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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. it's so funny how that happens - me too, exactly - I believe it was in literally my very first order - I tried it and felt very meh about it, put it aside, may even have traded it away :wub: but then tried again and totally head over heels... no in between or 'growing fond' of it - and it's one of my favs too - so sweet, rich, creamy, snuggly...

    Happy Christmas Eve to those who celebrate :)

  2. I've only used Lace in the form of G&L oil, and now several tries with my un-spray in 1x. I get lovely effects with the G&L, but with the spray, I'm not getting much in self-effects (very mild wooziness) or hits (just a tiny bit of extra chivalry from men, may be coincidence & not statistically significant).


    With the G&L oil, I'll do a few inches stripe on my chest and/or maybe an inch or 2 on each arm. With the spray, I'll do 2 on torso and one on each arm, or 2-3 in the hair. Opinions please - am I not using enough? -- I'm *terrified* of overdoing a-nol...

  3. The reaction from the couple is such a great demonstration of Cougar's all-purpose awesomeness- note that the woman wasn't annoyed by your phero or by the man's behavior/statements toward you- she was equally dazzled by you :aola:


    In my experience, I've probably seen the most extremely-obvious effects with Pherogirl and Cuddle Bunny (not together). Pherogirl throws like a mofo and literally stops men in their tracks (not exaggerating, I've seen it stop guys from like ten feet away- they just stand there transfixed and staring, jaw dropped - it's crazy), and Cuddle Bunny just slays men- makes them fall all over themselves- to the point that you feel sorry for them. I also find the EST in Eternal Chain, & its especially strong congruence with that scent, to be extremely effective in making people cuddly and touchy/affectionate.

  4. Wow, how long are the stripes you're using on your arms? I know sweet spots vary (in terms of optimal amount to use), but if they're much more than an inch, in total you're using more than *my* sweet-spot amount, and I'm older than you ... Esp as far as cops, it seems to me almost impossible for a (straight) guy not to react if you're dosing properly. I'm betting you were ODing.


    I agree the ears are not ideal, not only in terms of diffusion / effect but also because of risk of getting it on your hair (if it's long enough to touch the application point). Personally I do cleavage/torso and inner forearm/inner crook of elbow, as I flail around a lot when I talk so it really makes it get 'out there'.

  5. I'm glad you pointed this out - there as always been something in CFM that didn't sit right with me - I didn't pick out the verbena myself but now you mention it, that's probably what it was - it's funny, on me, it can behave so well with some things (eg the LP base/heart) but goes way wonky with others, like maybe this. /hmm

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