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Everything posted by donsie

  1. Who doesn't? Ha, QG, you brought a little demonic fun to that cashier's day!
  2. I'd also be interested to know how much folks here use. Although it's individual as to a sweet spot if a general range emerges that would be notable.
  3. This is possibly my favourite LP so far. If I had to choose a "me" scent I think this would be it. It is genuinely otherworldly to my nose. I kind of want to try its sister Pouncing Potion, but honestly I'm not sure how it could be any better (or perhaps even quite so excellent).
  4. I think I have sorted all little quibbles, and some things I wanted to trial are now gone which is a bit sad but makes coming up with a final cut easier. Taking all of that into consideration I think really I'm agonising over whether to get an unscented bottle of Perfect Match or not. It's the only phero blend so far that gives me any discernible self-effects. It's only a question of whether it can wait until my next order. I'm going to try The Big Easy and I'm looking forward to seeing how Teddy BB works for me, as well as Heart & Soul in Papal Purple. ETA: Order finally decided and placed. Phew!
  5. Ack, I can't decide and I need to place the order in the next couple of days. Freaking out!
  6. This is such an intriguing review. Thanks for sharing it!
  7. I'm sure finding the sweet spot is my problem. I should have started keeping notes from my first application so I could approach application amounts systematically! Okay, that's something to try out, although of course you are right to point out that the two aren't identical I'm still interested to see how a blend might work out. I'm not so sure I get self-effects from most pheros/cops (except for something from Perfect Match) unless I accidentally OD! A lot of the people I spend time around aren't generally ones I want to phero (I work with mentally ill and vulnerable adults) so I'm a bit short of test subjects in the field! And I certainly don't want to try BANG! around them!
  8. OT but: I thought it was just me who didn't have luck with SS4W! I'll try your CB trick next time I wear it.
  9. donsie

    Irish Rose

    Okay, thanks for explaining.
  10. Okay, okay, you got me. Trial vial added to next order. You folks write the most convincing reviews!
  11. I'm so glad you like it! I am also *so* glad it's permanent. It's just beautiful and while it is sexy I don't think it smells raunchy-dirty but truly beautiful. This and Cougar Potion (I can smell it right now so it's in my nose and on my mind) so totally deserve their ongoing places in the collection. I'd love to know how you get on with the phero when you have a chance to test it on others.
  12. Just wanted to let PFYT fans know that it is now on Artfire, so you'd better hurry if you want to stock up.
  13. I've never tried this phero before (I was thinking of it as a men-only blend) but so many reports on here say it is calming for women, too and the notes sound delightfully herbal. I'm looking forward to hearing what people have to say about it.
  14. Green musk sounds fab. I shall have to keep an eye out for upcoming LPs with green musk in the notes.
  15. You ladies have got me feeling very curious about trying this one. I didn't feel like I got much in the way of results from SS4W (but I need to try experimenting more) so I was going to swerve BANG! for the time being. However, with the chance to have some in a trial vial of Raspberry Rose Confite and your excellent reviews I think this is on the try list for my next order. Thinking about trying a new phero blend is so exciting!
  16. donsie

    Irish Rose

    What an multi-sensory review! Does the citrus play nicely, then?
  17. donsie

    Budding Romance

    That's so sweet! Faeries are undoubtedly better than boys! I know this is totally subjective and not a very useful description but frangipani is utterly beautiful. It is also called plumeria -- maybe you know it by that name.
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