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Posts posted by Calii

  1. I get self-effects almost instantly :) Have seen almost instant *hits* as far as attention,reactions,smiles, flirtatious behavior to suggestive glances and talk,it depends soooo very much on your own attitude. I don't understand the 1-2 hour effect,would not be for me at all,maybe I just have not paid attention!...then again I am a strong believer in the scent memory association,ie, my SP associates Mara's Rocket Fuel 2 with playtime,always :P .


    My best advice is to experiment,have fun with it and have fun with yourself,you will find things happen when you don't look for them ! ...btw ,welcome here :)

  2. Thank you, Calii and Tyvey. I think I should include one bottle in my next order.


    You won't be sorry,it gets better,richer,every time I try it :) the "cake" is more like the struesel crumbles topping on a Coffee Cake,that was the intent I believe :D Yumz,sniffed it last night while checking the level to see if I need to move over spare bottle yet :lol:


    No not like that (she uses licensed images), but Mara is a master with Photoshop!

    THAT is an understatement :) ...Mara's thread somewhere on her PIXEL by PIXEL manipulations still boggles my mind...yeah I AM shouting :lol:

    I know imagers with "the eye" but none like our PM.



    He sure does! He had his nose stuck to my arm when I tested TS. :) I suppose it doesn't much matter if it smells funny to me after a while, if I only plan to wear it for play time...


    When playtime is consistently rewarding enough,you will learn to love the scent...just like we train them,it works both ways :001_302:


    Ok that does not sound very guy friendly LOL,but an example is,at this point my SP would be automatically turned on with MRF 2,with or without the 'mones.


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