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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. It takes longer than an afternoon. They should be fine.
  2. Open Windows is the best choice. Very easy to wear for anyone, likable and upbeat. A good confidence builder! Good luck to her!
  3. Right, around 10 drops of cops and 7 drops of Aja per bottle.
  4. I have read most of Michael Connelly's books too! He's so consistently excellent, it's so impressive. And thanks for that cute stuff at the end there. ❤️ Stacy! You did not! Go read what you wrote again, and what I replied. You may have thought it, but you didn't post it.
  5. Ding ding ding! WINNER!!! A $5 credit for you too! Such smarty pants we have around here. ❤️
  6. !!!!!!!! Lol you got it!!! $5 store credit for you!!! Mention to John next time you order! Clever girl.
  7. Explain it to everyone and I'll give you a $5 store credit! There's one more hidden joke in these....anyone? And I just want to say right now, I did not know it had a second meaning in slang until this afternoon. lol. Iris root is like a really deep rich woody violet smell. It takes I think 2 years to produce and cure. Amyris smells kind of like a decomposing evergreen forest. Marie picked some interesting left field notes to add and it gives these an unusual and particularly "French" quality.
  8. The numbers are mostly to help people identify which perfume is which if you can't pronounce the name. We were also trying to make fun of how corporations name perfumes, which is either usually the name of a tailor or a number or both, or a really basic word. We tried but didn't succeed there. It still sounds like us even when we are playing at being French perfumers. The perfuming approach is indeed different though for most of them, I promise you that. Marie has a different style than I do. And there is one or two 'jokes' still undiscovered in all this, I know someone will get it soon. Awwww. That's a great Robin story. ❤️ I thought you were going to say they heard him doing their shtick on the radio!
  9. I like Gene Hackman too, but never made it through that movie. I'd rather watch him play Lex Luthor, he was so cute and funny. He was the first star I "met" on my very first day I moved to Hollywood. He stopped to let me cross the street which was a shockingly new thing for me coming from NYC, so he had to encourage me to cross the street and we laughed. The very next day, at the same time at the exact same corner, he stopped for me to cross again. He recognized me from the day before and we laughed again at the coincidence. He must have been filming in the area or something.
  10. It is not a "man perfume", I made it for women and I think some men will enjoy it too.
  11. I also want to mention that I went through the cart inventory and moved 20+ listings to the GGG area...some of which were very surprisingly low, and some we didn't know we had, many down to 1 or 2 bottles or trials only. So please check that section out too so you don't miss a departing favorite! https://luvpotionperfume.com/shop/16172894/going-going-gone?page=1
  12. Aqua Menthe is also unisex. To me on the masculine end of unisex, tho it is Jennifer's fave for the month on herself, so go fig!
  13. THEY ARE NOW UP AND ORDERABLE! Here's the link: https://luvpotionperfume.com/shop/21642631/new-releases I want to thank my cousin Marie Reynard for flying out from Paris to help us with new releases this month. And the AMAZING Luna for the beautiful descriptions and assisting Marie with some perfume titles as well. And also the wonderful Jennifer for her lovely lovely labels, and titles as well. For those of you with rusty French, lol, here's what we were going for with the titles: Parfum #1: Force du Poivre A peppered floral, the name roughly translates to Pepper Power. Parfum #2: Chant du Lac An earthy watery melon scent, Jennifer came up with the lovely name of Lake Song. Parfum #3: Toujours Belle The scent is a sexy amber fig, the title means Forever Beautiful. Parfum #4: Velours Frais A spiced carnation scent, the name means Fresh Velvet, named by Jennifer. Parfum #5: Aqua Menthe A rainy minty scent, the title means Water Mint. Parfum #6: Enivrant Pineapple teak gorgeousness - the name means Exhilarating, named by Jennifer. Parfum #7: Blossom Almondine Sensual Almond and Ylang scent, English title. Parfum #8: L'Ete du Fleurs Summer of Flowers is the perfect name for this gorgeous Honeysuckle Coconut scent, named by Luna. Parfum #9: Coquin Luna came up with this name, meaning Rascal or Rascally, perfect for this playful fruity green sexy scent. Parfum #10 Bonflower We made up this word, from Bonfire and Flower. We played with the idea of calling it Bon Fleur, meaning Good Flower, to get the look of bonfire if not the meaning, but in the end we decided on our invented word. Hope you have fun with these, dear ones!
  14. Allo! Bonjour! Je m'appelle Marie Reynard and I just arrived from la Ville des Lumières - Paris, France! Greetings to all the lovely patrons of my dear cousin! I have come to visit her darling American shoppe and experiment with all her perfumery ingredients, c’est magnifique! I hope you will enjoy my scented conjurings, performed with parisienne sophistication but also all the love and magic which only the enchantresses of our line can embody...it runs in the family, ma cheres! #1: Force du Poive #2: Chant du Lac #3: Toujours Belle #4: Velours Frais #5: Aqua Menthe w/ Hedione #6: Enivrant #7: Blossom Almondine #8: L'Ete du Fleurs w/ Popularity Potion #9: Coquin - w/ Copulins & AJA #10: Bonflower - w/ La Femme Mystere COLOGNE SPRAY w/ 500 mcg of pheros per bottle Check out our GORGEOUS Limited Edition Perfumes for Summer 2019 - The French Collection! These are extremely limited in number and made with extraordinarily rare and expensive ingredients. If you find one you love, grab it quick, they will sell out fast!
  15. The closest thing in perfume would be Goddess of the Blue Moon, in its latest incarnation.
  16. We named or re-named some of the B&B with local places to make it fun for the neighbors here. I THINK this one we alternately called Water Lily & Lotus, if I remember correctly...this is likely the ingredients: Waterlily, Bamboo, Lotus, Lily, Lettuce, Black Orchid.
  17. PayPal sent this out yesterday: We’re changing how we treat refunds. If you refund (partially or fully) a transaction to a buyer, the fees you originally paid as the seller will not be returned to you. In the past, they took a transaction fee but not the entire percentage of the order. So please take note of this. If someone makes an order with us and then asks for a refund because they messed up the order and want to start over again, we cannot give them back the entire amount because we won't have it anymore. It will be a refund minus the fees that PayPal is subtracting. To avoid this, if you are unsure how to place your order, PLEASE EMAIL FOR AN INVOICE. Our email address is: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com Thanks for reading!
  18. This is one of our hottest scents, both online and in the shop, so I have decided to make it semi-permanent. Meaning, I will make it whenever I have the ingredients and try to keep it in stock. I just made a new batch in both phero'd and virgin forms. There's been a lot of peeps asking for Bad Boy lately, wanting to pair it with Love God. I do not have the ingredients to remake Bad Boy at the moment, and strongly suggest Unisexy instead - it has a similar vibe and if you like one you will surely like the other! FYI @Snoopyace
  19. It's just a few here and there, not the entire collection. So if you go to the order page as Snoopy suggests, it will be an option if available.
  20. Thank you! Mark tried at least 4 different recipes with me and maybe did further fiddling at home until he settled on this recipe. Great to work with an experienced phero enthusiast, with a great nose to boot! Glad it's working for you!
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