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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Maybe in the future, I'm sorry, right now my time is extremely limited. I am glad you like them!
  2. I need to clarify about doing rebrews.... I have been getting a lot of requests lately to rebrew things that are over 5 years old, and there are multiple problems with this. 1) Many of the ingredients no longer exist, so I will have to use substitutions and they will never smell exactly the same. I do not use aldehydes...scent chemicals will smell the same year after year. Oils with natural elements will not. Ingredients cease to exist because the companies that made them either discontinued them or closed their doors. The Euro IFRA laws which encourage the use of chemical ingredients over natural ones, caused multiple of my old suppliers to close their doors. The ingredients are gone forever. 2) When I get told that a perfume you've aged for 5 years is your new favorite and you want more of it...you've aged it for 5 years! It is not going to smell the same as what I make fresh. Even if I have the same ingredient on hand from the same lot, it's going to age differently in your bottle than it ages in mine, because the way they age depends on how much oxygen is in the bottle. They are no longer the same as when I used them 5 years ago. 3) I use far more ingredients in blending the monthly releases than I do in Private Editions. So even though I may blend something that is in the same scent family, again, it is never going to be exact. I have a hard time dealing with people's disappointment when they ask for a rebrew of something, and then they inevitably say it's not the same as before. It's never going to be the same as before. it's the nature of artisan perfuming with largely natural-based ingredients. It's a fleeting moment in time captured in a bottle. Thanks for understanding.
  3. The next NRs will indeed be the 'Weenies.
  4. The people that find them unpleasant, perceive them as smelling like pee and/or sweat, which is more literally what they really are (although these are clean lab recreations), so yeah, I always prep for the unpleasant sniffers just in case.
  5. Open Windows, Lumina, Cougar, True Confessions, TMI, too. It's copulins that make them stinky. However, you should know that there are 3 kinds of sniffer configurations in humans. Some people perceive pheros as pleasant, some as unpleasant, and some cannot smell them at all. So you should always wear a cover or better yet, blend your pheros into your perfume, because you want to prepare for those who perceive them as unpleasant. Personally, I perceive pheros as smelling like musky flowers, so I am in the category of pleasant sniffer. When layered, pheros and perfumes dry down differently and sometimes you can smell the pheros as a separate layer, and they might have a chemical tang smell on their own.
  6. Decision pushed a few days later, maybe between Monday and Weds....I'm pretty sure I will have enough for you., and yes, it's fine to wait until then. Yours!
  7. He's coming in tomorrow to decide, OceanJewel. I may have another for you, yeah. I will post an ALT.
  8. John thinks we have one more, and we have it there, but I want to make sure it isn't something that was reserved and not packed yet, so we'll give it a few days. You want to be on the list for that?
  9. ok, awesome, looks like we have bottles for both of you!
  10. Bella got the last posted bottle, but we MIGHT have one more for you, Baroness. I will ask the guys.
  11. There's a little extra saved aside for you, and one person didn't follow through with her reserves, so currently I have available: Dari Gold - 7 bottles Dari's Rocket Powder - 8 bottles
  12. DD, Pure Sugar will lighten up ANYTHING and make is softer. If you have anything you feel like is too pointy or sharp or floral or too dark resinous,,,whatever the issue is, it can make it seem more round, more delicate, more demure, softer, and of course a little sweeter. Let us know how it goes!
  13. I just spent the last few hours restoring the Amazon credits that were rolled back when the forum upgraded. If there are any other boosts that you can remember from elsewhere on the forum, please let me know and I will restore those too. Thanks!
  14. Every butter or lotion or wax or soap has a max amount of additional oil it can handle before it breaks down. It can be anywhere from 2% to 20%. See if you can find out from your supplier how much oil they recommend for each particular product. Otherwise, it's pretty much trial and error as you learn. It might be an ounce per pound, it might be just a few mls per pound. Tell us how it goes! Good luck!
  15. Welcome, Crash! I reserved you an itty set, thank you. When you send an email for your sale invoice, just make sure *Itty Set July 2018* is on your list of things to buy. And please include your forum name in the email. CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com or LovePotionPerfume-Store@yahoo.com
  16. Sorry, I left Dari's notes at the shop and had to retrieve them! D'oh!
  17. I may have another or two in the end, I am reserving for the creator, who is a serious NOSE! Has spent days upon days sniffing at the shop!
  18. Thank you, Ladies! Everything is updated to this point. Sorry it took me so long to get all my info up there...LIFE HAPPENS! XOXOXOX
  19. The OCCO set is now live! https://luvpotionperfume.com/shop/21642631/new-releases Let me know if you see any typos, thanks! A portion of all sales from this set will be donated to the following charities: ACLU NAACP The Trevor Project Planned Parenthood The Human Rights Campaign The Southern Poverty Law Center Natural Resources Defense Council The National Immigrant Justice Center A total of eight charities for each of the eight OCCO varieties. In addition, we are giving you the option to join in the donation. You will see the option when you buy your bottles "1/6 oz Bottle + 1.00", this means you would like to add an extra dollar for charity. We have chosen these eight charities because they are actively working to repair the damage which the current administration has done with regard to human and civil rights, the rights of women, minorities, immigrants and the LGBT+ community, and Mother Nature herself. Thank you for joining us in donating!
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