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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Oh, you guys - don't feel bad or anything. It's really the multiple $5 and $10 dollar orders that we're trying to discourage. Some people order like that several times per day or over a two or three day period. PayPal takes such a huge bite out of those little sales that it eats up what we've allotted for boxes, baggies, free shipping, free samples, tissue paper and organza pouches!
  2. Yes, it was a good suggestion. Though I have to say, it's been 7 hours since I applied Angel of Spring, and I still smell it on BOTH hands. It's a close to the skin kind of scent I think, but it's lasting a long time.
  3. Yes, I'll make that available, as we had to order a HUGE supply of it. We got a very high quality 100% pure variety. (Most of the others we found have a percentage of other filler). I'm experimenting now to see how it works for elongating this scent - one on each hand. It is a delicate scent. It's not that it's weak, it's that the ingredients are light to start with. What I'm noticing right off, is that the scent is truer to that of the bottle using the D5 (or CPS) as a base. I just made Danna smell each hand (not telling her why) and she said the D5 hand smelled stronger. On the hand without the D5 - the scent is changing, and quickly, according to my body chemistry, but the D5 hand is staying stronger and true.
  4. No. Hey, last month's have only been out for 2 weeks, fercryinoutloud! Anyway, we TRY to get them out around the 15th of each month, but we are often at the mercy of our suppliers so if they ship late, we get delayed. We are awaiting supplies from two suppliers this month - both of them being sluggish! But if yer antsy, go on over to the SPECIALS FOR FORUM MEMBERS folder. I'll be posting an impromptu sale there in just a little while.
  5. Welcome Artemisia! The Cougar phero additive would go nicely with any of our green scents, as it has a light musky scent. Here's a few I can think of, perhaps others might have a suggestion if I forget something... Musky Dusky Fresh Cut Greenery - Very watery and fresh green-ness Love Potion: GREEN - Sweet vanilla, fresh cut stems and musk Communication Potion - Airy, aquatic green-ness - smells like clouds Portunus - watery again, but with a hint of sweetness from the Benzoin Sweet Revenge - lovely sweet grassiness Curious Experiments of Konrad Dipple - sharp grassiness, like freshly cut lawn...we made this for men, but a lot of women enjoy wearing it Heartland - a drier, wheatier grassiness, like hay and sunshine And we've got a new one coming out this month, as per Scourger's idea FROG!, a watery green and wet earth scent.
  6. Yup, we're the 'crack' of the perfume world, alright. heh.
  7. Welcome Vivica! Welcome Neve! Where've you been? You're late! We've been saving a spot for each of you!
  8. No worries, we do. Sugared Honeycomb is one of our most popular blends.
  9. You're ultimately right of course, but the appeal was that they were the FIRST, and the images they released inspired us to IMAGINE the story behind them. They released lots of beautiful quality hard-cover affordable, blank journals with pictures on every page - I loved those. Today, it just looks like stupid rootless, commercialism. And it IS in the case of the imitators, such as that idiotic faux-Goth rip-off of Lenore that is in every mall store..is it named Emily? Yilch.
  10. LOL! My favorite was Little Twin Stars. I bought tons of blank journals with them on it to write songs in. I can't find them anymore tho!
  11. :) :) Awww, it sounds like fun! I wish we could! Thank you! And check this out...we got an email from Gourmet.com (Gourmet Magazine's online zine) asking for a sample for review! Weeeeee!
  12. Cindy from Magical Omaha just sent me this cute note... Just a funny aside- I put on a dab of the Cougar Potion and Charlie and I went to the grocery store. Honest to God, the cashier asked me my age on the wine I was buying. I look my age, okay I am 44 and look 40 I had to laugh.
  13. Welcome Newbies! So happy to see you here! Hey Scorch, May is in the UK, perhaps she will swap with you! And of course, we sell samples here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/store/Sample_Sizes.html and active forum members get to choose two free samples per month. Look here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=123
  14. Potion Master

    Nasty Habits

    Awwww, there is nothin' like a man that'll sing for you! ::sigh::
  15. Or the real deal - from Marcy's site... She's got recipes posted for Mango Apricot Green Tea Hamantaschen and Mixed Field Berry Hamantashen! http://betterbaking.com/main.php
  16. Somebody asked me this via email again, thought I'd mentioned it on the boards but if not, I shall do so again. There is three times more EoW in Dominance than in the original Phero Girl. The scent is so STRONG that it covers the EoW quite well, but there's a LOT in the there. I'm planning on rebrewing the original PG again, and will add more to that next time as well. I may have been a little conservative with it the first time around because the stinkyness scared me.
  17. What beautiful pictures! Ooooh, I LOVE that library! Well, our new neighborhood is not as exciting as Venice, but I do enjoy driving past the WB lot every day. This is the big cartoon mural on the side of one of the main buildings, (Hi Superman!) and the famous water tower (where the Animaniacs live!). On the front by the main entrance, they still display hand painted murals that change monthly of their hottest tv shows and upcoming big films.
  18. Good thinking May, I see that I neglected to put that on the perfumerie page and will rectify that right away. This does not contain real grapefruit oil, however, artificial citrus can *act* like real citrus on the skin never the less. Citrus is known to cause hyper sensitivity to light, called photosensitivity. If worn on bare skin in direct sunlight, it can amplify the effects of the sun and burn (or bleach) your skin, and quite quickly. So - no wearing Cougar in your bikini. (You're not really supposed to wear any perfume when sunning yourself anyway.) If you dilute it in a spray bottle and spray it on your outer clothes, or wear it under your clothes, you'll be fine.
  19. Potion Master

    Raqs Sharqi

    Ooooh, Jonathon Earl Bowser is AMAZING! Thanks for sharing his link. I'd never heard of him before. His work is gorgeous!!!!!!!!! You actually don't have to do a thing, Darbla - I will automatically include the bottle in your next order. Thanks for the wonderful idea! You always come up with good ones. Keep it up!
  20. Yeah, I think this is my latest favorite. It gives me little "I'm in Love" butterflies when I smell it.
  21. Potion Master

    Raqs Sharqi

    DARBLA! You're getting one for free since it was YOUR IDEA! Did you see your credit on the perfumerie page? http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfume-Sharqi.html BTW, love your new avatar! Who's the artist?
  22. Potion Master

    Raqs Sharqi

    Since several of you are saying this is coming off light on you, and it is coming off light on me too (of course on Danna, it's overpowering) I am going to amp this one up a bit. I think the dilution mellowed it more than I expected over the weeks that it matured. I'm going to double up the recipe without adding any further dilution, so anything ordered from here on should be quite a bit stronger, ok?
  23. Not a single ingredient in common! However, they both have some 'foody' elements, so perhaps she likes more traditional perfume-y notes.
  24. Yeesh, I posted a looong explanation about pink grapefruit on the description page for Cougar. It was an ESSENTIAL ingredient for the magic behind the potion. I'm finding that the citrus note lasts for different amounts of time on the skin depending on one's chemistry. My personal chemistry burns up the citrus notes pretty fast, leaving me with the cloudy, musky, sugary vibe beneath the citrus for the majority of the perfume's life on my skin. On Danna, it's kinda the opposite. Her dry/blonde profile makes fruits last forever, but the 'lower' notes do not seem to take hold as much as they do with me. For me, the fruits are a lovely ethereal teasing note that burns off and leaves a sexual, sensual, trail of syrupy resiny sex in its wake.
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