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Posts posted by Calii

  1. This is going right to my spell potions :) Autumn Wishes indeed...not a Calii scent but it is making me smile ,hmmmm.I don't get vanilla,but then my nose is not,umm,refined,to say the very least :lol:


    To me this is that vibe like Blissful Caress & Rainbow Falls,very clean,very refreshing,but still somewhat whimsical, might even try this as a sheet scent!

  2. He knows how much I hate swearing. He knows I am a lady and do not swear.



    He finally glimpsed my leg which I strategically placed so the darkness could cast a white pearly glow on it, should he look in that direction.. he did and started to laugh.


    :10_small16: ... living with you would never be boring !


    ...I checked my Red Lace just the other day,oh my it is aging beautifully,already deeper and richer mmmm :icecream:

  3. Welcome to our home :)


    ..."and every day offers me the opportunity for a new adventure!" love that attitude !!! and love your Kokopelli avi,kinda partial to the "dirty old man" myself ;) ...I am not familar with commercial scents so cannot compare to recommend,try samples that sound best to you,the quality of LPMP is unsurpassed,you will find something perfect. Others will be along to add something more helpfull.

  4. Thanks Calli, how is different to Rocket Fuel?? LOL. Rocket Fuel doesn't work on me, the brown sugar thing :)


    What Luna said,no comparison :) More burnt sugar,like Lady V said, it is unique,I have it still on a shirt and it is really good, not a brown sugar,to me, which is what I get from all MRF,with #2 being my all time favorite brown sugar scent,YUMZ :D





    Ooh, soothing and comforting! So Balm Bomb or Tranquility would work?


    I think so,either one,if apple is your thing...this is not an apple pie comfort type scent tho,so it would depend on how the other components work...for you.:D

  6. I am not a floral person either,but nobody does rose like LP :) This is pink perfection,more pink than rose,but a creamy rose,not as sweet as I thought,which is a good thing...still have too many of the new ones on,and will try this by itself in a few days :D



    1st let me say I have a nose full of Hungry Heart,cannot stop huffing it :love: plus too many dabs of the other new releases,yeah,I gave up trying to be sensible,not gonna happen :lol: I get spiced,almost burnt brown sugar,like hard crackled stage,if that makes sense,ummm,no BBQ,but something smokey just swirling just under the surface :P ...will get back to this,definitely a Calii scent!

  8. My scentability is not refined as your is,you would think after all these years it would be,but no :lol: I get a yummy creamed brown sugar,maybe that is how Maple is to me? ... you said it best with Lick of Cream & MRF,and I get some of Dolce far Niente in Lick of Cream :D

  9. OK,Halo nailed it,except not just a baby,oh my no, a true Love Child with Dolce Far Niente in the immediate family tree! :w00t: ...this is awesome,a Calii scent to the Max,totally drool worthy! Even though I have most of the new releases on,and my nose is timing out,I am drawn back to this one,mmmm,delicous,delickable :icecream:

  10. Well,White is more versatile,but OCCO Red with LP Red is my all time favorite pairing,so am biased :lol: it dries down to this sweet smoky sexy scent and lasts hours and hours,I have worn it to bed just to smell it in the morning.

    White is really good all on it's own,a very happy vanilla,after dry down...Red is super strong and spicy hot,with LP Red a real attention grabber,a caution tho, the only time I ever had an uncomfortable situation was wearing this, probably too much of it, was stalked by a weirdo :w00t:

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