare what you get from each company, I think you'll be able to smell the difference in concentration right away.
  15. Only the monthly sets. The individual order pages are not ready to be uploaded yet. But we be speeding along..........
  16. Well, you just sold me! I am having the most stressful day...just put Chakra Balancing Potion on my temples, and Raven's blend on my chest, and ahhhhh....I'm starting to feel better already.
  17. You'll have to experiment! It's EXACTLY the same strength as what you are used to buying. The smell is the same, only the base has changed. We anticipate that the differences will be, that the scent will lie closer to the skin - it will not diffuse in the air so much without the prescence of alcohol - and the scent may linger longer in the end. We think it may not be as harsh on initial application, because there will be less of it in the air. Please, everyone, report your experiences with it!
  18. They should be up in the store within around 2 days, and the orders processed and ready to ship around the start of next week. Monday or Tuesday. Thanks for all the kind words! Me = Happy!
  19. Ok, scents? Turkish Delight ~ We've combined the flavors of this delectable candy, (Rose, Lemon and Mint), with the deep resiny Attars of the Turkish Dancers. Ail came up with this suggestion around 6 months ago; we combined her tasty idea with a touch of mystery and the exotic. Beltane ~ Fruit, Blossoms, Incense and Smoke - for perfume and ritual use; for growth, fertility, sex and blessings. Danna's personal recipe that she makes for herself every year, released to the public for the first time because May talked us into it! Anti-Piggy ~ The recipe for this one was given to me by a Canadian Massage and Aroma Therapist. It consists of a specific combination of fruits and spearmint which is fabled to work as an appetite suppressant. Now, we're certainly not allowed to sell it as such - we're selling it as a lovely little perfume, but I'll be very curious to hear if it has an appetite suppressing effect on any of us! Raven and Dolly each had a hand in this one coming together. Fortune Cookie ~ The scent of crispy cookies, Chinese Teas and a drop of Almond! (Good guessing, girls!) Full-sized bottles will be accompanied by a REAL Fortune Cookie! We had them freshly baked just for us, with our own special surprises for you inside! Turn On ~ I wanted to do a real traditional 60's Hippie scent. A nostalgic trip back to the days of tie-dyed bell bottoms and vinyl records, lava lamps, enormous 'fros, and free love. People make fun of the 'dirty hippie' smell, but phooey, I actually always liked those rich incensey oils and wanted to make a really quality version that would act like a time machine for your mind. Night of the Fae ~ The result of a night of Fae magic: the wee ones dancing upon unopened flowers, crisp leafy stalks and yet to ripen fruits; watery with fresh morning dew. UN for Men ~ An un-phero-ed variant of our SUPER for Men. This version is a bit more brisk and fresh, with the addition of Lavender and a tad less sweetness; with pipe tobacco, woody notes, and maple. An undeniably MALE scent, somewhat reminiscent of the scent of a barber shop of old. I'm certain that many of you gals will find it irrisistable to wear yourselves, and without those super-sexual-dominant male pheros you can, without fear of getting grouchy. --- I named it UN due to the removal of the pheros, UN-Super-ing it, so to speak, but also because UN is the masculine form of the number ONE in French, (UNE being the feminine). --- Stumbling across the artwork was a dream. The artist who revamped this piece of classical artwork (he prefers to be credited simply as CODA) titled it "A DAY OFF", and I just thought it was too perfect to pass up. A beautiful scent one can wear just because you love it, even if you're not in the mood to be "SUPER" that day. Synchronicity ~ Our lone, scented pheromone-enhanced offering for this month. This one contains the "Drop Your Guard" pheromone formula, in a comforting, companionable fragrance that both women and men can wear and enjoy. A warm, resiny musk with a hint of vanilla and an inviting tease of intrigue. Southern Gothic™ 2008 ~ YAY! Our Southern Belle is back for Spring! This is Danna's flagship blend that she brought along with her from her own company, "Southern Gothic Magickal Scents™" when she and I joined forces a few years back. Each year, she tweaks the balance of ingredients a little for a unique experience, but the flowers in the bouquet remains constant - rich Southern florals that can't help but bring to mind the thickly humid Southern heat - swinging on a wooden porch in Georgia surrounded by fragrant blossoms, a fan in one hand, a mint julep in the other... MIASMA ~ So, no one took up the challenge to look up this story on the other thread, but it's nothing short of fascinating and I heartily encourage you to do so on Wikipedia if you have any interest in religious history. A somewhat circuitous tale perhaps, to get to this title, this label, and this scent, but it all makes sense, and I think Pythoness is with me as well, as we developed the idea for this in tandem. --- MIASMA is an ode to the "Dark Queen" Catherine de Medici of France, circa mid 1500's. Her tale is at times heartbreaking, as she was no doubt sorely abused and reviled without good reason, and accused of witchcraft unfairly, but later became ruthless and embittered, perhaps latently earning her mantle of The Dark Queen. --- One of her many alleged crimes is that of poisoner, and this perfume, based around Lily of the Valley, is comprised of poisonous florals such as this, that would have been easily within her reach at the time. The Lily is a symbol of France, as is the Fleur De Lys logo - a symbol of both the flower and the country. --- The word MIASMA comes from one of the most horrifying events in (religious) history, that of the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre. By the time the riot and fervor were over, the French Catholics had murdered 10,000 Protestants, and no doubt, retroactively disgusted, blamed Catherine de Medici as instigator, claiming that the witch released a *miasma* into the air (an air-borne spell/poison/disease) that was responsible for their actions. Whew! But don't let that put you off! LOL! The scent of this perfume is GORGEOUS, albeit with a très foncé (very dark) inspiration! Spanish Gold ~ Board member *May* painted such a longingly beautiful image of her love of Spain, that I instantly became obsessed with her idea for a potion entitled "Spanish Gold". I have spent the past 6 months hunting down ingredients as she described to make this perfume. Now, keep in mind, neither Danna nor I have ever been there, and we have no idea what the air actually smells like, so authentic it shant be, but what we've done is taken all of the elements present in May's memory, and made a beautiful perfume out of them. Olives, Stephanotis flowers, Hibiscus, Rosemary and other herbs and spices, Citrus and more... --- So, why no real label picture? Because the label is CLEAR. The better to view the hypnotic flakes of pure 24 karat, edible quality, GOLD floating within the full-sized bottles! May's original post is here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...hl=spanish+gold
  20. LOL! THANK YOU, VIVICA! You're right, my mistake! I'll be fixing that!
  21. Oooh, I'm such a dumdumhead! I can't believe I forgot to post these. Yeah, both Estatetreanol and Alpha-Androstenol will be available this month in 1 ounce spray bottles, in an alcohol base.
  22. And the rest.... Unscented Pheros.... A note about Spanish Gold..this is NOT the label. The actual look of the item is not reproducable on my equipment. Hmmmmm.....why would that be, I wonder?
  23. It took me three days to hunt down the original! The artist who 'updated' it couldn't remember the source he used! Here it is: http://www.artsforge.com/gallery_new/electric/youngman.html I have yet to get the info on how the new artist wants to be credited, as he posted it under a screen name. So I'm holding off on that until I hear from him again.
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