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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. Cops/robbers - zomg, instant love. I expected it to be a fun novelty type limited-use kinda thing -- but it's freakin awesome, really actually comes off as a 'legit' scent, has warmth and depth and is very cheerful, sweet and sexy all at the same time. If this is what a cop smells like, me likey. AND! ZERO COPS STINK, not even in the vial -- so stink free, I didn't even know/remember this even *had* cops til I looked back at the description page. Full bottle worthy.

  2. PP is very hit and miss for me, but I seem to be the only one :A002: When it's "on", it makes me feel VERY confident/almost cocky, and people seem to want to impress me, but it has never had a pied-piper effect for me. Since it's such a unanimous hit though, I have faith that I just haven't found the right amount to use yet and someday will.

    Cougar makes me feel confident in an "at ease in my own skin" way, pretty reliably makes people fascinated with me in a celebrity-way regardless of gender, and seems to attract (much) older men even more than it does younger.

  3. I'm afraid to review this as I want to hoard, but hoarding is bad {self-tsktsk}-- this is so delicious-- for me it evokes maple-laced big fluffy cloud-piles of home-whipped vanilla cream. Smooth and snuggly as can be.


    I can't compare to unisexy as I never tried it, being afraid of the sandalwood, but I don't get sandalwood from this at all- it must just be "grounding" it invisibly for me. I got it boosted with teddy bb and put some on for bed, and that is as well as I have slept in a long time. Gorgeous job Rosebud and Mara!!


    ETA in subsequent uses, I did pick up the sandalwood, but it is very 'blond' and 'sheer' feeling - doesn't have ANY incensey darkness or spiciness.

  4. I adore this scent but realized I don't wear it very much because it's HUGE :) However, just doused my sheets with my homemade spray of it, and if there's a more inviting bedroom in the world right now I'd like to see it :lol:

  5. wow, so much good stuff in there Indigo...

    no doubt they actually did not mean to be that hurtful.

    I've been thinking about this so much lately: a mantra of mine lately has been: 'No one is really WANTING or TRYING to be [fill in the blank]'. People usually aren't actually actively trying to be a pain in the ass or a bad person. They're flailing, involuntarily reacting to the world the only way they know, like their knee's been banged with a reflex hammer. I find I have to be on constant active guard against the very human (and understandable) tendency to project onto others that they could ONLY do such-and-such for the reasons *I* might do so - e.g., 'they must really HATE me- I would never act that way toward someone unless I HATED them'.


    its easy to displace one's lack of self-esteem and worries on to others.

    This could not be more true. It certainly feels easier than directly facing and wrestling with them.


    Unfortunately the media and our patriarchal society generally encourages division amongst women rather than cohesiveness and compassion.

    Again couldn't agree more. Please write a book.

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