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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. EVERYTHING is up and orderable now. It's separated into two months to make it easier for ordering and easier on us over here. The monthly sets are being packaged separately, so you have to write in which month you want, or order two to get all 21 scents together. Thanks so much for your patience everyone. I have to run out for a few hours but will be back in the afternoon. Luna and Halo have a lot of info and can answer most questions while I am gone. Enjoy! xoxoxox
  2. Ok, I'm hitting the wall here. I'm sorry, I am not quite done programming the NRs but will have them finished in the morning. Thanks for being patient, this is such a huge set!!!
  3. It's pretty darn dark! But it's a SWEET dark scent because of the thick raspberry, and if I remember correctly, Decadent Diva was more incensey? Ok, I just finished putting up the name reservations under the perfumes. Will be programming NRs for the rest of the day, and HOPE to have them up by tonight. Thanks everyone! MWAH! xoxoxox
  4. I just added the ingredients used to the first post. I have to get out of here for a few hours - the cleaning crew is here. When I come back later I will go thru the posts and put people's names under each reserved item. Luna, I pulled your bottle Of Robt's DD before I posted the rest available.
  5. Available bottles now posted on the first post. Are there any that need notes posted?
  6. As promised, more info on these potions.... This is how the sets are being packaged, and which pheros are included in each scent. SET A - APRIL BAT - Phero Enhanced w/ La Femme Noire BEAR BEAVER - Phero Enhanced w/ Swimming with Sharks BUNNY CHICK DEER DOLPHIN DUCK EGG 2014 ELEPHANT GOAT - Enhanced w/ EoW Copulins SET B - MAY HORSE KANGAROO - Phero Enhanced w/ Mother's Little Helper LAMB - Phero Enhanced w/ Popularity Potion LION (unisex scent) MONKEY PANDA - Phero Enhanced w/ Open Windows RACCOON SEAL TIGER WOLF (unisex scent) We are trying to have these up and ready to order by Sunday night. I brewed over 35 potions this month including the PE's, so we've had a lot to fill and label and design and program and scribe, so we all appreciate your kind patience. Thanks Loved Ones! xoxoxox
  7. I couldn't do more than 21, but I tried to extend the theme with the PE's and there's a Raven in there, courtesy of Lindee!
  8. oops, forgot one label...just added it up top, look again!
  9. Available bottles now posted! Lindee's Pinky Sweet 18 bottles available (Spicy carnation and sweet buttercream blended over a base of vanilla cake and cotton candy frosting.) (StacyK, Halo, Ducky, Hearts, Olderbutwiser, Amalthea, Gale, Gaia, Nutrix ...9 bottles left) Lindee's Dark & Vampy 7 bottles available (Raspberry puree and darkest chocolate, over a thick base of amber and exotic black musk.) (Gale, Blackcat, Invidiana, CinnMel, Ducky, Luna, DolphinDolls ....0 bottles left) Lindee's Caramel Rose 7 bottles available (A gooey base of aged patchouli and pink sugar, with thick caramel and rose attar drizzled on top) (Ravenwing, ....6 bottles left) Lina's Fluffy Bunny 20 bottles available (Eggnog, vanilla custard, vanilla cream, cotton candy, marshmallow) (Gale, LadyV, Amalthea, Halo, Blackcat, Lazycat, Invidiana, Fleur, Nutrix, MDCherie, cchristys, Hearts x2, Ducky, BlueBear...4 bottles left) Lady Suzy's Snow Leopard 17 bottles available (3 kinds of beautiful white lillies, over a non-foody vanilla, and soft sweet velvety musk, a single drop of leather, and a single drop of pink sweetheart rose.) (Hearts, Blackcat, StacyK, Lovestruck55, Invidiana, JezzieD, Lady V, Blackcat, Olderbutwiser, Ducky, Halo, Molls...5 bottles left) Megan's Quixotic Xocolatl 7 bottles available (Dark chocolate, black coffee, cinnamon bark EO, dark honey) (Invidiana, ElizOSP, ...5 bottles left) Tyvey's Pleasure Island 7 bottles available (Coconut cream, maple syrup and a touch of overripe banana, over a base of silky skin musk.) (Hearts, Fleur, Lazycat, LadyV, MDCherie, ...2 bottles left) Tyvey's Honey Buzz 7 bottles available (The sweetest peach and honeysuckle blossoms drizzled with sweet warm honey, and a "chewy" sweet aged amber) (Ducky, Xev, Gale, Hearts, StacyK...2 bottles left) Robert's Dapper Debauchery 3 bottles available (Pipe tobacco, strawberry, musk, dirty honey, dark amber EO, ambergris, and one tiny drop of civit) 3 bottles left Wendy's Hot & Humid 5 bottles available (Coconut cream, almond milk, apricot and a dash of cucumber) Wendy's theme was a dense hot summery thickness, with that occasional welcome fresh breeze. It came out great! She's always got very interesting ideas. (Hearts, StacyK, Lovestruck, LadyV, CinnMel ...0 bottles left) Tyvey's Flora Royale 6 bottles available (Carnation, iris, violet flower and violet leaf EO, over a powdery amber musk and a dash of powdered sugar.) Tyvey wanted this regal and like something from the 18th century. It's a gorgeous blend. (Stacy K, Olderbutwiser, CinnMel, LadyV, Hearts ...1 bottles left) Sugared Apples Still using the temp labels for the Sugars as they are not officially released, but this one is now brewed. NEW A lot of people have asked for a rebrew of NEW, but I could only make around 8 oz worth, which is not enough to get us through the sampler packs of the New Releases. So what I did was reload the cart with this in it's old spot. Same label, same ingredients, avail as bottles and samples, but not enough to include in the NRs.
