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Everything posted by starlitegirl

  1. Yeah, they did get that done early. And like the fool I am, I'll keep clicking them hoping to get to the page with the details. But with Mara being on her own, or maybe training the new guy, She's probably not going to have much time to post all the new goodies. Or if they get posted, the orders might not get filled till SG is back from her vacation. So I'm figuring next month for new order arrival unless we get lucky. I'll hope for sooner though.
  2. We can only hope though I suspect we won't get them for a while. Last month we didn't get them until the end of the month. Don't mind me. The new moon makes me very pessimistic. I loathe new moons. They make me so cranky.
  3. I'm going to have faith that it goes live today, but I wouldn't be surprised if we had to wait till SG gets back from vacation. I hope it's soon. I hope it's today. The suspense is the worst part.
  4. Nothing is showing up for me. Some of you can see them?
  5. Very true. Though I am beginning to feel like Pavlov's dog.
  6. Danna would definitely be laughing at us... a sinister laugh. I think Mara likes to tease us with a perfectly timed post here or there. She's brilliant. Just when we start to simmer down and get to our breaking point, exhausted. That's when she posts something else, like she can intuitively sense we've lost the motivation. Then that post gets us all excited and riled up again just when we thought we couldn't handle anymore. I swear she was a drill sergeant in another life. And as hard as I try to resist the lure of her posts, my will is simply not strong enough.
  7. Love the new avatar! I keep checking to see if the new descriptions of any of the new items are up. The names of some really have me curious...
  8. Doesn't look like it, probably because of the new pheros.
  9. I asked because I remember a post that said something about two more days that I read on Monday I think. It wasn't from Danna or Mara, but I figured if someone was that specific, then maybe it was mentioned.
  10. This happens every month. When the new release thread is posted, within less than a week after all the true junkies come and sit on the site waiting for more details. Seems like we just went through this with the last round. Dang the months fly by.
  11. Another two days? Will they be posted to buy then too? I really want to get open windows.
  12. I remember that post. It was in the April release thread I think. And she said a few days I think. But I don't know if that meant when they eventually post all the April goodies or actually within the next few days. I did get a notice that they were being prepared to ship. So I'll hope for the best and be happy when my package arrives either way.
  13. I got my stamps.com notification. I hope LAM and woozy are in it, but might not be. If not, bummer because I could use some happy pheros... then again, who couldn't?
  14. Who knew that the happy pheros would be so cheap... Getting charged up the wazoo is not fun. It's good to know that Danna and Mara are so good to us. We would have never known if they hadn't given us the lower price. That says a lot about them and just adds to the list of reasons why I love LP.
  15. YAY! The next couple of days is fine for me. I love you ladies more and more everyday. You're absolutely the best! After I left for work I wondered if it was maybe not good to order just because they came up in the search and thought about the prices, and then I thought if it was wrong, worst case scenario I could have you refund me and I'd pay the right price. Darn itchy order finger is just so uncontrollable with new pheros that I've been wanting to try since first mention of them. glad I didn't break anything. And about those other people.... I don't really like them at all. Especially after what Ail posted. I will never, ever, ever deal with them again. Not that I would have since I found LP, but if it ever occurred to me, I'd change my mind on that basis alone as support for Ail. Total boycott. Once again, yay for fantastic prices. You could have overcharged us and made the extra cash on it and instead you chose to give us a good price. LPMP rocks!!! ETA: I think the 'hehehehehe, did I just write that' means SG is hitting the woozy floozy. Just teasing. But I couldn't resist... it was just too easy to blame the woozy floozy, ya know?
  16. I think I'm going to have bottles amped with woozy floozy or like a magnet or open windows because those three you can never really go wrong with.
  17. I really want to get open windows before I leave for work, which is in 15 minutes. I'm hoping that it can go in the order they just emailed me on the other day. Those are the three I want right off the bat. I'm iffy on the others because these days, I just don't have much patience with men. It feels like they lack the ability to actually be men. When I feel like I have more balls than them, things are rough.
  18. woozy floozy and like a magnet are coming up in the search engine. But so far nothing else is. Doesn't stop me from obsessively trying though. And yes, I did just place an order for those two at the rock bottom awesome price of $29.95 each. Yet another reason I love LPMP.
  19. Seriously! I'm still checking to see if the pheros have gone live. Don't care what they cost. Don't care that it's going on my charge, which will be paid with my next check (Story of my life since I discovered LP). I just want to buy those little suckers and go to my very happy special place in phero heaven.
  20. I got mine, too. A bottle of Shades of Warmth and 2 bottles of Yin/Ylang. Two scents that I LOVE LOVE LOVE.
  21. Right now I've still got some winter ones but am starting to get spring/summer ones into the mix... 1. treacle trollop 2. yin ylang 3. super for women 4. phero girl/une 5. sexology
  22. Thanks for the info. I think anything that puts me in my happy place for a while is well worth it. I have mostly pheros and don't really do anything for me - self-effects that is. So for something that is going to give me some nice self-effects, I'm willing to spend the extra. And if it's that strong, I probably won't need much.
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