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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. I experience terrible envy of your Beverly's Musky Coffee & Smoke, which I imagine would be spectacular with Sexpionage. Maybe I will ask for a rebrew thus.

  2. Openly flouting the intention of this thread: at this exact second my 5 fav...:


    scented LP-created pheros: MRF original, Dolce Far Niente, G&Lv2, Pherogirl, Eternal Chain (cuddle bunny is prob my fav phero, but the scent of the scented one doesn't work on me at all)


    LP nonphero scents: Fairy Lure, LP Spring 2009, Whoopsy Daisycake, LP original, current psycho obsession SNOWBOUND


    PEs: Holly's Fae Lotus, Gothic Latte, HMS Kimberley, Rosebud Cupcake, Jo's SWC. (excluded my own PEs out of modesty :))

  3. WELCOME ! :(


    Several people have recently mentioned spraying pheros into the air and walking through the cloud, like bumbob above. I've never done this out of (what I now realize is probably misguided) concern that it is most 'efficient' to put it (whether oil or spray) directly on my skin (or hair if no cops): -- didn't want to leave even a microdroplet hanging uselessly in my living room, lol.


    BUT, thanks bumbob for that report - it occurs to me now that it may very well be MORE effective because it scatters across a wider 'surface area' of the body, and probably comes off as more 'natural' to boot... will definitely be trying that next!! thanks!!

  4. Bit of a broken record here but I personally do NOT believe in mixing blends. Blends are already blends and the experts who make them know what they're doing vastly better than I. As for what would work best, I would check the scent descriptions & review threads... this community does an incredible job producing hivemind advice.


    ETA links: OW here and TC here, and PM's thoughts which are of course much better expressed than mine here.

  5. My skin did wildly different things with this, to what's described above in this thread. It apparently sucked up everything but the lemon, cuz that's all I got throughout. Just bright HELLO THERE SUNSHINE in-my-face lemon. This not be right for me :P

  6. Ugh, krazykat that must have been so upsetting. It's entirely possible they were jealous, but it sounds pretty extreme, petty and excessive (the piling on) even taking jealousy into account...esp because PP is *specifically* formulated to *prevent* jealousy and TH also should have had completely the opposite effect. Esp since it sounds like this was unexpected behavior, I can't help wondering if the *combination* of pp + th somehow caused this wonky reaction...or, maybe w/your chemistry even the single spray of pp was too much. Or both.

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