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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Oh I can't wait for a sampler! IMO I also think my Secret would make a nice layer-able scent when you want to add some resin-y depth a fragrance.
  2. Yes I have a TON of wax, because I've only been able to leave them warming for a 1/2 an hour @ a time. Putting 2 in there packed a RIDICULOUSLY strong wallop & I will have more common sense next time
  3. I know! & I've been repeatedly melting the 2 black melts I used initially! I think I'm just going to keep them warmed in my bedroom for now, the rest of the house gets scented that way & they eradicate TT's "man musk".
  4. So far I've only used the Black w/ Perfect Match, I don't leave them on for a long time, & I used 2 melt to begin with. I've melted them like 4X & I'm still getting a ton of scent out of the 1st two I've used.
  5. I think the vast percentage of the population that is aware of pheromones, tend to view them as snake oil and/or wouldn't go out of their way to buy them. I have introduced a few friends/relatives to them & they still stick with wearing my perfumes when we socialize.
  6. My theory is that on a primordial level, with reproduction being so much more costly to us as females, we instinctively defend our resources more savagely. On the other hand my theory would depend on what level you are existing. Whether you aspire to higher spiritual level, or concern your self with lower desires.
  7. I couldn't find it either, but what I'm gathering is that the researchers found that women are more helpful when they're aroused? Hmm, is that why (Neanderthal) men perceive nicer women as being, ahem, easier targets?
  8. My experience with this scent is that it was so hot it blew the top off of my sample (bada bing). I completely forgot all about how much I adored this one. I need a full bottel :'-(
  9. Testing today. The linen note in this gives is a silky feel, along the same vein as Silk & Fur or Denise's Silky Freesia & Musk. In combination with the other notes, the lavender lends a green quality as well. I like this one.
  10. Does back the old saying that "desperation is a repulsive cologne".
  11. I have a huge burner & an open floor plan on my 3 bedroom split ranch house, so the kitchen/family/dining area are all kind of together you know? I tried Black/Perfect Match first throwing 2 in there (cuz the single tart looked lonely), anyway 2 was a bit much, not scent-wise, but phero wise. This amount caused a slight headache & nervousness + fruitless clingyness (TT decided to nap as soon as I put these on to melt ). I don't think Perfect match is a good one for me to diffuse when I'm alone, lolz. The scent was lovely though.
  12. I think there may be some available for Feb. releases & you will definitely love it! It is resiney, spicy yumminess.
  13. Got my PE today & I love, love, love! PM, you balanced this out fantastically & in perfume form it has an 'oriental' feel to it! I asked PM to do a PE for me based on a massage oil I used to make & sell. The recipe was: 750ml olive oil (I packaged it in recycled wine bottles), 30 drops sandalwood, 20 drops labdanum, 15 drops patchouli, & 5-10 drops black pepper EOs (approximately). I adore the way Mara balanced this as a perfume, it really does come across as classically oriental!
  14. Got mine today (yay!). I did not realize how many I was ordering!! 6 full sets may last me a lifetime (j/k), & the box they shipped in smells of them (yummy). Can't wait to test these out & report back, also thank you fo rthe all the extra sniffees thrown into my package
  15. Going to test this one tomorrow.
  16. In the vial I get the jam, on my skin this is mostly coffee. Kudos to PM, because this is only the second foodie scent TT has liked, & the cops are barely detectable when the fragrance is wet. I didn't even smell them in the vial actually.
  17. Well Flying Potion already has a LOT of A-Nol in it, so if you dose it excessively, then you're probably OD'ing people. I'd half the amount you're currently using.
  18. Well...definitely is better for use in social situations. B2 is a good one for self effects & so is G2, along with Perfect Match.
  19. I've had to use pheros in non-ideal situations before (sick, lack of sleep from overnights). My suggestion is that if you NEED to use them, spray on back of the neck so you don't get hit with them as much, also back of hands doesn't expose you to as much phero if you keep hands away from face. I would definitely say the pheros pushed you to that exhaustion point, also they seem to lower my alcohol tolerance.
  20. Fo'Sho', I love this one on TT. I wear Compromising Positions when he wears this. Needless to say we get along much better these days thanks to Mara's magic
  21. Addendum to my earlier self effects report: Focus Potion: Good for tests, not good for menstrual cramps. Seems to have an intensifying effect on them. Dominance/Leather: Can't wear during the week before, or the first couple days of my monthly visitor. Seems to intensify my feelings of hormonal rage. Cops: Yep definitely make me happy & frisky. Cougar: I finally get an effect when I spray MASSIVE amounts upon myself. Not sure if this means I need to take a week or two off from 'mones? Popularity Potion: Makes me feel happy & outgoing. Can net me wonky reactions from other people, if I overdue it with this one, though.
  22. Hmm, well a non-medictaed option for sleep I use is mixing a few drops of chamomile & lavender EO with a cup of Epsom salts & adding to a warm bath. Also helps with menstrual cramps. The salts are to keep the EOs from floating on top of your water.
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