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Everything posted by Ivysaur

  1. Hi Tinkerbelle, I similarly found LPMP while doing personal research on pheromones. I have been pretty amazed so far. I also have previous interests in essential oils and vibrational remedies. So, nice to meet you there as well. I look forward to reading your trial results!
  2. Going through a breakup (╯︵╰,) Calling upon LPMP comfort scents to help provide me the cushion cloud of "There, there..." I'm really glad to have these in my arsenal of preparation for times like these

  3. Ivysaur


    I wore Vardo to meet a friend in person for the first time. Weeks later, I'm told that when he remembers me, he remembers this scent! Talk about scent imprints... I was also wearing something of my own imitation of the Levitation pheromone blend. That certainly helped our evening go well I've worn other LPMP scents since our first meeting, but he remembers Vardo. Quite an impression maker.
  4. Breakthrough after Breakthrough after Hardship 。・゚(゚>

  5. I also asked my question in http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7710&hl=teddy&do=findComment&comment=345179 before I saw your post. Would you say that Teddy Potion BB is good to use on male friends to stop them from trying to get with me and instead only see me platonically?
  6. Would Teddy Potion BB be good to use if I want my male friends to stop trying to get with me, and instead just stay friends? Or is the sexual prowling of men something that no potion in the universe can influence?
  7. Oh my gosh, thank you, you guys! I learned something new about these forums today. I usually just check back here to New Releases, but I see that if I don't want to go through every month, there's another way to keep track of what's available. I missed the forest for the trees Pherotine is going to be amazing!
  8. I had such a great date night! Ahhhh! ! ! Oh my god I have needed fun for so long. I actually forgot h o w to have fun ~(☆ω☆)~

  9. I am neither male nor a canine, but oh my god I want this so badly for myself. I'm mentally salivating from a look at the ingredients. This isn't just one on my mental list of Wants that I Will One Day Hope to Purchase, this is irresistible to trial and will without a doubt be in my next order. I keep coming back to this page. For the record, I do like both men and woofers, so I wouldn't mind if I also attracted some of those along the way
  10. Ivysaur


    Every time I wear this, it's because I need to. My day is in need of saving and Sweet! hits that spot just right. The teakwood and marshmallow root never fail to comfort me as apple and sugar provide me serene mental stimulation. It has the most staying power I've experienced of LPMP's scents as well, lasting all the way through Day 2 if I don't shower (rarely, but it's not never ), and what's left is mostly teakwood. If left on fabrics, however, it's not as noticeable because I think Sweet! needs body heat for effective diffusion moreso than some others.
  11. I realize my earlier post has a rather confusing detail, so I want to clarify: When I mention wearing Perfect Match with strangers, I forgot to include that I was primarily with my ex-boyfriend and sometimes we'd meet new people. That's when I learned that I + depression + Perfect Match + strangers = not a pleasant experience. I since then have heeded a blend's name and description more carefully. I do agree that my state of mind is what ultimately fed the negative experience. I most likely was not in the mood to socialize or reveal myself like the pheromone blend was pushing me to. With my recent trials of pure B-Nol (even up to 6 sprays) producing very comfortable and emotionally-satiating experiences, so long as I'm not already feeling rather introspective and introverted and am with people I'm familiar with, I'll utilize this or any other B-Nol heavy blend.
  12. I've tested this out as a single molecule only a couple of times, but I haven't noticed much in self-effect. Granted, I don't test beta-androstenol in social situations, so that may be a totally different experience when I do. I use 4 sprays. I'm hesitant to spray any more, but if someone chimes in that more sprays have resulted in a more revealing experience for them, I'll try it. I used to be rather emotional most of the time so I had to stay away from Perfect Match as much as possible last year, as it forced me to reveal my depressive episodes to others no matter how unfamiliar I was with strangers. But, times have changed for me and I don't find myself having any depressive episodes anymore, and so I'm thinking that it may be good to now try using b-nol for its 'honesty effect' when opening up in conversation. There are also other ingredients in Perfect Match that may have contributed to the weepiness (even in happy moments I wore it during!) like Androstadienone, as it may have reminded me of wanting to settle under the duvet and cuddle with a significant other, with my having no such companion. Or, the hyper emotions could have been an anxious reaction to the stimulation of DHEAS + Epi-Androsterone. Or I may have simply overdosed. I'm doing a LOT of guesswork here that's unnecessary, but with almost no reaction to straight B-Nol, I'm learning it might not be the molecule responsible for the simultaneous weepiness + anxiety that I had been afraid to re-experience on Perfect Match. Or, times could have simply changed for me and I no longer react that way. I'll have to give Perfect Match some more investigative runs this time of year to see.
  13. This is exactly what I put on when I want to thoroughly unwind all of my kinks from the day/weeks. I've held off from wearing this around my family for the holidays, and I've just donned it 30 minutes ago. Now I remember what relaxation I have been missing all of this time Phero Girl makes my world right again. I always listen to whatever I feel like doing whenever Phero Girl is in play
  14. Totally ready for my Holidays to start. I'm sitting at an airport, just relaxing until I get to my home city, Chicago! Planning pays off

