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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. VANILLA & VANILLA BEAN ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. TOBACCO ABSOLUTE ~ Healing, purification, spiritualism. An ode to the Gods. DARK RESINS ~ Deep sensuality and stimulation. WOODSMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration. It is also the foremost mode of communication from this world to the realm of spirits and the gods.
  2. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted. STRAWBERRY ~ Attraction, friendship, draws fortunate circumstances in all areas of your life. BLUEBERRY ~ Protection, communication, peace, calm. LEMON ~ Energizing, uplifting. Longevity, faithfulness, fidelity, friendship. Used to attract spirits. APRICOT ~ Love, love, love! Romance, passion, femininity. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. Meditative and transforming. *Note from Beccah- Yes, yes, yes! One of my favorites.
  3. There is no one blend that's more effective than the other, at least out of LP. It's more about whichever blend happens to work best for you, with your particular chemistry. Lots of ladies rave about Audacious but that one's never done much for me. I rave about Aja, but on a lot of women, it smells like vinegar. So on & so forth.
  4. If you think you're allergic to Sneaky Clean, I would be careful. Try spraying it down the back of your outfit, so it's not in your face. I do this with all of my sprays. I don't recommend Blatant Invitation in dance hall types of situations.
  5. I think you may end up being just as chatty w/ PM, lol. Only it's worse because the DHEAS in that blend gives people all of the feels for you! You could try adding in Topper to the blends that are already working for you, for when you want to switch up your signature. I know Topper has DHEAS, but that doesn't seem to make Cougar more touchy-feely, imo. Topper just seems to really amplify what's already going on w/ Cougar. I will second trying out SS4W. I can't get that one to work for me in anything *but* Sneaky Clean. If it works for you.. it is a killer blend! I've had the most over the top response to Sneaky Clean. Had a guy walk past me & then come back from all the way across the room to ask me if it was my perfume that smelled so good.
  6. I forgot how powerful of a man magnet LP Red is. I had it on yesterday & had to make a run to Walmart. I was not even remotely friendly to anyone because I was there getting Epsom salts since my whole body has been aching due to my woman time. I really felt awful, & I was spending way too much time kind of crouched down looking at this face cream because I just didn't want to get up. I kind of became aware of a guy standing near me but was ignoring him. I finally got up & he asked me if this was where the sunburn stuff was. I was not in the mood so I brusquely pointed him to the sunscreen aisle. I get the sense that poor man waited all that time to get a chance to talk to me.
  7. I love this one, & I was hoarding my sample, but then my 17 yr.old was complaining about not having any cologne to wear. So I let him have this one. (This is true love, people.)
  8. I haven't ever given Honeyed Love Potion a proper trial, but I think that's because Gotcha wasn't good for me to use around the ex, & it's been buried in w/ my other Love Potion variant samples. I'm going to give it a good slather, now that you've brought it up.
  9. I love Betsey's Apple, it is such a summer-y apple scent. I think a lot of people are going to be begging for a rebrew of this one.
  10. Not to my knowledge. I believe only the permanent OCCOs are available as NOCCOs.
  11. You can always call & ask if she has the components to make some for you. It never hurts to ask.
  12. I see what you did there. Man, this review is motivating me to dig through my sample box for Candy Apple Cutie. Hope it's still there!
  13. Trina is summoning a beautiful memory of lying in a summer field strewn with clover and wildflowers, sipping flower nectar and staring at the clouds! Her words were so lovely, I hope I came close with this ode! The scent of wildflowers and fresh greenery, clover tea and flower honeys, all resting on a pillowy base of sweet white musk (the same musk that's in LVs Sweet Pussycat, per Trina's request.). Lovely lovely lovely scent.
  14. A fascinating blend for a woman of power...crafted of antique rose, chypre, spikenard and cannabis. It's classic and olde fashioned, lush, and the kind of thing you could imagine would have been worn by a grande dame who was very assured of her worth.
  15. I made a Limited Ed just for July 4th called Betsy's Apple (named after the fictional creator of our flag, lol.) - crafted of red and green apples and sweetened with cotton candy and berry sugars, with a splash of tart lemon on top and a dollop of amber in the base. It's a fresh and fun summer candy apple scent.
  16. Definitely not interested in ever getting married again. If my partner was dead set on it, I wouldn't mind doing the ceremony w/ a dress, but nothing legally binding.
  17. No, the consensus is that the hormone fluctuations that occur during the menstrual cycle likely change the skin's PH & that effects the way some scents interact with the skin. I don't find myself reaching for any pheromones beside Balm Bomb or A1 heavy blends during this part of my cycle, but those seem to work fine for me. Cops tend to make me feel nauseated.
  18. Betrothal 2016 smells like original Betrothal in alcohol spray form does to me. I like it, of course, because it's a beautifully arranged floral scent in any incarnation.
  19. Cool, glad you had fun. Idk about Audacious. I haven't ever gotten it to work for me, truth be told. I used to try & make pheromones work, when I first started using them & even a couple years into using them. Now, I'm just like "why waste time on a blend that's not going to happen for me?" Life's too short to try & make someone else's HG phero-blend my own, because they raved & raved & raved. I'd rather spend my time using the blends that I have a consistent history of getting good results from. Plus, I mean, there's a reason why Mara has so many blends on the menu for the LP customer base.
  20. Do it!!! Yeah, this smells like delicious dessert on me. I can smell the banana, but it's making the scent creamy. I don't know if I would want a full bottle, but I'll definitely end up using my sample up.
  21. In my personal experience, a man that doesn't set boundaries with his mother is not a good candidate for a long term relationship. I don't know every aspect of your situation, or why his mother doesn't like you, but a mother that feels like you're "stealing" their son can be hell on wheels to deal with for the rest of your life. You know the saying; 'you're not just marrying someone, you're marrying their whole family." I've had normal. go-to blends "turn" on me in the past. It's odd & I can't say what the unaccounted for variables are that sent me into OD territory, but it's rare enough that I will go back to using my favorite blend after a healthy amount of time has passed. I wouldn't let a solitary OD experience scare you off of using a pheromone, if you've enjoyed it enough times without issue.
  22. It's been said by CinnaMel that PM is good for weeding out those that don't want to commit.
  23. I am so sorry, you're review is very good, but I'm cracking up at Bag Balm I know what you meant, though. Balm Bomb http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/BalmBomb/
  24. Dang, Luna! I got really into that story short. Do we have to wait until next month's PEs to get the rest of it?
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