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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. whoa wah huh? this sounds gorgeous ... was it a PE? GGG? I can't find it...


    bumbob, seeing as you are a rose fan, may I suggest Nosfy's Aperitif...it's heavy rose, melted dark chocolate and a whole lotta woman-hear-me-roar sexy gorgeousness.

  2. ITA about the Egg comparison, in that if you sample it blind, you would NEVER go 'O hai I has chocolate'. I have this boosted with EoW and you would never know it - not even in the bottle, not even from the first instant applied - I don't even dry down with it. Needless to say it's a favorite. :lol:

  3. damadtech's comment about north pole/SS4m, "I almost feel guilty wearing this", made me think of (un)CB, which I think might be, for me, the most effective LPMP phero (& we all know that's saying something). It is just BLAMMO and does not discriminate based on the guy's personality, age, etc.


    I wore it the other night - an inch stripe on each wrist and a few-inches stripe on collarbone. It was cold out, and I was loaded down with layers, but do you think the CB cared at all? nope...just went around slaying teh menz Kill Bill-style as usual - very cute/cocky guy whom I had met once before and noted he ignores women (lets them come to him), hovering around me like a bee and babbling including repeated "I love you"s (I literally don't even know his last name- not even sure I've got his first name right) and offering to walk me home, bartender leaving the bar and literally following me around the place and giving me all kinds of unnecessary information, total strangers coming up to me on the street and chatting, saying nonsense, anything to talk and walk with me... I felt like the pied piper.

  4. So odd -- on me it gives a strong, clear, bright floral, not pear, impression, like a single note blown on a trumpet or like a lighthouse beacon. No pear, no fig, no vanilla, no pumpkin (thoguh that tends to disappear on me anyway). I couldn't tell you what flower, but a sweet-smelling one like freesia (it doesn't smell like freesia, but sweet the way freesia is sweet). Will try again - nose may be timing out.

  5. AD-HoHoHo-sm_.jpg


    Ho Ho Ho

    If you wear this while sitting on Santa's knee, don't be surprised if he tells you he doesn't care if you've been bad or good, you'll be getting what you want anyway!




    Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
    POINSETTIA ~ Happiness, good cheer, success, good wishes, celebration, mirth. (aka Mexican Flame Leaf)
    PLUM ~ Inspires & maintains love, protects dwelling against evil and intrusion.
    HOLLY ~ Aphrodisiac, promotes beauty; for consecration, foresight, strongly protective, luck.
    EVERGREENS ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life.
    YLANG YLANG ~ Strongly sensual, attraction, attention, irresistibility, soothes marital problems.
    MUSK ~ Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
    PEACH ~ Love. Promotes fertility, happiness, and abundance. A symbol of marriage. Longevity, wishes granted.
    HOLIDAY SPICES ~ Luck, health, prosperity, money.



    Extremely sweet - pleasantly so. Otherwise frankly I wouldn't even consider wearing these green notes, as to me they sounded a bit scary on paper. WET: a new experience: foody greens and evergreens. I know it sounds weird but I'm acquiring the taste apace - you know, the way beer and coffee and vegemite all taste weird the first time and next thing you know you can't get enough. It's literally mouthwatering.

    It does NOT have the pointyness I irrationally expected it to. Just sweet sweet, vaguely green, fruity candy.

    Not yet 100% sold on wanting to smell like this, but I do keep compulsively sniffing the application spot. Would be absolutely delightful B&B.

    DRY: nose may be timed out but I now get almost no green- mostly musky sweet slightly peachy goodness.

  6. Stocking stuffer- Delicious. One of my "surprise favorites" along w/Lady Frost this month (both things I wasn't sure I'd like based on the notes). I tested this one blind and got absolutely no pine - my nose read it as just adding a mildly minty zing to a floral!- I pictured this being perfect for early summer, actually. Super smooth and conventional - again, not what I expected from the notes. <3


    ETA Invi's got it right, alluding to cologne as opposed to perfume. I picture Jane Bennet using this in the summer, during the daytime, as opposed to, say, Marie Antoinette wearing it at night.


    ETA has gone quite powdery, soft and uberfeminine.

  7. Yet again, somehow Mara makes something not intuitively sexy, SO SEXAY PIE. Last thing I expected something lemony to be. This scent instantly makes me feel confident and slinky. Begging for layering with unCougar. I think a bottle-set is necessary this month.


    ETA I'm pretty afraid of lemon, so maybe worth noting for others who may feel the same -- it's clearly the main note wet, but it quickly melds with everything else, and after an hour or so, it's barely there - just a slight flavoring to a mellow, sweet, sexy, distinctive, sophisticated blend that becomes mostly about the anise and amber. mm, mm, good.

  8. This month is turning out to be absolute foody heaven, even more than I expected. Whoo, ee. This is spiced nuts caramel-roasted over hickory. YUMMMMMMMMMMM


    ETA this is another one I'd *love* to smell on a guy...

  9. Funny, reminds me more of fawn's celestial dream than the more obvious corollary jo's xmas candy- the same bright sweet and yet somehow relaxed feel. A mellower, less "floral" mint than jo's, less literally like the red/white swirl candy. I think both boys and girls would flip for this. Would be awesome w/an a-nol boost.

  10. I tested this without checking notes and mainly got a sweet, incensey impression, with no obvious fruits -- at most like a figgy-flavored resin incense stick, not actual fig. Can see this being great on a sophisticated (maybe metro) guy, akshully.

  11. Clearly male but the spices and sweetness are so delectable that I don't care. I like it on me, too! IMO this is like/ is perfect for a very specific kind of guy -- it's Adam Brody or Kevin Connolly, not Russell Crowe -- it's a cute, sweet, mischievous, funny guy, not a swashbuckler. {Drifts off into fantasies of this on aforementioned adorable guys}

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