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Everything posted by katz

  2. Good luck girl! I had one of those "almost ran" relationships...same thing as you, never were free at the same time, life is strange. I hope it's a Good Thing for you both!
  3. Yup, my sweetie was glad to hear one of the samples (in theory anyway!) goes to him this month! Can't wait to sniff it!
  4. OMG Mara and hearts, I'm SO IN LOVE with this one!! Such a perfect recollection of autumn in a bottle, I've been waiting YEARS to find one that *fit* my recollection, and touches my heart like this. <---very happy kitteh.
  5. YES Welcome back Calii! Have you new hardware? I mean, PC-wise?
  6. Welcome -glad you arrived from Lurkville safe and sound! Them's some powerful good samples you got there!
  7. Ignores the rest for later.... DUCKEH!!! How *are* you???
  8. katz

    Pumpkin Souffle

    YEP. Had my name on it... eyes rolled back after reading the description!
  9. katz


    Yeeeeahhhh...this was irresistable to me... *vurrah* excited! I think it'll rock w/LACE
  10. Sampler, so we can sniff ALL of 'em, but FB of Apparition (holy cow sounds good!) and Pumpkin Souffle! DID NOT HESITATE! I'm always bummed when I don't order the sampler RIGHT as they release...
  11. Yay!! Sale package is shippin'... maybe Sat?
  12. Lol, poor Pony, coffee FIRST, reading LATER...
  13. Lol...Tyvey. π Here is some pi for you. Such fab labels!!
  14. Turns out I didn't have too much of a choice see this LINK Turns out he's quite ok with it, so long as I only use the naughty stuff w/him, and tell him about the ones that he now wears and enjoys - I'm very lucky!
  15. katz

    Hungry Heart

    I'm really not sure why I never ended up reviewing one of the BEST month's releases...but now that I AM - wow, this is delicious! Weird thing though.. I would have *sworn* I smelled cops in my sample bottle (which is utterly impossible since it was virtually untouched from 2012). Put it on my skin where it melded quickly to ALL YUM... Maple cream/frosting...
  16. katz

    Luna's Miss Autumn

    I did not dig this when I got it about a year ago.. I got LOTS of sweetness when I was looking for a dry, woodsy/nutty scent. Well, I'm *still* getting a LOT of sweetness from the maple, but the underlying nutty woodsy notes are now much more pronounced, and of course I like it lots more!
  17. DANG! And here I was, trying to put together some exotic pronunciation. Ay me! Welcome 'sup-ee-talp!
  18. Welcome, and have fun! Do let us know how it goes!
  19. So kind and generous and sweet... Someone I'm so blessed to consider a friend! Thank you THANK YOU for the lovely potions! Spencer, Tara and the kittens are now proudly living on my LP bookcase - YES, 'tis now a BOOKCASE that use to store my collection!
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