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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. You'll know when you're in OD territory (ghosting), & it probably doesn't hurt if you slather with abandon around him. Do keep in mind that if his testosterone is higher, you're likely just wasting product if you use a lot. He will likely respond just as well to a 333 mcg per bottle strength as he would to a 1,000 mcg strength.
  2. Oooh, fall line up! I vote for maple leaf tea, that stuff smells amazing.
  3. You should like Blue Moon, lotus is a very clean floral. The thing when it comes to flirting is that you have to go in with the mindset that it's a healthy way to reinforce your market appeal. I am a natural flirt & I forget how hard it can be for people who aren't into it, to get the hang of it. The easiest way to start is to smile more, then move up to making more eye contact, but smiling is the most important.
  4. I think Goddess of the Blue Moon will be up your alley scent-wise, & that is definitely a super femme blend in there. As to your other problem, you can still be a tomboy & get guys. I suggest instead of telling him to punch you in the stomach next time, you should challenge him to a wrestling match. You have to understand; it is ingrained in (properly raised) men that they shouldn't hit women. Wrestling is a sexy alternative that gives him the opportunity to get touch you, silly girl. You also need to learn how to flirt. The easiest way is to flirt with men you're not attracted to, complementing them, laughing excessively at their jokes, etc.. Just do it until it becomes natural to you.
  5. I might try it over Who's That Lady or something.
  6. Beccah


    I'm getting excited for my bottle to come!!!! Try it with cops for me in the mean time, lol. Also, nobody else make any orders until I get my ship notice, I am not made of patience, people, hehe.
  7. Well, they have worked that way for me before...but my personality is more of a Dolly/Shelly type extrovert
  8. I would say that you need to work on visualizing your desired outcome along with the oils, & yes this applies to LPs as well. A lot of people have success with ritual oils without needing to consciously fix the desired outcome in their minds, but that is usually because they naturally do this. I have a lot of success with them, but when I was little adults used to tease me saying things "you've got a one track mind..." On the other hand you can't keep fixating on what the oils & pheromones are supposed to do the whole entire time you're wearing them. It's like trying to bake a cake & opening the oven every 5 minutes; that cake is not going to turn out! Dolly says it best; "set it & forget it." Apply your pheromones/spell oils at the beginning of the evening & then forget you have them on. When you get home you can go over your evening with a fine tooth comb to see if they worked or not.
  9. Try starting at one spray to see what happens, sometimes we get nothing if we use too much. I'm only using 1-2 sprays, @ the 2500 mcg concentration, max. Also, I went through a period where I didn't respond to A-nol. I was drinking vodka every night & generally not feeling very good about life. If there is an imbalance in your body you're less likely to reap anything from your brain's reward centers in general.
  10. That is why I keep my LPs hidden away in my closet, & my samples in an unassuming binder to look at in the living room.Stalking is the feeling now... Closer, closer to the NRs now... Stalk on with the force, don't stop... Don't stop, stalk till you get enough.
  11. I've actually been forcing myself to wait until I'm actually able to go out when I wear this. Otherwise, I'm ready to party & I have no where to go, lol. I was rethinking my idea to wear this over PP & am actually considering just getting some DHEAS to add to that & my already A-nol heavy blends. ETA: Has anyone else tried this over PP? Maybe I'll test it once to see what happens?
  12. Here's my advice; because my SO tries to pherobomb me with the stuff I buy (or get from testing projects) constantly. If you're buying from here then request a fragrance with a 1/2 strength boost (666 mcg). Personally, I don't buy pheromones for my SO anymore because he tries to pherobomb me, not understanding how they *actually* work. Stalkity-stalk & don't stalk back
  13. Well, that is why I like debating these issues with people like yourself (super intelligent & educated in the sciences). My question is this; is pregnenolone not produced by pregnant women? I'm just asking, because this is my very limited understanding of it. Again, I highly value your input.
  14. Idk, users have reported good results with it, & honestly most pheromones *are* human hormones/steroids, so if you have qualms along those those lines I suggest foregoing pheromones altogether, imo. (I hope you don't take what I said the wrong way. You are super intelligent & I really respect you & enjoy debating things with you {even though you're smarter than me})
  15. So I've been hearing quite the buzz about this single molecule lately & I wasn't sure if LP was planning on experimenting with it yet, but if you do, I will be on this one; like white on rice. I am very happy that LP offers Topper now & I would gladly shell out for any blend that contains Neno, or the molecule by itself. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pregnenolone http://hackingthehive.com/wiki/main/pheromones/molecules/pregnenolone/
  16. Your welcome. My goodness, Topper is my new favorite, it's good by itself & it's excellent over Cougar! I decided to boost the restock of scented Cougar (spray) with Topper. At the rate that I've been using this, it was much more cost effective to combine the two. I let SO test Topper last night (4 sprays) & he reported the same feeling of vitality that I experienced. I also noticed that Topper has a vitalizing effect on people in my immediate vicinity. People from the 30s & up seem to get really energized when I wear this around them, people younger think that I'm in their age range. Combining this with Cougar seems to maximize the desired effects of both blends, actually combining them creates a type of "super Popularity potion". Topper definitely gives me the stamina to keep up with my super star popularity also. My next test will be will be over Popularity Potion.
  17. Beccah


