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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Hello to you & welcome to the forum!
  2. VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing. MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal. SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality. CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers. MAPLE ~ Love attraction, longevity; money attractant. PEPPER ~ Protection, fidelity. HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment. AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches. WOODSMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration. COPULINS ~ A female 'pheromone' that is attractive and sexually stimulating to men, and interestingly, quite appealing to dogs and cats as well. Ingredients: Fragrance, DPG Oil, Copulins. ***External Use Only.***
  3. Oh Em Gee, I officially have no life! I am at over 10,000 posts, but I do get to do the review threads, so maybe I'm not THAT much of a loser, lol. New avi, new rank time!
  4. Hm, it sounds like there isn't anyone in your house to prevent you from walking around in the buff? My master bath only opens to my master bedroom, so I can get away with doing stuff in the buff while I'm waiting for dry-down. You know, pick up, make bed, etc.. As for diluting the EoW, I don't really see the need to. The DPG helps give the fragrances a longer shelf life & since you generally don't need much in the way of cops, even at that small amount of oil you could be risking it going rancid before you use it all up. I just apply a dot above my belly button & smoosh it around with the inside of my wrists to get the amount that I want. Or you could get some DPG oil to cut it with.
  5. Dang y'all beat me to the punch, yeah I'm of the opinion that it was overdose territory. A lot of things can kickstart an over excitation of your neurons when you throw pheromones into the mix. Drinking more water/less coffee can help. Small thing like that n such.
  6. I don't think women tend to be as aggressive as men in the dating arena, anyway. But this is generally speaking. I really haven't had any issues with unwanted advances from women while wearing this.
  7. So wowza, this is EVEN BETTER as a perfume spray! I converted my bottle of oil w/ the perfumer's alcohol I rediscovered a couple days ago. It bothered me to have less than a full oz of perfume, so I diluted a tiny bit more than the normal ratio calls for, since I was at probably 8-9 mls in my roll-on. Doesn't matter, these are full strength perfume oils & my soray retained the full character of the oil, with a couple aspects more fully realized. Actually, I think having this diluted with alcohol does take away some of the "warmth," but I feel like this happens with any of the perfume sprays. It definitely doesn't lessen my enjoyment, or the effectiveness of the perfume.
  8. SO seems to like this one, it smells on the sweeter side of fresh. Reminds me of Irish Spring, but better.
  9. My goodness, I forget how strong LP's copulins are! I have an add-in to a bottle of LP SE '11 & of course candy smells definitely hide the scent of copulins. I thought I was being conservative with them, but I got a REALLY strong self-effect from them today. An ex of mine is having a tough time & going through a divorce. We talked today, we are strictly friends now, there is NOTHING untoward between us, hasn't been for 11 years now. Idk, why but I was having very sexual thoughts aimed toward my ex, after our (depressing) conversation. Has to be from the copulins! I will definitely have to avoid wearing them as long as there is a drought in my house, LOL.
  10. Yeah, I've also noticed that I become mosquito bait as well, lol. The bugs may just be attracted to the sweet smelling fragrances that you have on to cover the pheromones.
  11. Welcome to your new addiction! Yup, it gets that way. As soon as you order, you're like damn! I should have gotten this & this, why didn't I get this? Lol. Sarasvati is WONDERFUL for writing papers. I swear, I feel like I'm cheating when I use it, because it works so well for me. I really use mine sparingly, it's a lovely, exotic type of scent. Men seem to be attracted to the scent of it as well.
  12. If you're having problems with pheromone crashes, this could be a sign of some underlying health issue or vitamin deficiency (B in my experience). Take a break, figure out what's going on with you & also try increasing your water intake when you you're using pheromones. You never know what can throw things off, you know?
  13. Oh, it has had a facelift! I was expecting something entirely new, like with H&S/Sugared Honeycomb. Lol.
  14. I think your bottle might have travel shock. I'd let it sit for a week & try again.
  15. ZOMG! Try Topper! Open WIndows is also a great suggestion, if you have it.
  16. I would think that you would get a MUCH better reaction from LAM/BAM in a social setting, rather than a more reserved work setting.
  17. G2!!! Said it before & I will say it again. This blend is more like a popularity potion effect for straight women. Open Windows, Heart & Soul, in addition to G2 are great for creating camaraderie between women. This can be more difficult in female relationships because society conditions us to feel competitive with each other. A lot of other blends here are also good for attracting positive attention, but I feel like they tend to give us a glow in more of an elevated way, & may (in rare instances) garner a jealous type of admiration from other women, which is a double edged sword.
  18. LP Red mixes well with original Love Potion. It definitely tones it down. I find the patchouli is more prominent on my skin than the cinnamon. Love OCCO Red, but it decided to start smelling like coffee on me.
  19. Lol! Idk, but I will at least own the BFF one for the label & Communication....eh crap, I want 'em all, but especially the ones with my VGFs on the labels I have used regular Morton's or generic store brand salt with good results for the last 10 years
  20. But light & heat are the enemy of perfumes! Sorry, knee jerk reaction. I agree with PM, dry salt would be the best. ETA: That is romantic put that way, LV. I like to charge my clear quartz crystals w/ lunar/solar energy, than charge my water with those. I bet that water would be super charged, if I also did the moonlight thing directly with it
  21. Idk what it is about banana, but I used to hate bananas when I was kid. I eat them now, & they smell good, but something about banana in perfume form triggers that sense memory from childhood. Like I could catch whiffs of this walking around the house & enjoy it, but if I tried to wear it, I would feel sick inside, like when I was a kid & would eat bananas. ETA: I do want to credit LP for brewing an actually true banana scent. The others I;ve smelled that are commercially available have always just smelled so artificial.
  22. This works awesome, but then your bottle is kind of fixed for just one thing. You could use it on a green or yellow b-day candle, even burning one daily if need be. Then your bottle is freed up in case of any other emergencies that pop up. Or if you do loose incense you can add it to that. For example; I add a couple drops Love Drawing oil to my Love Drawing incense (purchased elsewhere). LP oils are the only ones that actually smell good when I burn them in my incense. You could also add a couple drops of the oil of your choice to an appropriate cone of incense like this job oil to a cone of patchouli, or I would add the Love Drawing to some patchouli to increase the love in my life. All these things need to be done with your intent for best results.
  23. Beccah

    Katerina Suit

    I'm in agreement with the other ladies. This would be a sweet men's scent. Not sure if this would play well in an office environment.
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