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Everything posted by starlitegirl

  1. Awww, SG we know you're working hard. Can't even imagine how many orders you must have to fill, which is good for business but such an awful lot to do that I can't even imagine. I'm just excited to get the new samples. Apparently, patience isn't one of my virtues, or maybe it's just because I'm addicted to all the lovely scents. Addicts can be so impatient.
  2. Never be embarrassed for loving LPs. The only reason I'm still not making insane orders is because I am overwhelmed by scent options. I never thought having so many would make my brain go fuzzy. But if you knew how many bottles I've hoarded of the ones I love, you'd never feel like you had no self control.
  3. I keep hitting the send/receive button. Mine has the perfume rack, bottles of: Rocket Fuel, Christine's yin/yang, LP Pink from the contest win, LP Black from posts, Me, Jane, and samples of: Bacchanalia, Sorceress, Shady Lady, Egg, Cuddle Bunny, and Tantric Butterfly.
  4. Me too! But I have high hopes that I will either get the email from stamps.com or that my box is already on the way or will be soon. I am with anticipation.
  5. Hope as in 'yay! mine will be coming soon, too!' Yes, please post! Meanwhile, my mailbox is open, and I keep checking the bottom corner of my screen looking for a little envelope telling me I've got mail. Until then.....
  6. Now there's something new that it never even crossed my mind to do.... use posts as a celebration point. Then again, I just order whatever whenever and don't care much about rationalization beyond "I NEEEEEEEEEEED it!!!" And if I hadn't been feeling overwhelmed by too many choices I'd still be buying bottles like mad. However there's a lot to be said for the art of layering. Phero Girl, LP Black, anything with honey as a base, Red - they all make most scents smell better.
  7. Yup. I love LP scents. Adore them. And then I keep grabbing the same ones day in and day out and it suddenly it occurs to me that too much variety seems to have overwhelmed me. I just can't look at 30+ scents and be expected to make a choice. I actually can feel my thoughts get fuzzy and scramble like a TV with no reception when I TRY to make such a decision. I don't know why it happens, but it keeps happening and then I just grab one of the ones I recently used and remember being very happy with it. So now, I have to actually remove scents from my field of vision or only focus on one side of the box (which is soon to be a rack). That's the only way my brain won't melt into sludge and drip out of my ears. However, because of this, I now have like 5 base scents and am discovering that there are some scents that make everything better. Like Phero Girl. Everything is better with phero girl. And LP Black. Almost everything is better with it.
  8. I am practicing this method of self control too. I have so many bottles that 1/2 don't even get used. So I think I'm going into sample mode only for a bit to see which ones I use the most. YOUR sugar blend - you know the one I'm talking about! - is an almost daily wear!!! That and Super for women - both of which I layer with whatever other I feel like wearing that day. But they seem to be the base scents. And now I have to layer just to use the others. It's crazy!
  9. Not so much fast as LPMP addicts... poised with our index finger over the button ready to click buy since Mara posted the images. The split second the buy button came up I'm sure dozens of orders followed.
  10. It sure did get quiet, didn't it? I added another little order in. Hoping it won't delay the others I have. One from the 13th. I think they were packing today so maybe it'll get into the group that's coming.
  11. Sorry that nobody answered you. I'm not sure if the bee pollen would cause allergies because I don't know if it's real or synthetic. If you really want to try it though, my first question is how allergic to it are you? If it's a severe allergy, I'd email the ladies at timessquareproductions@yahoo.com and ask them if it's synthetic or real. Also, put something in the heading that might get their attention right away because they get hundreds of emails a day. Something like "Phero Girl question - allergic to bee pollen" - that might get you a quicker answer. If your allergic reactions to it aren't severe as in 'anaphylatic shock leading to death' (but that's bee stings usually isn't it?) then get a sample and you can always trade it because so many love it and samples are just so much easier to trade. If your allergy is severe, then call the ladies and ask if it's actual bee pollen or synthetic. I think there's a link on their perfume site where it says legal contact that has the phone number.
  12. *evil laugh* That's what they all say. Then the new releases come out and it's a new promise for the next month. *evil laugh*
  13. I was only going to try egg, but I just added tantric butterfly and cuddle bunny.
  14. We love you too! SG, if I placed another order, would it make it into the package I already have? zenlike (adrienne) has been my secret alias via paypal though it's now starlitegirl.
