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Everything posted by donsie

  1. Oh, neat result. Your dedication to helping your parents and the fact that you have the knowledge to do it are impressive. Oh, and tell your mom to keep being a boss. Maybe she needs some Dominance to keep your dad in line!
  2. Ha, I haven't noticed that last one yet! I remain barely presentable!
  3. I am actually naughtily posting on this threat for the UN when in fact I use Cougar Potion (scented, phero-boosted perfume that I happen to think smells outstanding). I use that as an oil but I would consider it in spray as well when I have saved up for it. If you want to know specifically about the UN then I'm sorry that I can't actually give you an answer. Maybe someone else can.
  4. You're very welcome. I've only had positive results from PP but that was wearing it when I *did* want people to notice and make a fuss over me. It would be good to know how you get on with TH once you give it a try!
  5. Me too! I wore it once in Tickle, Tickle and didn't have those effects... but I never wear enough of the phero-boosted perfume at a time, I don't think. Now that I have pipettes and can measure my applications I think I'm getting more discernible hits, so must try that with my vial of Tickle, Tickle.
  6. Folks, I am wicked excited about the NRs, as I think this month will be my birthday order (as it will arrive in time for my birthday, rather than the NRs that come out nearer my birthday itself)!
  7. I would probably avoid Pop Potion because from the situations your describe I'm not sure I'd actually want to do *anything* to be the centre of attention, especially with MIL/SIL. Centre of attention can be good a good position (and PP of course pushes it in that positive, likeable, popular direction) but if they're the type to pick someone to be the centre of attention in a negative, gossipy, judgmental way then I'd want to stay well clear of being their focus! Good luck!
  8. I *love* PM and now I'm torn on whether to bravely, impulsively, and stupidly get a bottle of this unsniffed or just hold out and save up for UN-PM. This sounds so pretty... like the most beautiful bowl of applesauce.
  9. I got a small bottle from Artfire. I assume the smaller size was left over from November. I'm saving my pennies to get a big one, you can be sure.
  10. Short version: LFM made the mean girl at choir nice to me... really conversant and nice. I got invited to brunch by the inner clique from choir. ACD, who has ignored me outside of rehearsal and not had much to say to me in them talked to me at brunch/on the walk back. Jeezum Crow, can I drink this stuff so it oozes from my pores? ETA: Kidding! I'm not actually going to drink it!
  11. I don't get selfies except for OD... and, I think, from PM.
  12. Perfect Match is the one that does it for me. Throw in cops and I think it could be serious.
  13. This is the unavoidable paradox of the truly British toff. We want photos of them but they demur. If they do not demur they will, by that very act, lose their toff card.
  14. I have been holding off trying this precious sample for when I really need that calming, reassuring vibe. Well, because I've got a new job I'll be leaving my casual support work at my old employer that I used to supplement by income from my contracted office job. This means that today I have to tell my vulnerable clients that today is our last session and we won't be working together anymore. I'll also have a social work student on placement with me who has never done this kind of work before. So, the Teddy BB is for the benefit of my clients, the student, and me! I'm going to wear this and report back.
  15. If only someone round here knew an English toff to put on the label, eh, Luna?
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