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Everything posted by starlitegirl

  1. Did you shake the bottle? If you got it in CPS always shake the bottle. I also tend to slather it on. Same with my scents. I'm a slatherer unless it's a really strong, bowl you over scent. But with the pheros, my thinking is that the LP version (which I LOVE LOVE LOVE and prefer over the spray ones) does diffuse less than the spray ones. So I do put on a fair amount rather than a little roll here or there. That's when I've noticed the most reactions. I've never used Cougar - not yet anyway, so I'm not sure if it's going to give me those same reactions. I tend to notice the most reactions when I add cops (EOW). It could also depend on where you are wearing it. Like if it's at work or an environment where people know you, something like Cougar might get a rise out of them, but they won't display it. In a situation like that, people tend to be more reserved but over time you might notice a change. Now this is just me and my preferences and experiences. There are others that could probably give you more and better feedback.
  2. I call Mercury Retrograde as the guilty party.
  3. I got a tester of this one today too. It's delicious. Definitely a bottle!
  4. Woozy really does fit this gem. Dude, I ain't tellin' a soul.
  5. I'm wondering if it should be legal because now I'm getting the munchies and feel absurdly relaxed. My love for all things LP just increased ten fold.
  6. Loopy for real. I've got a case of the giggles. This is good stuff.
  7. I wore SS4W with EOW today, and boy it's been fun. DIHL all over the place. Double takes. Big smiles and one of the trainers kept passing me with goofy smiles like he was a bit delirious. When he's around me, he'll glance my way as a norm, but today? Like someone sprinkled happy, smitten dust on him. Actually, I got that from a couple of guys. At the supermarket one actually turned around and followed me right into the flower section after giving me a big smile. Then he made a big 'I'm so cool and funny' commotion with the flower girl, and when I looked over (hard not to), he was looking right at me. He must have been hit with the happy and smitten dust too. Of course, he was probably all of 18, which made it even more amusing since nobody believes I'm 40. More like 28 at the absolute most. I had to laugh because he was in cougar territory and didn't even have a clue. SS4W + EOW is a whole lot of fun. Why did I never pair these two before? Perhaps I was thinking it might be overkill. Well, if it was, I don't really care. It was pure fun.
  8. Great report as always, Shelly! And this part about driving gave me a good laugh so thanks! I just got my orders today. And I can't wait to put on Woozy though I'm a little tired from a killer workout and early rise insomnia after getting to bed late. Not sure if sore and borderline exhaustion go well with woozy but I'm going to give it a shot since I'm home and the most I had planned was relaxing at the cafe. I always love reading these reports. They make me want to swim in pheros and then go out in public and stand in a crowd just for kicks.
  9. Do you mean having a variety of LAM versions to choose from? Because that sounds like a cool idea. We're going to need a scent for it with the cops. Sure, we could go uncovered with it like EOW, but scents sound good too. From my own perspective, scents sound good, particularly anything that could be layered because that opens a whole flood gate of options, but even regular scents like the phero amped ones would be fun though I'm especially fond of layers. I'm not a floral gal, but other options would be fun for me. I'm sure the floral gals would love a Floral LAM. Are you thinking of having some different options to choose from or more along the lines of LAM being the phero added into different scents? Oh, I'd love to see Mara's Rocket Fuel scent for a LAM option. That would be fantastic because I LOVE that scent. So count me in for options especially anything that could work for layering, but the layering is my personal favorite, especially sugared type scents for layering would be really fun.
  10. Is the 16 times for both - the cops AND the alpha-androstenol? Because that's like happy heaven for everyone!
  11. I am really looking forward to LAM, woozy, open windows and cougar. Especially LAM and cougar for amusing myself at the gym. Nothing quite like a bunch of testosterone loaded men in a testosterone stinking gym to hit with a cloud of LAM or Cougar. Wearing EST or Cops at the gym is pure amusement. Yes, I'm quite the evil one.
  12. Mine are on their way too. Something nice to look forward to. Happy pheros!
  13. I'm really looking forward to this one in roll on when it comes out.
  14. Got mine a little earlier too! Phero happiness is on the way!
  15. If TC has ever left you with that OMG I need to get out of here kind of feeling or anything similar where the truth is more than you can handle... or even if you want to have their truth telling tempered by some warmth, TH is the way to go. Ail had suggested a blend of TH/TC 50/50 and you leave it for three days giving it a gentle shake each day. That was what I used. Next time I use it, I'll add more TH where I can get the effects as well as the target(s) can get them. I think it really tempers the whole blatant honesty factor.
  16. Sounds like quite the night. Your head must have been spinning by the end of it. After wearing a blend of TH and TC that Ail recommended with a best friend, I'm not sure I want to wear it again. Not that anything she said was really bad. It was stuff I already knew but never expected I would ever hear her say which was the strange and surreal part of it. The TH I think tempered it quite a bit. And I think if I ever get brave enough to wear this blend again I'll add some more TH after I apply the mix just because I'll be needing it so I don't run screaming from the building
  17. I just read this now and OMG katz, maybe it's just due to lack of sleep coming off my overnight shift, but when I read that especially coming from a little kitteh in a TIARA, well, best laugh I've had in days. That's all I'm saying.
  18. I think I want to do a custom sugared or two after this order ships and I get my happy pheros. Until then I'm on good behavior, but I've got a cougar, two woozy floozies, a LAM, and Open Windows coming my way.
  19. What that Fairy's name? I need to give her a call.
  20. I was laying off the scents for a bit, but two of those are very tempting!
  21. I'm sticking with CPS for the most part because I like the 'acts as a barrier' aspect as well as 'may extend life of the pheros' - but I did try one with oil just out of curiosity. I want to see if there's any difference that I can detect. But I suspect I might stay with CPS just because I like the idea that it might make them last longer and especially for the barrier.
  22. And I behave like a true addict... that's for sure. Oh how I wish I could have those little buy buttons for my pheros.
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