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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Beccah

    The Sun

    This one is also a favorite of mine. I love the citrus quality that the bergamot lends, I think lemon would've leaned towards pledge in this. TT also likes it, as he usually prefers the more 'classic' type scents.
  2. Beccah


    I like this one based on smell alone. There's something in this that has a really 'fresh' quality, must be the white musk?
  3. Hmm, if the Dior is strong maybe you could put that on first then layer a silicon based phero over?
  4. Beccah


    That's what Saturn does when you hit 29 *bada bing*
  5. IDK sweety if you're learning a lot from these classes & you want to continue then I don't think missing any is a good idea. The sage + wearing a protective LP like Ashes2Dust, or Elixir of Silver should be enough. You don't want to portray weakness by missing classes. Personally I would act as if nothing has happened & just avoid socializing with them. I don't know what their issue was, but it seems that you're gaining a lot from these classes if staying is this important to you.
  6. Oh Hey! If you were doing spiritual work with these people then don't forget to smudge yourself to get rid of the nasties being spiritually & emotionally involved with vipers can incur.
  7. Oh my *grabby hands*, I think it should go to Ravenwing, because I snapped up 7 bottles total..if Ravenwing didn't want it, it would become 8
  8. Had to bust out my sample last night, this one does have a very protective & comforting vibe.
  9. Oh no Bumbob just click order, there's always the trade post
  10. 1.Monthly Sampler 2.The Magician 3.The Star 4.Love Thyself bath bomb 5.Abundance bath bomb 6.Mixed bag Apostolic incense 7.Purple blessed & dressed candles 8.Blue blessed/dressed candles 9.Twas the night forum freebie sample 10. Unwrapped forum freebie sample I still can't say enough about Mara's candles, they definitely give an extra oomph to my workings. & I really can't wait to try that incense
  11. I've also noticed the intent is very strong, it definitely manifests extra love in the room.
  12. I feel so drawn to 'The Star'! Ironically my altar ego used to be 'Alyssa Star'. She's still a part of me, just an itty bitty bit, lol. The first tattoo I had was my lower back & I designed it with 3 stars. Funny story there are 5 now because I worked a difficult d.j. who was so anti-tatoo, I thought it would hilarious to see if he noticed the additional 2. He also smoked a lot of pot so I was hoping he'd be like 'Is Ayssa's tatoo growing?'. I tease TT that it's my 5 star rating now. Also I have a 3 symbol kanji on my inner right wrist & the first one stands for star. I hven't smelled it yet, but THANK YOU so much! I can tell already that this is going to be a new favorite I'm fighting my urge to figuratively run to the cart.....
  13. In the words of my 4 yr.old. : "Awwww, I just can't wait anymore!" *complete with quivering lip & puppydog eyes*
  14. Well maybe you're overdoing your current dosage, as G&L is 1/3rd the strength of the unscented Lace?
  15. Haha let's see B2 makes me men 'hero worship' me, think how they'd treat Ken Griffy Jr. etc. G2 nets me that effect from women. Sexpionage nets that effect from TT. OW is like people nip, H&S is like OW only putting me in the spotlight with a rose colored lens. IDK I like most of th eblends from here, initially I was mostly interested in the sexual blends, but as I've grown & matured I find myself reaching for the social without fail nearly daily. I do have a bottle of P74+P83 bottle of Cheap Girls that I'm hoarding because the effects are so over the top. Seriously people literally treat me like a superstar when I wear it & apparently it's like lady nip as well
  16. ZOMG! Must have full bottle set! Want, want, want! Anxiously awaits descripts...
  17. My only experience with enone & crankiness comes with applying right before my period. Must be more sensitive to it @ this time.
  18. Got a sample of this in trade with Hmmb1 & TT loves it. I made him sniff the vial & he goes what is that? I told him the unedited title & he was like 'let me smel that again..' Need to do a rebrew with Sexpionage as the phero, lol.
  19. If she made some with mint & the vanilla-apricot combo that would be like LP Silver, lol. I'm stuck on having corresponding lip stuffs to our LPs, maybe it's because I spend so much time going 'I can't eat this' in my brain....
  20. Welcome! Ah yes it's so tempting to stack your orders, lol.
  21. In honor of teh scrummy LP Original base...how about vanilla-apricot if it's available & definitely a drop of cinnamon to give a little more plump to the pout, lol. Actually sounds a more like LP Red with the cinnamon.
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