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Everything posted by katz

  1. Aha! I knew it! (not the original story, but the verbage it came from) I had a sneeky feeling... Thanks Luna!
  2. katz

    Katerina Suit

    This is the new realease I'm most drooling for! Have you had a chance to sniff Summer Dance? It's also got an OUD version... I *love* the way it works on me.
  3. You know where MY vote stands, lol! Mara, Luna...really you guys outdid yourselves this time. I could NOT help but do the whole collection! I'm buzzy with excitement!
  4. And, in a fit of SQUEE!!, I GOT THEM ALL! ...sits back, smokes imaginary cig...
  5. Wow, Luna!! I'm only halfway through...these are SO much fun! I think I'm gonna make a little booklet of them to keep w/my bottles!
  6. HOLY SHIT LUNA!! *grabs glass of wine and snax*....
  7. Wow Tyvey (and Mara, I guess!), we have polar opposite tastes in men! I *don't see* the intensity. I see lack of expression...? Maybe it's like that theory on how some women cannot be physically attracted to certain men because they are too close to their genetic code? I'm destined to have beautiful babies with DC and the werewolf from TrueBlood.
  8. I'm with you BB. He's not "classically handsome" by any means, but there's a rough, uber-manly quality to his demeanor and vibe that ...grrowr. That, plus the new depth they have given the Bond character in the latest films... GAAAHHH! I knew it! Post-weekend... *cries*, consoles self with RIDICULOUS RACK OF LP'S SHE ALREADY HAZ...
  9. Oh, hai... Welcome aboard, I hope you enjoy all this board, and the company behind it offer - which is SO MUCH! Lot of us are true addicts, and can go on and on and on with our love for LP!
  10. Word. (*do they sitll say that*?) I'd ride him/give him a ride any day...over all the rest.
  11. Hey Now! I'm gonna have to take that all personal-like!! These are amazing! I love 'em and of COURSE I got the 00-kitteh joke! SQUEEEEE!!!
  12. It is a gorgeous one... I'm not always in love with green scents...this? This is heaven!
  13. katz

    Frambuesa y Coco

    Lol... nothing I'd ever USE..but some companies (arm and hammer) make 'deodorizers' for the box you can sprinkle in.
  14. My Graham-cat will lick *anything* scented off of me. I have to be careful w/the pheros, and recently applied oils!
  15. A moose once bit my sister, you know. ....moose bites can be pretti nasti...
  16. katz

    Frambuesa y Coco

    YES! I want this in Linen Spray, Room Spray, Litterbox add-in, Alcohol spray w/Open Windows...
  17. katz

    Frambuesa y Coco

    DAMN this is good. If any of you get impatient waiting to see if it changes for you I'll gladly take it off yer paws! I need this in lotion, dry oil, Topper, with cops...
  18. I've actually had the same response to a HEAVY application of Darling Catalina w/PP from a group of women I went out to lunch with. I think on some of us, too much is a bad thing. I got my bottle of Darling Clementine "virgin" so I could slather simply for scent, and I use "Darling Catalina w/PP very lightly. I still don't know if it's the right social phero for me, but at least I don't get sideways stinkeyes thrown at me.
  19. katz

    Summer Dance

    Wow! I'm surprised how my experience differs from everyone here! It reminds me more of Medium, or Bravado.. but lighter. Ok, a Light Medium if you will... it's VERY much a musk/oud/amber scent, which honestly took HOURS to bloom on my skin. I've never had such a delayed sillage - but it was amaaaaazing!
  20. Just gotted my package today - SQUEEEEEE~!!!! and THANK YOU!!! *mwah*!
  21. GAWD that sounds fantastic!! Congrats!
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