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Everything posted by starlitegirl

  1. If you like the EOW, then you might really like the new OCCOs (Overt Cops for your Covert Ops) They come in several different scents and, if I remember correctly, they're almost as strong (only slightly less strong than) EOW. Also, LAM (Like a Magnet? I'm so used to the acronyms that I forget the names!) has a nice punch of EOW along with the happy pheromone Alpha-Androstenol. It also has multiple scent options. The LP Goddesses have definitely mastered EOW scent covering. It's like magic! So it just depends on which scents you like to wear or which scents you feel work best with your chemistry. No more smelling like cat pee! I can imagine how you felt. Not a good day, I'm sure.
  2. You're living vicariously though our reports?! That's GOT to be a first. It's ALWAYS the other way around for me. I buy pheros hoping to have half as much fun as you are.
  3. I wish! Mara posted that she used a blend of different vanillas. The vanilla bean that works on me doesn't blend and has to be shaken so it's not in this. I'm still probably going to try it. I need to look at all my LPs (God, there are SO many!) and figure out which ones have a vanilla that I can detect because that might be the vanilla that works for me. Me, Jane was one of them (I'm pretty sure it was the tahitian vanilla that I was smelling) which was why I wanted Tahitian Temptress to have it. I know I'm going to end up giving the white a shot because if it doesn't work I know it will be an easy one to trade, worst case scenario. It just wasn't at the top of my list due to the uncertainty of my chemistry + vanilla.
  4. You're making me so jealous! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LP vanillas. They're all so delicious but only a few seem to like mix well with my chemistry. All the ladies that the vanilla loves are so lucky!
  5. When are we due to get Pheromone X (that's the replacement for SS4W, isn't it?) and Actor's Magic?
  6. All this talk about the awesomeness of the OCCOs has me ready to do a new order. I'm resisting because I want to get the four (red, gold, white, and pink) at the same time so to save LP on the fees and shipping. I guess I'll just have to slather myself in LAM until then. ETA: I'll do it when Designing August comes out. There are some of them that I really want to try. Tahitian Temptress definitely because I ADORE that vanilla.
  7. I was iffy on the white, but now I'm going to have to get it. It sounds divine. Also, pink, red, and gold!
  8. Pork rolls is hysterical! I guess I'm smelling like a pork roll a lot these days. It's a nice summer go to.
  9. Almost straight EOW with lovely scents... Mara has worked a miracle for us cops lovers. :J001: :J001: :J001: And yes, that is a shitload of cops. Indeed. My straight EOW might just sit around getting dusty now that we've got some pretty scented ones.
  10. I thought OCCO was fairly close to straight EOW. EOW would be stronger naturally because OCCOs have scents added, but it seems like it would be higher than LAM and BAM but not as high as straight EOW.
  11. I love the vanilla, the pink and the brown spicy. They're staples. I've noticed some minor self-effects and I love them, which means next in line will definitely be OCCOs.
  12. I think it's likely that the somewhat rancid aroma of EOW caused the effect and perhaps it was coupled with some other factor... many women do get very sensitive to aromas while they're pregnant. So perhaps there's a biological reason why you would be more sensitive to EOW when you ovulate. Perhaps it's along the lines of the intensity of EOW at that time had an effect similar to how I've heard gay men respond to women's pheromones (which is to say they don't like them at all though I've never experienced this myself - just read other women's experiences). Maybe biologically at that time it's in our nature to respond to male pheromones and more cops cause an aversion. That along with the aroma could have caused such a reaction.
  13. I'm heavily debating on ordering an OCCO or two or holding off for another order since I have so many cop scents now. LAM, BAM, EOW and a few others that have cops in them (phero amped and unscented pheros). I *almost* feel guilty about the amount of cops I've gotten used to wearing out in public.
