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Everything posted by donsie

  1. Make it bourbon and I'm there! Have they all got enone to evoke the horny, sweaty man smell?
  2. Thanks. I would have just gone with SWS without giving it any further thought, but then I stumbled on this thread and saw some of the other suggestions and they got me thinking. Building strong working relationships with partner orgs ASAP is an important part of the role, so I do think maybe some of the "you like me, you really like me" queen bee vibes would be useful.
  3. Okay, hoping to revive this thread and seek some advice on what to use for an interview tomorrow. It's working on a volunteer-led community health project for a consortium of charities, largely getting the organisations hosting volunteers to comply with the requirements of the project (recruiting enough volunteers, etc.) and to complete and submit their monitoring so reports on the project can be completed and submitted to funders and supporting the hosts to support volunteers to aid retention, get positive feedback from them, and so on. The interview panel will all be women. I have scents containing the following possibilities (ranked from what I think might be most to least useful): SWS PP Dominance Open Windows SS4W Cougar Help!
  4. Have any of you ever OD'd on SWS? I know it's possible with any pheros, etc., etc., but I really want to rock it at my interview tomorrow so I'm tempted to slather. Before I do I wondered how forgiving this blend is in that direction.
  5. I'm sure we will! Lack of dessert and presence of grass never stopped me sluttin' it up! I hope the dessert-lovers get theirs, though!
  6. I think I sort of remember that!
  7. Yep, you're nuts but in a *very* good way! ETA: I just bought a pack of pipettes. The game's afoot!
  8. Burrito boosts are nothing to sneeze at! Basically BI is a flashing billboard saying "let's make it... now!" so I find it pretty funny that this guy's way to communicate "sure thing, baby, come by mine after work" was to employ the tools he had to hand: burrito fillings. They are, surely, the universal language of lust.
  9. Gah! It cannot get here fast enough! And I love the smell of Liz Earle face cream, etc. which I often hear being accused of smelling a bit, erm, mature, so I'm happy to rock the old lady skincare scent. Smells like MONEY to me!
  10. I know y'all love cupcakes but I'd be very happy to see spring florals and especially something that smells like grass. With 10 or so chances I think we could probably all be accommodated!
  11. donsie

