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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. Again sorry to dredge up an old thread but I had to comment on how pretty this is. It is the other-end-of-the-spectrum, good-girl angel sister to Dolly's Dark Side :) Wet, I got pale misty violets with a gingery zing (now looking at the ingredients, it must be the berries)... giving me ideas for a violet-ginger-powderedsugar PE for spring??


    The lavender is NOT sharp but warm, soft and almost immediately powdery (I don't usually like powder but something about this combo just works - not fussy, just cheerful and quite young-feeling).

  2. Having only a very little bit of this, I rarely use it, and sorry to dredge up an old thread... but I converted to spray per Beccah's suggestion and put a spritz in my hair the other day, and zomg, it smells even better 'pure' (ie, no skin chemistry involvement) -- same purple floral smell, but carried in a super warm creamy fruity body. (now, looking at the ingredients for the first time, I have no idea how it smelled so gauzy and wisteria-ish before.) MORE PLZ!!!!!!!!!

  3. a male friend of mine was groped on the tube in London by a woman passenger and he was ecstatic about it for weeks, telling anyone and everyone who would listen!

    and you prove my point again!! see, that ego-bomb is devastating to them (in a good way)... and believe me I am *not* that gutsy - it was only that one time - I'm the biggest coward you ever met.

  4. Indigo I'm guessing you'd never do it -- but, if anything, if you said something to him (or even just gave him The Eye, or a smirk) not just DESPITE the other dudes being there, but BECAUSE they are there -- omg, you would make his YEAR - you'd make his LIFE -- you would make him the biggest hero ever -- he would NEVER forget it -- not least because the other guys would die of envy and he would know that!. I've gotten up the nerve to do this, exactly once, and ended up becoming friends with all of them (more than that with the TG), and I literally cannot overstate the staggering effect it has on the TG's ego. --- They assured me it would have been true even if the TG hadn't been into me ... and it's pretty clear yours is, so it'd be all the more impactful.

    Just a thought! :rolleyes:

  5. Des francophones!!!


    J'ai apporte mon arsenal de LPs sur des vols plusieurs fois sans probleme (ni de securite ni avec les LPs eux-memes), soit avec alcool ou non, soit avec pheros ou non -- en France y inclus :)


    Tout meme je te conseille d'y ecrire "PERFUMES!!!!" (comme j'ai fait sur la boite qui contenait les miens), afin que l'on sache qu'ils ne sont pas des "weapons of mass destruction" (....pas de maniere que le "TSA" s'interesse!! :rolleyes: )


    (comme tu as divine, j'ai pas d'accents a mon clavier- desolee)

  6. I know this thread is about new releases, but while waiting for my nov-for-dec sampler, I feel oncoming, like the rumble of a faraway but approaching train, the growing need to order a bunch of foody bottles: AVV, Whoopsy, LP Red, LP Original (I only have with BI which is too powerful for daily wear, LOL), White Licorice, BBM, Musk in Pixie Dust, a Sparkle Fuschia to replace the sample I broke after only one timid half-spray *sob*, maybe Rosebud's Vanilla Maplewood... I blame the cold weather. But having just placed an order a few days ago, I'm trying not to drive Mara + team crazy, and also not go broke.

  7. oh wow Luna, so lucky you can slather H&S without too much effect. I *absolutely adore* this scent : the combo of honeysuckle and honey - despite one word being part of the other - is actually not that obvious a combo IMO - but it's sooo summery and sweet and light and girly, so silky smooth.


    I wore this again recently - not even that much, like maybe 2 or 3 fat drops - but too close to my face, apparently (in the crooks of my elbows) -- I absolutely beyond spilled my guts to a friend, talked uncontrollably for like 45 minutes straight ... and the funny thing is, I didn't even realize I was doing it until after I'd let all the horses, buffalo, rhinos, pigs and geese out of the barn. It was just totally out of control. So now I'm afraid of H&S, lol... had to post to trade...

  8. I love how devotedly you refresh this thread JOC :) it's such a fun one


    top of mind for me these days: dolce far niente, whoopsy daisycake, lp spring 2009, allumette, jo's swc

  9. Me too! haven't put my finger on it yet but LP Pink 2009, Pom Nom, and Esmeralda's Pink Emerald all have something about their pinkness that goes sharp/stabby with my chemistry. Not this one, which is candy fabulosity.

  10. Sounds delicious and wonderful AND as though it doesn't completely lose all moisturizing/protecting value the minute you wash your hands. I put a little bit of the massage oil on my hair too (as suggested by I think halo) - makes it a little bit heavier than usual, but not nearly as bad as you'd think - I do it before bed and it seems to be improving the overall health of my hair. <3

  11. Your comment about cougar affecting *older* men "better" than (or at least as much as) younger ones actually seems pretty common, including when used by people who I believe to be older than you (including me).


    Personally I haven't had any negative reactions from women when I wear cops, but I'm seldom around very young women so maybe that's a factor.

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