  14. I'm still checking in now and then. OCCO is the only one I'm probably getting. I'm in flux on the spending factor.
  15. Ah yes! But that was a limited edition PE and at the beginning of the sale. But I know the feeling, wanting to place an order, especially for a scent you're sure you will love. I think I've gotten lucky in that I have so many scents I adore and so many bottles of them, that pheros are pretty much all I really covet at this point. And when a really awesome scent comes along *that works on my skin* I grab it up fast.
  16. So pop in a good movie or watch whatever you've got on TiVo or read that book you've been meaning to finish... or maybe... sleep? I don't think anything has ever sold out in one day. Not to my knowledge. A few days might get something low but I've never seen anything sell out the day it came out but I could be wrong. Anyone? I've learned that hanging on the site waiting for those little buy buttons to appear is a lot like waiting up in the middle of the night for santa to come. It's just so much easier to sleep and then wake up early. Just think of the wonderful toys that will await you in the morning...
  17. Poor men don't stand a chance with all these cops. I *almost* feel sorry for them.
  18. There are four OCCOs that look good to me. Red, white, Pink and Gold. But I'm iffy on the white because certain vanillas go awry on me or just disappear. So sad Every time I try to stop collecting, they come out with new ones that make it darn near impossible. The only thing that saves me these days is that there are a lot of notes that don't work on me or I just plain don't care for on me. I guess that's a good thing for my wallet.
  19. Mara, I put August on all the labels I did. I didn't realize that was wrong.
  20. I have the Pink Amber and the Spicy Brown versions. Pink amber is really nice. On me it's a softer amber (maybe even sweeter) and the pink gives it a soft candy aroma. It's really nice. The spicy brown on me is brown sugar and the spice amps up quite a bit. I think it's cinnamon. I wore it last week and could smell it for hours and hours. Whatever is in the spice on this really loves my chemistry. I almost found the spice part a bit too strong, so I'd probably put on less next time. I tend to slather some scents if I think they'll tone down to barely there after an hour or two, which is what I did with this one, but the spice didn't tone down it amped up. Anyway, I love both of these along with the original. If you like pink, you might really like the pink amber. It's pleasantly sweet and could blend well with quite a few other LP fragrances.
  21. This is what I love about you. Always there with helpful answers. I remember when I was new here and asking about the pheros. You were the first to answer and help guide me. Always helpful and taking the time to guide others (especially newbies). This is why your forum queen title suits you so perfectly! ETA: GAH! You've moved beyond forum queen! Eh well, still the queen to me.
  22. Sounds like grounds for a reality TV show... even though I hate them as a rule, wearing lots of -none products to trigger men getting into pissing contests on a weekly reality show would be pretty freakin hysterical.
  23. I've thought of this a lot recently after the discussions about finding the proper dosage within a blend. So now when I put on blends, I wonder what about the effects of each blends and think about what would happen if I'm adding more of this or that. I wear Woozy Floozy with most of the blends. I'll wear LAM and BAM together. I've also worn them with Dominance but am not sure if that's a good mix. I haven't wear dominance much until recently because self-effects for me are self-confidence and feeling very at ease with myself to the point where other people's opinion of me or how they may act toward me is absolutely irrelevant. Add woozy to that and I'm in the zone. Add EOW to that and men seem to follow me around like puppies. I'm not convinced that BAM goes as well with this, but I tend to be a bit of a loner. Not anti social, but there are times and places I want to be focused or relax by myself and encouraging chattiness would be self defeating. I haven't noticed any other phero blends that blend well together other than Ail's mix of TC and TH at 50% of each. Even then, I felt less TC and more TH might have done better, but that's only because TC tends to make you wish people would be quiet at a certain point. There's only so much truth any of us can take. Also, I always wear this one on the back of my neck where I don't get hit with the TC self effects.
  24. You ladies work so hard it's a wonder you have time to sleep. And now putting together a big sale on top of the monthly releases... just another one of the reasons why we all love LP so much.
  25. I've noticed that for the past few months (though not all of them but that might be because I missed a month ordering) they do include mini samples of the personal blends. I'm just not sure if they include all of them. I can't remember that. So if you do place an order there is a good chance you'll get some samples of the PEs.
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