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Everything posted by Tinkerbelle

  1. Thank you for your response. I wore it again along with a dash of BAM and an extra spritz of DHEAS. I got loads of compliments and even had one lady tell me I looked so naturally beautiful that I was glowing. I am attributing THAT to the DHEAS. But I will take it ANY day! That same day I saw the target for just a little while, no personal interaction, he was just in the same room. I could have sworn he was glancing at me a couple of times, and then I received a message from him with a completely random question...lol. So I think SOMETHING made him want to interact on a more personal level. I just have this "feeling" that PM is working its magic, so I am going to keep trying. I will definitely post here if things progress the way I want them to.
  2. So, I have been doing my due diligence with PM (the UN) lately. I have tried it in multiple application amounts, and while I SEEM to get a lot of friendly interaction, that is fairly typical of the people I am around a lot anyway. I tried it with the Target a couple of times, and the first time, he seemed almost a little nervous...like 12 year old boy around his crush kinda nervous. Silly smiles, etc. But I don't get to see him A LOT, especially not in extended periods of time. I did get to spend some time with him in a group lately, and I wore the PM with some sheer essence. He sat near me at the table, but I guess I didn't see a lot of difference in him. That being said, he is VERY good at hiding his feelings. This I know from past experience. I want to keep trying it with him because I know many of you say it has cumulative effects. I guess I am just having a hard time knowing if I have hit the spot with it. I have tried it in the UN oil from pherotine, usually swiped in cleavage, a little on the neck and sometimes a swipe on the wrist. (I put some in my own roller bottle for swiping because the drops are hard for me to "measure".) Have any of you noticed ghosting with this one? I haven't reached a point where I felt like that was happening, but I keep upping it and trying to see if I get any blatant reactions. I just do NOT want to ghost with it because my opportunities are so very rare. Any advice? I have worn it with the Aphrodisia scent (the time he acted like a 12 year old boy) and this last time in the group, with LP Red.
  3. Ooh ooh ooh!! When can we see?????
  4. I have been stalking daily to see if anything pops up!! I am DYING! I have never done the sampler before, and I think I will this time, so I am sitting on my order until I see what is coming!! EEEKKK!
  5. I am sitting on an order right now waiting to see what the New Releases will be before hitting send!! So ready!!
  6. I love this scent. I have been trying all the LPs, and even though I do like some of the others...a LOT...Red is still my favorite. It is one of those scents that I just keep smelling myself! It is a very sexy scent, and I LOVE mixing it with Bang!
  7. Thanks for the input. I have tried adding it to a few scents (on my body, not in the bottles) and I do think it increases the throw a little. But hard to say. I am still experimenting with all of this but if I could get a better throw with the oils, I'd love that. I will keep testing it. I was worried it would change the scents, but so far, it hasn't. I want to be able to reach further with the pheros and the scents without utilizing the spray because they don't seem to last long for me.
  8. I got a sniffie of this, so not much to use, but I didn't like it so much in the vial. Once I put it on, however, I adored it. It did tend to get a little powdery, but that was fine with me. I wore it last night to a group event with some Bang! I was hoping the hedione would create a good throw for the Bang. I did have one guy randomly mention how "pretty" it smelled "in here" when he got near me. Another guy kept looking at me as I was talking to someone else. He was probably 4-5 feet away. I know him, and he could have just been being nosy, but it seemed odd that every time I looked his way, he was staring. I don't know if it was the Bang, the MM, or just coincidence. He and I do talk semi-regularly when I see him, but he doesn't usually stare that I am aware of. When I did talk to him finally, he was extra complimentary and the convo seemed to flow a little easier, and maybe a little longer than usual.
  9. I have read research on this and decided to try the trial from Pherotine. I also had received a sniffie of Mystic Mountain (which I LOVED) that had Hedione in it. I will post my review in the appropriate thread for that. BUT...my question is this...have any of you noticed any specific reactions when wearing a scent that contains hedione? I have read the reviews of scents and how they turned out on people, but didn't know if anyone had tried it to see if it actually created a response similar to a phero. OR if you have noticed that the scents that DO contain hedione have a longer lifespan or greater throw that YOU can tell? Just trying to figure out how to best utilize this. I really am hoping it will increase the throw of the pheros. And I'd love it to have an effect on the target, too, but not sure what to expect since it says it affects women more than men....and not exactly sure in what ways that would be noticeable.
  10. I just finally smelled CB today!! Is there any of this left? If so, I would like to add one to my next order. Thanks!
  11. I think the solid is stronger and lasts longer. I love the oil, but the scent doesn't last long on me. I like to do the oil on my wrists and solid in cleavage and on my chest.
  12. I swear....I'm gonna go broke. I'd like to reserve one each: Berry Pie with Heart & Soul Currantly Incensed with Sexpionage Lemon Cake with Treasured Hearts Love Potion with Gotcha! Love Potion Pink with EST
  13. So, I am going to give Gotcha another go today. I have given it a few weeks to try to get to a different place cycle wise and emotionally. So far I think I MIGHT have gotten a hit from BANG!, a fairly obvious hit, at least I think so, with MRF a few weeks ago. And I wore some BAM around my babies' daddy last night...not intentionally for him...it just worked out that way...and he got a little more peeved than usual. He is pretty grumpy anyway, but he was just ILL last night. I am guessing the cops messed with him. Not sure if the testosterone increase confused him, if he felt attraction and didn't want to face it, or if it was just that increase in general that made him angrier than usual. Anyway...I am testing the Gotcha today without anyone in mind, just to see if I can wear it without getting emotional like before. If I can, I may use it on my target next time I know I will see him.
