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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Beccah

    Spider Silk 2012

    It works wonders on my (very) standoff-ish SO. So yes, It is still effective in that regard.
  2. I really like this one as well. Tested it today & it a clean, close to the skin scent.
  3. Actually, in my experience, Perfect Match has been better for re-bonding in my 8 year relationship. There's a lot of other things going on with us, but when I'm so inclined PM does wonders. Anything with a goodly amount of DHEAS is going to be your best friend because that is the bonding phero that we go into the downward spiral of producing after 24. You know how we tend to think "it's harder to make new friends when you get older" as you hit the 30s? Probably due to producing less & less DHEAS. PM brings back that happy giddiness from our dating days when my SO & I wear it.
  4. ErrMahGawd, high school was completely Vanilla Fields or VS's Pear Glace, but I was the rebel wearing Ghost Myst
  5. Beccah

    Spider Silk 2012

    Idk, I get zero pink from this. SP 2012 is entirely white on me.
  6. Return To Me seems like good alternate to E&H (for phero-free days). Do you really need my feedback, I think you've got this
  7. Uh, yeah! Maybe even 2 bottles worthy, 1 virgin, 1 sex'd up. This is sexy, but pepper always feels extra protective comforting to me. I've got chocolate as it's fading away, but it was mostly masculine/expensive cigar on me. Like maybe your badass-gun-toting-cigar-smoking pa just gave you a hug & told you everything will be fine. I'm picturing Hershel from the Walking Dead
  8. I went with this today. The tobacco & pepper are giving it a masculine aura to my nose, but it hides the Sexpionage completely. I also love tobacco & pepper in perfumes. They give off a "don't fuck with me aura" & are comforting to me. Actually, Balls! is reminding me of a fine cigar smell, it's fucking delicious (sorry the Sexpionage is making me ornery).
  9. Bwahaha, get yo' ass over here & lend me some assistance, lady!
  10. Awesome, I need to Dom the SO tonight. He's been a very bad boy lately....
  11. This is the one I tried on my skin last night. My skin is doing strange things to fragrances at the moment. This one went sour on me, but it lasted through the night & I can smell a faint trace of it on the application spot, still. I'll have to try again this weekend.
  12. My skin is eating everything right now, so I didn't risk trying it. It did come off like a much cleaner version than the original in the vial.
  13. I need to test this today, but in the vial it reminds me of Turn On. ETA: The scent does have a powerful feel to it.
  14. I can't wait to test this one on the SO. He's so stressed because a financial snafu right now....
  15. Oh I can see it...You remind of Amy Okuda (Tinkerballa) from The Guild, actually
  16. Hey, it doesn't count if you're Asian....(that's you in your avatars, right?) y'all don't age! All of my Asian friends skin has the looked the same from like 16-50, it's not fair!!! Lol.
  17. Hmm, I take classes with 17-23 yr.olds, I get guessed in the early twenties a lot. Must be the pheromones & here I was thinking that my MSM soap was the fountain of youth, lol.
  18. Beccah

    Lala Gulaba

    Ooh, off to slather my sample right now. It was so weird to me, I was meh about the scent but it makes feel super shiny happy. I can't wait to see how it's evolved.
  19. I be the cherry pie moonshine...you think I'm sweet & innocuous, but I'll creep up on yo' ass & make you feel like you've been hit with a sledgehammer after I'm done
  20. Hmm, & herein the conundrum lies. Pheromones make people want to give me free alcohol. Either that or my big ra...err beautiful eyes. Idk, it's probably a combination of the two
  21. Thanks LV! Now every time I put this on I'm going to be thinking "nobody puts Baby in the corner!" Prior to this, I was reading the label in Lumpy Space Princess's voice......
  22. Oh Em Gee, I ended up going full bottle of spray with this one. I sprayed myself & went to dinner. I kept sniffing ecause it smelled like someone was drying laundry (in a good way). Thought maybe a house nearby the restaurant was, err...nope! It was me, lol. Getting this in a spray definitely changed the character of the scent on my skin. I still like it, I think I'm going to wear some to class tonight, actually.
  23. Hehe, close but there is actually a pretty dirty story in this title for me.....
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