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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Ahem, we are calling it Anti-Piggy! :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: LOL! Will explain more later when I post the rest of them. Until then, feel free to speculate away!
  2. LOL! Good work, Katz! You are very close on most! :Sigh: Isn't that (UN) the most breathtaking artwork?
  3. The story thus far..... Speculation, based on artwork? 4 more new fragrances to come (11 total), plus 3 new unscented phero blends, and several re-brews. YAY!
  4. It's the stinky stuff, Kat. C'mon everyone - warn her how stinky it is!!! Don't want her as shocked as Liz was when she got her bottle! LOL!
  5. You have to buy a 1/3 fl.oz. perfume to have it added to. If you have more than scent in your shopping cart, please use the note section to let us know which one it should be added to.
  6. Thanks, Dolly! I think he's talking about using it with the UN-phero-ed Super variant that we are releasing this week. Aye? Which, by the way...heheheheh...I got the artwork I wanted. Oh, it's breathtaking! I'm so happy!
  7. Sure! Go to this page: http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/Pheromone_Blends.html The option is about half-way down the page. Look for this picture, and you'll see the options in a drop-down menu next to it.
  8. The concentration in the unscented bottles of pheros is a little stronger than what we blend into the ready-to-go perfumes. This concentration is equal to our option of buying a phero additive for a scent of your choice. 1ml of pure phero concentrate is added to 9ml of either perfume or unscented dilute. In the ready-to-go varieties, we use about 80-90% of that strength. So technically, if you were trying to equal the effect you get in the SUPER for Men fragrance, you would need a tiny bit less of the unscented variety. (Remember to shake those unscented bottles gently before you apply.) Dolly, could you expound on 'dosage' application, please? Thanks, luv!
  9. If you order the UNscented SS4M, you can just (shake first) then roll on your skin, then apply anything you want along with it. It's diluted and skin safe, ready to roll. If you want to add the concentrate to other fragrances, we do that for you. Pick a fragrance, and we'll add 1ml of the pure, undiluted concentrated phero formula to 9mls of concentrated fragrance, for a total of 10mls in a roll-on bottle. Does that help? P.S. Just so everyone knows, we specifically commissioned this concentration from both of the labs we are buying from. A 1/10 ratio of pheros to perfume, just to make it easiest for us and everyone else to mix the stuff properly at the maximum level of phero effectiveness.
  10. OMG - I just found the most breathtaking picture I would love to use for the label of the un-phero-ed SUPER variety. I wrote a note to the artist - I HOPE HE WRITES BACK! :sigh:
  11. I think the Pharmacom method of pheromone blending is very effective and clever actually. They've devised a mathmatical grid, assigning values to each of the pheros and their purposes. So whenever I ask them to make something new for us from scratch, it's all a mathmatical equation, a logical way to put blends together no matter what I throw at them. And I too have noticed the concentration of their blends. I have certain ingredients that I've gotten from 3 different sources. Same phero, 3 sources, and Pharmacom's stuff always smells the most concentrated.
  12. Yes, it has to be listed in order of content by law.
  13. I actually have Ail on the phone right now and she's dictating the difference for me: E-none is the one that makes girls bitchy, and is naturally present in men's sweat. Women produce only a tiny amount naturally. The pheromone is used mostly for men. A-none is a fairly newly discovered pheromone and it is not gender specific. Known to effect both genders, it's for bringing people closer, like a rapport - not a serious bonding thing, but to make people want to move closer to you.
  14. Revision: I AM a car person for THIS car: CLICK HERE
  15. So, the scent reminds you of an Austin Healy? (Not a car person, sorry.) Kinda makes me just want to call it by the initials: Aahhhhhhhh.......
  16. LOL! Cool, thanks for sharing! That was great. I hope he gets a lot of enjoyment out of it! Hey Michael, I'm going to release the non-phero variant this month. No idea what to call it tho, any suggestions? The scent is driving me out of my mind here as I am working on it. Grrr, it's sooooo fabulous!!!!!!!!!! (Now I need a cold shower)
  17. We've got pure EST, in an alcohol base from Pharmacom, dispensed via a spray bottle. However, we have not taken delivery of the spray bottles yet, so they're not yet ready to sell. Hopefully our bottles will arrive by next week. It will sell for $74.95 for a one ounce spray. UNscented Cougar Potion will not change. The UNscented Cuddle Bunny formula has been made a little more complex than we were able to do by ourselves. Yes, it has a lot of EST!
  18. When we commission Pharmacom to make the phero blends for us, I consider them "professional" blends, because the alternative is that we are blending the different pheros together here ourselves, and we have little experience with that. When Pharmacom does them, they use more varied phero ingredients and in a more precise manner than we are capable of, they are not necessarily stonger, but more precise. The Cougar formula was devised by them originally. We can continue to get that unscented phero blend no problem. We are building a permanent library of unscented phero blends that we can offer indefinitely, and may be added to any perfume in our library of your choice. The scented varities will continue to come and go. Cuddle Bunny was a phero blend that we mixed here ourselves that was conceived by our friend, Ail. Pharmacom has now crafted the blend for us so that we do not have to mix it from scratch here ourselves any more. The same goes with the phero blend we used in PG Dominance. Ail came up with the recipe, and now Pharmacom is going to provide us with a professionally blended version that we can continue to offer.
  19. What a beautiful review, Pythoness. Thank you for your lovely words!
  20. Well, it appears so, and I'm so sorry to hear that. You shouldn't have to layer it with anything, it's a finshed perfume and should stand on its own. Sorry that it doesn't work for you, perhaps there is someone about who would like to swap with you for something that might suit you better. Sheesh, on me, it smells like raw gooey cake batter!
  21. Welcome, Stutefish! Thanks for joining us here! Did you receive the scented version of SUPER for Women? (Blue S logo label?) Or the UNscented version containing just the SUPER SEXY Pheromone Blend? (Plain white label.) To me, the UNscented pheros smell like what you described, but I cannot imagine the scented versions ever being described as such, as they are constructed of concentrated perfume oils, the scent of which is impossible to miss. If it's not obvious by the labelling which product you received, it would be much appreciated if you would scan the product in your possession and either post here or email it to me, and perhaps we can better assess what you have in hand. Again - welcome and thanks for joining us! ~ Mara Our email address: TimesSquareProductions@yahoo.com
  22. Oh, Chai! Katz is spot on. Danna was teasing you!
  23. Hey Michael, so glad to have you here, welcome! I will have Merlin's Blend back in stock in about a week. I am awaiting delivery of a few ingredients and then it will be available again. Sorry to make you wait! Thanks for the kind words, all! I too, think this blend is ultra dreamy. I was just working on a non-phero variant, with a touch of lavender EO, making it a tad brisker and somewhat classic-barbershop-like - mixes beautifully with the pipe tobacco notes. Very manly. Of course, one can always order additional pheros for it, but I was thinking to share this treat with our non-phero users too.
  24. I put some on my pillow, and dreamed that I was a 6 foot tall man in an action movie shoot-em-up, battling ninjas and ducking gunfire. Ahem.
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