    Poetry and Grace

    That was a good review! Did it change between when it was wet after you first applied and when it dried in your skin?
  12. Teddy BB and B2 are unisex blends that some women on here use to calm stress and anxiety and to soothe PMS symptoms, yes. Balm Bomb is a women's phero blend that can be used to combat PMS, too. Honeycake's right, Alpha-Androstenol/a-nol is the one that's listed as enhancing the effects of alcohol and DHEAS can give you an excited feeling, like butterflies, but too much (or the wrong situation) can sometimes lead to feeling jittery instead of excited. I can't speak to physical health but I am sure pheros can be used to help with mental wellbeing. I certainly use them improve my mood and apply things with Open Windows, etc. to buffer situations that might be rough on my mental health. This is why I want to save up for a bottle of Topper!
  13. Ah, that's an excellent approach. Sorry that some were no longer available. Do you remember which? When things get to a low stock level they tend to get moved to the LP ArtFire site. You can't get sample sizes there but you might want to take a look anyway. Also keep a look out for new releases for this month, which should be along any day now. Some of those might be contain phero blends you haven't tried yet. The waiting for your order jitters are well known around these parts! Enjoy playing with them all when they do finally arrive.
  14. Thanks, Honeycake. I am actually in the camp of those who really like the effects of LFN in a range of situations so far. I just wanted to cover the bases and make sure to point out that some advise being mindful of surroundings when they wear blends with cops+enone; as you point out, it's got a lot to do with chemistry. That's why I suggested that it might be good to choose someplace more neutral/safe than, like, a late club or something to test out LFN or anything sexy if someone doesn't know how it works for them. Again, I hope I didn't scare you, RedandFlaming. As I say, I am just one member of the sizable group of women on here who wear LFN and other blends that contain cops in everyday contexts (but I don't wear these to work). I think we'll all be interested to hear how it goes once your LFN arrives. Happy testing!
  15. Don't be nervous! The sexy blends can be a bit tricky in a spray because they disperse more, so when you apply make sure you start out only applying to your torso and maybe do it naked and with your hair tied up so you don't actually get the cops on hair/clothes. Also, LFN has cops as well as Androstenone (dominance), which some folks on here consider a risky combo out at a bar on your own, so I might suggest you try it out in safer situations to see how it works for you, that's all. And because it's unscented you'll need a cover scent. I suggest you head over the the UN-LFN thread and read about how others use it and cover it with scent. And if you find it doesn't work for you then we have an excellent trade/sales section on these boards to rehome orphan LPs. Your colleagues sound like real charmers! Ignorant and a witch, hmm... could be a job for Swimming with Sharks (SWS). Here's the description, from one of the first links I put in my initial reply to your OP: SWIMMING WITH SHARKS - (unisex) - Can be worn by both women and men. Lends an air of respect, appeases and calms people who may bristle against those in authority, helps people to really listen to what you have to say. This blend is for people who have difficulties garnering respect in the workplace. It's supposed to make people SHUT UP and listen to you. It's supposed to make those people who may bristle at taking orders from you, calm down, listen, and accept your authority, and be happy about it. It has mood elevating pheros, calming pheros, respect pheros, trust pheros. You can try it in Lap of Luxury. Don't be sorry! I would rather know than continue in error! Dolly says there's a lot in CB here and more recently BlueBear says so here. Going back over the CB thread I think was confusing other folks saying they hadn't *smelled* much in the way of cops. With only two ingredients it's hard to know ratios. Sorry for the misinformation. CB has a hefty dose, it seems.
  16. Good thing she's getting her massages free; that's an expensive habit of using LPs as room spray she's developing!
  17. Remember to take lots of photos to blackmail him with as a teenager!
  18. Welcome. What bottle did you decide on for your first order? If you haven't I suggest you take a look at this and this as they are informative resources on LP phero blends and their components. This new user guide is a must-read, especially the sticky threads. As for suggestions, the phero blends work differently on different people, so in the case of your target it could take some experimentation to see what he responds to best on you. As for the difficult men, perhaps you could say a bit more about how they are difficult. Grumpy, inconsiderate, don't take you seriously? Each of these will probably draw different phero suggestions, you see. Since you mention that you want your main target to see your feminine side I suggest you try a blend with EST, which is *the* feminizing phero (it's only produced by pregnant women) and/or copulins, (AKA "cops") which are also only produced by women, and only when they are ready to, erm, copulate (hence the name). LP offers a blend of those two only, called Cuddle Bunny in the UN-scented version and there is also a perfume -- sometimes just called Cuddle Bunny but sometimes referred to as Cuddle Bunny 09 to differentiate from the UN version -- that contains the Cuddle Bunny phero blend. You can try the perfume as a sample to see how the scent and phero agree with you and your target. It is my understanding that the amount of cops in Cuddle Bunny is minimal and so you can wear this with more abandon and in a wider range of settings than most would with pure cops or cops-heavy blends. [edited for misinformation] CB has a lot of cops but in the perfume I find them to be very well covered. Although it does have a lot of cops it doesn't seem to be a bedroom-only blend based on how many folks report using it, though. If you want EST and feel-good social attraction then you can try UN-Lace, which is made up of Alpha-Androstenol (happy social phero) and EST. This might be good for your office (I can vouch for it's fun factor but maybe not so good if they don't take you seriously) as well as your target. This perhos blend is available in a perfume, Garland & Lace. You might also consider La Femme Mystere, which is an UN-scented phero blend that includes EST as well as a host of other pheros and aims to give that feminine mystique. It is currently available in a perfume, La Sylphide, so you can try a sample. It does not contain copulins, although a sexed-up sister version exists -- called La Femme Noire -- and this is available in a perfume, Unbridled, at the moment. I'll get this in now because if I don't someone else will soon. The experts on here are always careful to try and help the newer members (of which I am one) to be aware of appropriateness and personal safety where some of the more sexual pheros are concerned. So, please note that cops mimics the makeup up chemicals in vaginal secretions (so not pheros strictly speaking) and they have been studied and proven to raise testosterone levels in males (and smell funky). All of this means many of the women here avoid putting cops in their hair/on their clothes/too close to their faces. They don't wear lots of cops to bars/clubs/on the bus at night, where men whom you *do not* want to attract can and will pick up your cops and might give you unwanted attention. Many wear little or none to work, Grandpa's 95th birthday, the church bazaar, etc. I don't mean to scare you off of cops or sexual blends in any way, only to share what I've learned on these boards. You will find that the women on here who are experienced with pheros have often learned "in the field" that cops can give wonderful results but they can also be the wrong tool for certain situations and bring out the creeps (or make men uncomfortable because you're TOO SEXAY for them to deal with in the office but cops gets their blood pumping and it makes them all awkward). Some other women on here wear cops practically every day and every way, shout YOLO, and do it like a boss. Everyone's different. Sorry for the wall of text. In the likely event that anything I wrote doesn't make sense then just ask and I (or someone who knows better) will be happy to clarify. Again, WELCOME!
  19. I love the idea of LP science. I'm actually thinking of getting pipettes and measuring how much I apply in cc/ml. Is that nuts? Not sure I care.
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