    I got some unsniffed, with a cops boost. I've been layering my cops boosted LP SE:2011 under my scented Cougar spray. I figured this would go better underneath.
  18. Beccah


    Dang it! I swore I wouldn't do this, but I must grab my near to maxed out CC & buy! Alright, will this take cops?
  19. I've OD'd myself on Bosom Bows in oil before, but I had already applied earlier in the day & then slathered a ridiculous amount on before we went out that night (because I was nervous). Everyone's chemistry is different, but I would say that applying a large amount of pheromone in your neck/chest area is probably to blame if you OD'd. Maybe next time you should stick with these application points: torso (line from cleavage to belly button), inside wrists/forearms, & very back of neck. If you're wearing shorts you could even apply to the backs of your knees. I don't believe that you OD'd anyone else. I think maybe if you were already feeling off & definitely not feeling good from the amount of pheromone you applied + already having bad day= attracting the nastiness from others. A-nol can also arouse jealousy in others (as well as any pheromone/blend) because you have an extra "shine" about you. I can count the number of times I've had a negative reaction from wearing pheromones on one hand & they were netted from different blends, in all these instances I had inadvertently set the chain of events into action.
  20. If you have the patience, you could just remove the label or decant some into a sample vial. That's what I would do.
  21. Random crashes could be due to a dietary imbalance, maybe add in some B vitamins? That probably will be very helpful when using any pheromone, as well. I used Topper over cops & Cougar potion & got guessed at 24 last night. Awesome!
  22. Yeah, you could also dose her with some Balm Bomb
  23. I had the weirdest reaction to Open Windows yesterday. I was kind of in a desperate mood when I put it on, anyway. Been trying to get a hold of b.f. to take my oldest for the weekend, no one's been calling me or returning my calls, etc. So I had to go scope out Pandora beads for my husband's gift to his mom last night. I was in a total crab ass mood because he was ceaselessly texting me about stupid b.s.. Went to my perfume cabinet & selected some LP O & the Open Windows boosted spray of LP O I have. I didn't want to be hateful to the associate. First mistake, I should have picked a more deferential blend with the mood I was in. So I get to store & sales lady is very very helpful, annoyingly chattering me ear off. I set aside 3 beads for my spouse to pick up in the morning & she will just NOT let me leave. I was getting seriously annoyed at this point, but still trying to nice because I know it' s OW. I finally get out of there & then I'm more annoyed, because I can't get a hold of the person I need a response from, etc. Anyway, I just ended up with the opposite of the effect I intended last night. I can't see that I OD'd as I only used a couple dabs from my bottle, so maybe I should just take a break from using any pheromones for a while.
  24. I guess if it works for you, then it's real for you. I would probably suggest checking out the phero wiki here: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/reading_room/articles/PheroWiki it has a lot of useful info & will help you better understand before you buy.
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