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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. Me too Beccah: wet, it was a peach KAPOW to the nose - but I looove peach so it was all good. It's not fresh-juicy-peach like Persica or Kittenish, sweeter than a real peach, even sweeter than peach syrup - you know how strawberry bubble gum is a million times sweeter than the real thing - it was like that degree of "more sweet", but peachwise. About an hour in now, the peach has settled down and has folded its arms across its chest and is rocking peacefully on a porch swing with its eyes closed. I need sleep.

  2. I thought after all this time I knew what cops smelled like. Apparently I didn't. WHOOOOF that is some stanky-ass cheese!


    It settled down in about 10 minutes though. I now get a very bakery rose scent, similar to Rosebud Cupcake but less sweet and more floral. I get no spices or oak at any point, very strange.

  3. OMG THIS IS FRICKING GORGEOUS. Ladies with all respect and love, none of you did it justice :( Funny I didn't get any moss at all. It started out wet all bright minty lavender, then quickly settled into a powdery-sweet jasmine/lavender skin musk. It is simply fabulous. I just wish it stuck around a teeny bit longer... MUST MOISTURIZE....


    ETA never mind, there it still is, being fabulously beautiful. I was sniffing the wrong side of my arm before.

  4. To add my personal experience with amount of cops --


    Over a time, I kept putting on more and more cops, just because the scents they came in were my favorites. Got to the point I was doing the Mara (?) thing - stripes all the way up each arm AND entire torso loop thingy. I gradually noticed/realized that the more I used, the bigger and more obvious and numerous the hits, until a certain point when they went off a cliff -- more more more more and then WHAM nothing. Dolly put it perfectly - suddenly I was invisible.


    For some reason I had it in my head (despite having read otherwise) that you can cover yourself in cops and it's ok, can't OD. (I mean, it's true that increasing amounts didn't cause me headaches/hangovers like a-nol OD does to me. But because I didn't get those personal bad effects, I had let the amount get out of control, LOL.)


    This thread finally woke me up to the fact that I was probably OD'ing. Last few days I've used a lot less (like an inch stripe on each forearm, and another on my neck) and it's back to Neo-and-Trinity-in-the-Matrix-office-building-style hit effectiveness.

    Learned my lesson!!

  5. of those 3, I've only tried FROG, which is delightfully fresh and does smell incredibly watery, but I think I would actually prefer on a guy. Eye of the Storm is similarly green but IMO more feminine. If you want something "crowd pleasing", what about something like Canary Faery? I think it'd be terrific with Focus, it's light, and hard to believe anyone wouldn't like it. Or, Focus Pocus the scent of which is unisex (at least in my nose-memory it is) and of course dead on perfect for the phero.

  6. Oo, funny no one has mentioned:


    Popularity Potion: this seems to be one of the most beloved and popular (har) pheros of all time around here... from 99% of what I've read, it makes people feel brilliant and social and very popular and fabulous. Me, I don't seem to have figured out an ideal dose yet. One time it made me feel horribly self-conscious (almost to the point of paranoia) and 'small'/invisible/bad about myself ... another time it made me feel spacey, couldn't concentrate etc. ... one other time (with WTL), I felt EXTREMELY confident and, as someone else perfectly put it, haughty.

  7. Well this will be sort of biased and overgeneralized and everyone's different, but my opinions re: some of my favs:


    A-nol (eg Flying Potion, elevation potion, woozy floozy) -- makes you go WOOOOOHOOOO!! Lifts mood, optimism


    B/B -- makes me verrry mellow and relaxed and smiley-- similar to initial alcohol buzz


    Blatant invitation -- seriously, wear with care - elicits extreme and immediate sexual interest from men


    Cougar -- makes you feel glamorous, makes other people wowed by you and want to be your friend


    Cuddle bunny -- (straight) men fall madly in equal parts love/lust with you- they can't get enough of you (not just sexually)


    Eow/cops/essence oil -- makes both you and (straight) men around you horny


    Focus potion -- really does improve concentration and efficiency/speed


    Heart & soul -- makes me blab my face off; relaxes others, makes them lower their guard; great for heart-to-hearts w/female friends


    Lace -- makes people giddy, makes men gallant & solicitous


    Leather -- makes you feel brassy and IN CHARGE (for me, it makes me feel ultra serious; I'm already naturally dominant so this pushes me over into ass-kicking territory). Can piss alpha guys off, in my experience


    Open windows -- party in a bottle- makes everyone sociable and happy and magnanimous and "love the world". Should be legally required to be piped into parties


    Treasured hearts -- makes women gooey and sweet, and men dazed and starstruck and adoring

  8. This just gets more impossible every time! :) and some of my extreme all-time favorites I don't dare use because they're GGG & I have so little :wub: but my momentary favorites:

    - flying potion

    - G&L v2

    - halo's angelique w/eow boost

    - lp spring 2009

    - whoopsy daisycake

  9. I know the (or rather *a*) recommended procedure is: (1) apply phero (whether spray or oil, & whether scented or UN). (2) DRYDOWN. (3) apply cover scent.


    Do any of you become impatient w/the drydown (or not wait at all) and just mush the phero & scent together right off the bat? -- (eg, phero on the left arm, scent on the right, smoosh them all about onto each other & on torso) -- if so, have you noticed any ill effects on the coverage, potency, etc.?

    I've done this with some cops-boosted scents (or just spread/smooshed it around a lot so it spreads out more thinly & dries faster). It seems like maybe they aren't quite as potent when I do that, but I haven't been very scientific about tracking the results ... curious what others have found ...

  10. it is that strangely sexy smell that only LP fruit blends can be.


    This is what I keep saying! Sexy Fruit! Sexy Food!


    How have I not reviewed this? it's soooo delicious and close and sweet and sexy. Up front it reminds me of Escada Island Kiss, the bright blast of fruit, but it actually isn't quite as sweet as that.


    In fact I CAME looking for this thread to see if anyone had opined on boosting it, and voila, luna mentioned cops. I see a boosted bottle of this in my future... I can see this being great with PP too, doncha'll think? - kind of like Wildflower - a super girly sheer veil with the PP pow.

  11. I know this is long gone, so maybe silly to review, but it's so so beautiful I had to. The jasmine/hyacinth combo is very clean/pure-feeling, and the vanilla gives a sweet roundness. Exceedingly feminine and romantic- would be a brilliant wedding-day scent.

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