  15. haha I just started sooner. Not faster. Just had a head start. Egg looks like I might give it a try... despite the fertility thing
  16. You have to go to the new releases page then go to the search box and put a word in for the name. Bosom bows was the only one that didn't come up. Here's a quick rundown: Hotter than Hell - 1/3 fl.oz. WOW, it's hot in here! Here's a sex potion that sizzles! With this arsenal of aphrodisiacs that drive men wild, you'll be a little devil with a wicked little grin as you pull him in - begging for more! Burnt sugar, infernal spices, caramelized cream, hot peach compote, pepper and musk. The Little Goth Girl Next Door - 1/3 fl.oz. Why is everyone so freaked out by the little girl next door? So she dresses in black, listens to odd music, and has a non-conventional hairstyle; she is also well read, highly intelligent, generally sweet and fun to be around! Even if you are only "Goth at heart", this fragrance lends a darkly sophisticated, yet sexy vibe. Sweet, hot, and a little creepy - with skellies on top! Mahogany, Sandalwood, Linen, Rose, Dark Vanilla, Clove, Smoke. Cheap Girls - 1/3 fl.oz. Flirty, naughty and downright sexy! Spicy Florals, Resins, Honey and Beeswax, with a touch of fruit essence. The Belladonna Brew - 1/3 fl.oz. The beautiful woman's brew! A glamour and renewal potion - made for spring rites, happiness, and rejuvenation. Osmanthus, Morning Glory, bright Citrus, and a touch of Teakwood. EGG 2009 - 1/3 fl.oz. No matter the faith behind it, the overriding theme embodied in the season of Spring is fertility and rebirth. And there is no more apt symbol than that of The Egg. And so, we present EGG! Our 2009 incarnation is a fun, Marshmallow based fragrance, intimately melded with Brown Sugar Caramel sweetened Amber, White Musk, a hint of Chocolate, and other fertility encouraging ingredients, from the sophisticated to the delicious. The perfect potion for the celebration of Spring rites, encouraging new beginnings, and to "get you in the mood" for creative endeavors such as all forms of artwork, and most especially, baby making! Celebrate! Have an EGG! Cuddle Bunny - Pheromone Enhanced Perfume for Women - 1/3 fl.oz. A sweetly fresh, bunny-soft and cottony floral scent, with the addition of Pheromones, for inspiring cuddling - and what that inevitably leads to. Fresh light florals gathered around a base of Waterlillies, bunny soft Cotton, dark Sugars, and Ail's much-adored cuddly pheromone recipe of Estratetraenol and Copulins! Love PotionĀ®: Spring Equinox 2009 - 1/3 fl.oz. The romance of SPRING! is layered over that sexy undertone which is the hallmark of Love PotionĀ® Perfume. For the Spring Equinox 2009, edible florals were chosen to compliment the sexy yumminess beneath. Nymph - 1/3 fl.oz. The home of the magical Nymphs: our bodies are 70% of it, we love to swim in it, fish frak in it, it's the core of all life on Earth. As evocative of fresh, cool, clean water as a perfume can be! Crafted of Cucumber, Aloe, Lettuce, Bamboo, Water Lily, Sea Moss... and more. Tantric Butterfly - 1/3 fl.oz. Based on Neo-Tantric rites and " Sacred Unity of Love". One of the favorite exercises in Tantric yoga - The Butterfly - is touted as not just a way to bond with your lover, but as an exercise in the path to complete ecstasy. This is a bonding, communing, ritual potion for long drawn out, incredible sex. A special combination of ingredients as used in Tantric rites, this potion contains Indian attar sandalwoods, musks, ylang ylang, jasmine, and a touch of cinnamon myrrh.
  17. That would be very cool. You have a whole forum here that could could serve as 'subjects' if you need any. I really want to see what's in the blends. A few have me very curious. But I do like to wait for reviews because I know some people's chemistry is similar to mine and some is opposite. So knowing the basic ingredients along with reviews helps me choose better.
  18. I've gotten used to waiting a month for all of the reviews to come in and then I decide what I think would work on me. Having so many that I love already and some that don't even get any love makes the waiting easier. Seems like some scents get all my love and others get completely neglected as I just keep reaching for favorites.
  19. Darn I hate that I don't get self effects. Totally jealous.
  20. I'm doing the same thing. I need some idea of what's in it before I can decide because of my chemistry and preferences, though I might even try cuddle bunny even though I know I'm not a floral person. If it doesn't work I can trade it for sure with all the people that love it.
  21. I'm so tempted to get a bottle of this untested. Can't wait to get my sample. It's going to be the first thing I try.
  22. I've been wearing this one as a layer with so many scents. I LOVE it too and originally I didn't at all. Now I really appreciate the patchouli and wear it with so many things. It makes almost every scent even better.
  23. My brother and his partner visited for Thanksgiving. I wore treasured hearts and all I can say is raves about it. Because my brother has major issues with my mother and because his partner can get snippy and moody when he gets a few drinks in him usually anytime they visit becomes a Tennessee Williams play. But this time, not the tiniest issue. It was like I fell into land of the opposites where everyone was accommodating and agreeable or perhaps their bodies were invaded by very nice, happy and fully functional aliens. Funny thing is that I never linked any of this bizarrely cordial dinner to Treasured Hearts as I had completely forgotten I'd applied it (which oddly enough is when I notice the best results - must be like that observer effect they discuss in physics and psychological studies). I just remember thinking how it nice it was that we could all get along so well and how strange it was that everyone was genuinely aiming to please each other. It was like they were dosed with a happy pill. So my money is on Treasured Hearts mostly because I'm wondering if boy/boy *might* possibly trigger an attraction effect as I wonder if the pheromone link is largely responsible for why men are attracted to other men. I even discussed it with my brother a few times.
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