  14. I tried it on him again. He didn't seem as effected, but last time might have also NOT been the Bang! However, he is also REALLY good at NOT showing what he is feeling when other people are around. He was always pretty open when it was just us, but he's super private, so unless I can get an initial read when it hits him, he is really good at playing stuff off. I kind of want to try Bang alongside some BAM! See if I can get him talking....lol. The opportunities are so few and far between with him lately, that it is hard to endure the wait between tries and seeing what works, if I have even reached a sweet spot for MYSELF yet, much less him and if he will respond. Patience is NOT my forte, yet so necessary with the phero trials. I've also considered an Indiscretion sample I got with TMI and cops, but I am a little nervous it will make ME yappy, PLUS there are usually plenty of other men around when I see him, so not sure I want to be hitting up other people with the cops.
  15. I used the bath salts the other night and oh my....HEAVENLY! I just adore this scent! I ordered a roll on AND another solid to keep in my purse. I have SO MUCH stuff to try right now, but I can't help coming back to this. An intervention may be necessary soon....I just added up how much I have spent lately..... . But so far, it is TOTALLY worth it!
  16. There is a LOT more depth to signs than I know ANYTHING about. It was just something that I pondered. I am currently "trying them out" on a Scorpio, and I think his moon is also Scorpio. But that is about as in depth as I get. lol. I know he fits the Sun Sign Scorpio to a TEE! And I haven't gotten to spend enough time with him to REALLY gauge how he responds to the different blends, but I think Bang! might have gotten to him the other night. It was hard to say. I posted about it in the Bang! review thread. Anyhoo... in reading some of Luna's journals, he has a lot of traits that I think would match up with her man and I am HOPING he will respond in the same way over time. REALLLLYYY hoping.
  17. So, I thought on this for a few days before posting because I wasn't...and am still not... sure this was a hit/weird affect. But I thought I would throw it out there. My target (a guy I dated that decided we should be friends - or so he says - I have reasons to believe that he still wants more but doesn't feel like now is the time...anyway) is pretty consistent in his behavior towards me since the split. He is very friendly, still stares rather intensely when he talks to me which always freaks me out a little. We still have a TON of chemistry when we are near each other, but it is almost uncomfortable because it feels like it ALWAYS did, yet neither of us act on it. That being said, we had a few moments together in passing this week. He stopped and started talking as always, but after a moment someone else approached and interrupted. I turned to answer their question, and he stood there for a moment, then stepped to the side of the hallway. Now...THAT is strange because he has NEVER just walked away. Even if someone else steps in...he hangs around until we can finish our conversation. Well, more people started to approach and I began making my way towards the door. TYPICALLY, he would join the crowd and walk out together, but he stayed back. In fact, I was out the door and almost at my car before he made it out the door. Then he walked past me, SO CLOSE HE COULD'VE BRUSHED ME without reaching out, and yet he DID NOT SPEAK. Now, this is the WEIRDEST thing, because this is so far out of his personality and our dynamic that I wondered if I had pissed him off by not waiting or something. But even if I had, that is just not his style. In all the time I have known him (a good, long while...friends for a LONG time before we became more), he just would never walk past me without a word. Regardless, I still figured he was just mad...but a mutual friend brought it up to me today and said how odd he suddenly started acting in the hall (she saw him as she was one of the ones approaching before I headed out.) She said he had a strange look on his face, and found it SUPER odd that he would walk by and not speak as he left. :/ Well...I was wearing Bang! and had touched it up about 20 mins before seeing him. It had been about 6 hrs when I put it on prior. I just put a little dab on my wrists (mixed with LP Red) before, in HOPES that I would see him as I left. He started talking just as normal as can be, and then according to my friend, when he walked to the side of the hall, his face changed. Now, this STILL could have been him being ticked, but it is out of character. And I wondered if maybe the Bang didn't make him feel something that made him slightly uncomfortable...or unsure how to act under our current circumstances. Especially since he didn't speak or even LOOK at me when he walked past just 5-10 mins later. I really want to try it again, but I am not sure WHAT the effect was, if indeed the Bang had anything to do with that. I really wish I could try it on him without the potential of other people around that might make him feel self conscious about expressing anything he MIGHT be feeling under the influence of the Bang. Arg. I don't want to make him feel weird being around me, but if it enhanced the attraction that I'd put money on is still there, then I want to keep wearing it. What to do????
  18. I wondered if anyone had ever taken time to compare notes about whether certain signs respond consistently to specific blends. I know we all have different chemistries that affect the way we project the pheros for lack of a better term, but just as certain personalities seem to respond similarly to EST, for instance, I wondered if that could apply with zodiac For instance, are there enough people who have tried an EST blend with Scorpios to see that they generally respond well or not. I realize even if that IS the case, there would always exceptions...but i found the concept interesting if there was a potential to "guess" what a target might respond well to based on their sign. Just a thought.
  19. I am putting together a laundry list for an invoice.....lol. I didn't even know the sampler kits existed...I've only been here, what, a month, and I missed those somehow. If I keep reading these forums, I am going to go broke because every thread makes me want something new to try. Sigh.....
  20. I adore this! I'm not good at picking out notes. ....all I know is I WILL be getting the full bottle. The scent is light and clean, yet I don't get ANY hint of the cops smell.
  21. Perfumer's alcohol if I can find it...if not, I was going to try the Everclear route.
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