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Everything posted by therapygirl

  1. I have three bottles of Cougar Scented and three bottles of Cougar unscented. It is GOOD stuff!! I sometimes put on the scented before bed if I am feeling bad about myself and lonely. I end up feeling more confident and valuable. If I am feeling like I need to be taken care of and loved on I put on Cuddle Bunny scented before bed. Crazy but with the EST and the cops I feel more secure and hopeful and coddled. Not so alone.Crazy to waste these pheros on myself? I think not because these attitudes follow me into the next day. They REALLY help boost my self confidence at a time in my life where it isn't just low around other people. The self effects are as good as a direct hit!!!
  2. I'll have to try that! I have seen many people get more hits with a True Confessions type phero blend than with out and out cops! Not willing to leave out my cops though! Just ordered a second bottle of True Confessions, as i am sure it's going to be a first line phero blend!
  3. Blatant invitation layered with Nasty Habits and Pure Sugar. MANY hits!! Also Treasured Hearts, Essence Oil and Night of the Fae made a hit over the 4th! Pherogirl Dominance unscented, and Est under Anything is amazing! Oh Lillith I ADORE Allegro!!! What a great idea to put it under Blatant Invitation!!! I'll bet it makes you the belle of the ball! Blantant Invitation has gotten the most direct hits for me of all the pheroblends.
  4. Unfortunately ALL chocolate goes yak-city on me! I think I will follow your advice and go for a vanilla cover though. Thanks! I know what you mean about not using their products anymore. I ADORE the phero blends here, and have amassed an incredible collection, but I am still attached to Instant Shine and Instant Female Magic. The PMS just kicks my butt, and the IFM is superb for making it better. Instant Shine is my security blanket. WIsh we had an equivalent here. Maybe we do and I just don't know it!!! Popularity Potion is the closest i've found, I LOVE it but I think it may be more similar to MX135. I may be wrong, though. Any input?
  5. I know what you mean about not using their products anymore. I ADORE the phero blends here, and have amassed an incredible collection, but I am still attached to Instant Shine and Instant Female Magic. The PMS just kicks my butt, and the IFM is superb for making it better. Instant Shine is my security blanket. WIsh we had an equivalent here. Maybe we do and I just don't know it!!! Popularity Potion is the closest i've found, I LOVE it but I think it may be more similar to MX135. I may be wrong, though. Any input?
  6. Dolly, I got a mx250 sample yesterday and it's chocolatini (barf). Do you cover it? What's your favorite cover?
  7. Awesome ladies!! thanks so much for the help. I am HORRIBLE at math. Catholic school don't you know...I can say the rosary hanging upside down, would never wear my uniform skirt below my knee and know for SURE I am going to the bad place if I show "TOE CLEAVAGE" in my shoes, but I can't do past 6th grade math .
  8. Yikes, I SO don't do math! How many ml in an ounce, or can you do that??
  9. I am making some small 1/6 oz roll on bottles of lp mixed with cops. To all you professionals out there, how many drops per bottle of cops would be well covered??
  10. Wish I COULD feed it to my children! It would be a change frome the beanie weenies they have to eat cuz of the huge portion of the budget that goes to yummy smelling goodies~
  11. Gosh you ladies work so hard! I can't believe all you get done in a month!! Please tell me you have about 40 oompaloompas working for you!!! I wish I could give you a week at a spa or something. Do you EVER sleep??? I'm on the east coast and it seems like you're always up and working on my time too!!! Thank you so much for all you do and don't worry about being behind, I know no one here cares a lick(except when my addiction kicks in and I want to make you coffee and serve you Red bulls and junk food and play loud music and keep you up 24/7 until my order has beeen mailed.....I feel so dirty and ashamed....)
  12. When will the new descriptions be available?
  13. I am SO living vicariously through you Countess!! Keep em coming!
  14. You will find the Phero blends here to be SUPER potent! I have used Pheros for years, and these are amazing! As far as not being able to smell anything, I have ALL of the unscented blends, and have found all of them to do what they advertise. The only ones that i can detect anything in are two of the ones containing copulins (Blatant Invitation and Essence oil). Even the unscented Cuddle bunny and Cougar Potions that are loaded with Cops do not smell. And they work, BELIEVE ME!!!
  15. I NEVER dreamed we would be so lucky!! I'm just lucky I have no life so I was able to see the post within seconds and get my order in! I HATE the chocolatini scent of the MX135, but I LOVE the effects!!
  16. It's so dead sexy. TUTH is absolutely ORGASMIC!!!!
  17. That's SO plenty. I am ashamed I asked really. I feel like when I was little and asked for thirds of someone else's birthday cake !
  18. Not to be greedy, please forgive me, I just want to budget properly. Will there be any unscented phero blends for the month? The fragranced offerings ar FABULOUS, and I have already placed my order, I am just wondering if there is anything else I need to plan for????
  19. Welcome Newbies!!!!! This is the most amazing place in the world to hang out, and the most cutting edge amazing place to shop ever!!
  20. Sigh.... y'all are so brilliant and glamorous!! I wanna be you when I grow up! I am constantly awed by your inspiration. I have never seen such creativity come out of one place.
  21. HAHAHA LOL!!! I live in the middle of the bible belt, I couldn't have guessed anything else!! Come to me!! That's priceless!! I was thinking, well, a tome is a large book... but i couldn't really reconcile the magic!!!
  22. okay, I have no life it's official!! One more guess: Come Tome ....John 3:8???
  23. Got no clue about the rest, unless Something Voodoo This Way Comes is a reference to Bradberry's Something Wicked This Way Comes. May be WAY off base on this one!
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