  10. There are several that are phero'd but I am not telling which ones yet. You'll find out more when they are ready to be released! We need a few more days, folks, thanks for being patient.
  11. Seven is kinda the Buttermilk of my cat herd. She jumps on everyone and then runs and hides between my legs if she fears retribution. She also races me to the sink every time she knows I want to use it. She jumps in and lies down in it and purrs her lead off like she's laughing. Yes, it will be two samplers. We are separating them into two sets, one April with 11 vials, and one May with 10 vials. I think they will just be divided alphabetically into the two sets.
  12. After all the research I've done for this set, it kind of alarms me that I feel like I need goats now. It alarms me even more that my Dad agrees with me.
  13. Our Spring Collection 2014 is a double set for April~May. More info later, just wanted to share the labels now. Happy Easter everyone! Totem: Bunny Totem: Chick Totem: Seal Totem: Deer Totem: Lamb Phero Enhanced w/ Popularity Potion Totem: Wolf Totem: Dolphin Totem: Tiger Totem: Bat Phero Enhanced w/ La Femme Noire Totem: Duck Totem: Beaver Phero Enhanced w/ Swimming with Sharks Totem: Monkey Totem: Panda Phero Enhanced w/ Open Windows Totem: Lion Totem: Elephant Totem: Kangaroo Phero Enhanced w/ Mother's Little Helper Totem: Horse Totem: Raccoon Totem: Goat Enhanced w/ EoW Copulins Totem: Bear Egg 2014
  14. Spot on. It IS quite predatorial and so over the top testosterone-ish that it gives me, a female, a flaming headache when I have to blend it with raw undiluted ingredients. (Perhaps wearing less might help?) If you have an interest in trying something else with a more gentle but in some ways similar signature, more appropriate for a younger man, then try Hunter Trapper.
  15. Donsie, good grief, not photogenic? You are GORGEOUS! I was just oohing and ahhing over your pix before I came on the forum. Thank you for sending them!!!
  16. 2300 Ravenwing! Sorry I did not see this earlier. You figured it out, Amalthea! That's usually exactly what people do....use the GC option for the additional $5. Just make sure to explain in the notes section so we don't get confused. Thank you!
  17. I got em, Ravenwing, thank you! I know which one I am going to use...adorable!
  18. Just finished a new brew and put it back into the cart! Here's the page: http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/FlyingPotion13/
  19. Oh, one more thing. It would be helpful for me if you include your screen name along with your photos so I know who to post GCs for. Thanks! CinnMel - Your email today was empty, no pix! Please try again, thanks!
  20. Yes, I am receiving them and working on the labels slowly as NRs take priority. Thanks everyone!
  21. Thank you for all the thank yous, EVERYONE. I am extremely happy that we are bringing happy to your lives.
  22. LOL, QG! Lower population count, for sure! But I'll tell you, the post offices up here are really SWAMPED. Every single day, John has to wait at least 45 minutes to get to the counter. We got very spoiled by our secret post office in Toluca Lake....it was an entertainment industry post office. Most of the PO Box holders were famous, and the wait to get a box was over a year, but when we moved up there, Danna went in there without my knowledge and spun this whole story for them about me being a (former) celeb and having stalkers (which is true) and somehow talked them into putting us at the top of the list. Every once in a while it was still a long wait, but compared to the other POs, there was no security or bullet-proof glass like the others in the area, and they let us walk behind the counter and scan things ourselves that were pre-stamped without waiting in line. And we spoiled them with gifts too for the privilege, and had fun seeing celebs there. Not surprisingly, there are no secret celebrity post office locations up here. LOL!
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