  15. Gosh I am hurting\\٩(๑>o

  16. I just participated in my first Secret Santa in a long time! (@^-^) I shared my LPMP addiction with my recipient. Based on her self-description, I think she'll bite the bait.

  17. LP Black is growing on me I started the sniffie out on a first trial thinking, "This is too serious for me," and tonight being the fourth/fifth time I've worn it, I'm convinced that I should full bottle this one. I actually don't want to run out! It might be because it's wintertime and I'm indeed looking for that cozy, down to earth feel, or perhaps this scent has got me going goth. I'd say it's suiting some of the events happening in my life, so that's probably what's got me feeling like the Addams Family (I've been feeling like Wednesday recently)
  18. ( ̄ω ̄) I haven't had 2 smooth sailing mornings in a row like today and yesterday since forever ago. I'm finally no longer seeing all of these Wrong People who don't belong [in my Life] (-‿‿-) I thank my Dead (^人^)

  19. Need to hypnotize myself into having more of a budget personality (ノ_ヽ)

  20. It's cool to find out that the elements in my astrological chart coincide with my scent preferences. I have no Fire sign, therefore I rarely douse in spice-y stuff. The chakra blends also sound very fitting
  21. Ooh, that's an interesting experience I'd like to read. Those are the first three ingredients in La Femme Mystere.
  22. I slept the daytime away +_+ One of those, "It's dark out .. is it dawn or dusk?"

  23. Just made bookings to visit my family in the Midwest - I'm living on the west coast. Traveling during the holidays is stressful! Traveling in general is pretty hectic to me.

  24. Ivysaur


    Magic is in this bottle. Either that, or there is no such thing as a muggle dragonfly There is an aquatic environment, and then there's a sparkle in this that represents the dragonfly zipping over the waters. How clever! I've never used these ingredients before, so I'm not sure if I'm just attracted to a single one, purporting it to have that zing, or if it's the general synergy. I wouldn't consider this a bright tangy type of zing, though. Whatever this magic is is what I imagine the scent effect equivalent to be for DHEAS.
  25. I think I might have gotten self effects from copulins, but what I noticed wasn't exactly arousal. I don't remember if I felt more aroused or not preceding, but I do remember a kind of jitteriness, like when I have caffeine in my system. It was odd. I had eaten dinner not too long before, a dish that I had ordered in the past, and was well hydrated, and hadn't had too much physical or emotional stress as far as I knew. I did apply Phero Girl two or three times over the previous 24 - 36 hours, though, so that's why I'm making this connection. I've worn Sheer Essence and I've worn scents that were enhanced with pheromone blends that contained copulins, but I don't think I've ever worn a scent boosted straight with copulins. I have both seen for myself and read on these forums that men sometimes react with jitters, as if they're more excited than their system has ever experienced (drastic change in testosterone over a short period of time?), but I haven't read of us females reacting like this. I might be experiencing the same. I'll wear less Phero Girl or not re-apply so much. It's just that I received this in an order a few days ago and was just so into it. If my behavior continues and it's still scary - well, I just discovered Une, so I'll have that option
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