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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. This reminds me of Pillow Patter - the same girly bright red-and-pink freshness. Also some powder. Would have great commercial appeal. Pretty enough, but there are others in this newly arrived order I'm plowing through that interest me more.

  2. Funny, I'm sure it's because of the name, but my brain is interpreting this one as that kind of donut that is dark soft yellow vanilla cake inside and hard-fried, crunchy brown on the outside. It's so true that I can practically SEE it. It is the only LP that has literally made my mouth water -- and I DON'T EVEN LIKE DONUTS, and I'm not hungry! I am getting wafts of coconut, reminding me of BBM, but only when my arm is far away -- when I huff, it's all donut.


    Celrynna, reading your post, I actually do get the sense of condensed milk now! The dense sweetness.

  3. So, how close is this to scented Cougar? I'd like to have the option of the fragrance without the 'mones...

    My initial impression wet was "OMG, exactly Cougar!" But as it is drying and morphing- at first, for me, it was a brighter citrus than Cougar - more tart - and then the amber came out in equal force. Throughout it has seemed sweeter to me than Cougar, and more a cheerful sunny girly brightness than the Cougar scent which to me is relatively a bit more sultry and overtly come-hither. I also think the Cougar scent has a touch more depth and roundness to it.

  4. Tested a sniffy. ITA that there is a chilly quality to this - put me in mind of icicles and hardpacked frozen snow. Amazing effect. And I loved it in the vial.


    However, I don't what currants ever did to my skin to make it hate them so much - it amps and makes them VERY sharp, even more than citrus, I mean like verbena or even menthol, especially when wet - just stabs me in the nose... :love:

  5. Honey is not my favorite...not a fan of Sugared Honeycomb, feel eh about Honey Ho... but I tested this one out of a sniffy 'blind' (I mean, not knowing the notes) and my main impressions were: light honey, very well melded with a fruit I couldn't pin down - I thought maybe peach but that was obviously the apricot -- not getting any fig yet, or if so only very faintly. It's getting quite sweet, but sugar-sweet, not honey-sweet. I am liking it better and better -- imagine it'd be beautiful slathered all over -- there's a hooked-finger, come-hither air to it but with a cheerfulness and sauciness -- it feels playfully alluring - it's giving me an image of being trailed by a train of adorers sniffing the sillage. The least smutty LPMP *HONEY* scent to my experience so far. This would be a good 'entry' honey for people scared of Pherogirl (like I was)....aw crap, I feel another bottle coming on...


    ETA I got an eow-boosted bottle. I normally don't like tea scents but this has a surprising tea-like, and vaguely floral, quality on me that I really enjoy... warm and fresh-feeling at the same time- a remarkable effect. Really gives the impression of the translucent, filmy wings you see on the label. Very evocative.

  6. I got this as a sniffy and tried it out without looking it up because the combination of scents in the vial intrigued me (honey? flowers? hm.) but on, something just turned me off and coming here I see it was the dragon's blood. Not for me, but it really is a unique combination of elements.

  7. omgggggggg Wet, this is the faintly almondy , non-rosey cousin of Rosebud's Cupcake. A lot of creamy mellow marzipanyness. Eyes-rolling-back sweet. FOOD, FOOD, FOOD. Would be *tremendous* body butter.


    ETA as it mellows it is giving me a KSM kind of vibe, quieter and less sweet.

  8. YAY I'm wearing this today! At first it is VERRRRRY sweet and the lavender is very floral, not soapy at ALL... almost like a candied lavender you'd get on a dessert. It's creamy and on me the ginger is there but just as a flavoring, a touch, not spicy or hot ... and there's a hint of vanilla ... but none of the other notes, which is strange as I usually amp spices like mad, but not strange in the case of the pumpkin which my skin eats. Not what I expected, but *delicious*.


    ETA I CANNOT STOP SMELLING MYSELF... I KEEP GETTING WAFTS OF CREAMY GINGERY LAVENDERY GOODNESS & THEN PLUNGING MY FACE INTO MY ELBOW... It doesn't *smell* like them, but has the same enticing, intriguing, unique, blooming complexity of Egg 2009, 21st Century Venus, Journey of the Goddess... swoon.

  9. Wowee, can't wait for my sample!! {crosses fingers}


    Mara, if I ordered this boosted with EoW, do you think it would cover decently?


    And if I recall correctly - to do that, I would :

    - order a bottle of this, and then

    - 'order' an EoW boost (second item on PE page), listing this fragrance as the one being boosted?

    I'm certain I saw this asked & answered elsewhere but can't find for life of me.

  10. LOL I was very confused too (and may still be). The thing you ordered, and the unscented Cougar -- ie, all Cougars currently available at LPMP -- are STONE Cougar (newer phero blend).


    This thread is for its predecessor "PheroGirl Cougar Potion", the scented version of which came in a little round flat flask with a hangtag. Its scent was also grapefruity but again IMHO a bit less complex, a bit less overtly come-hither than the new one. I don't know if there was an unscented version. If there was, I've never tried it.

  11. Great report sweets! (May I call you sweets?)


    I've tried both this original scented PG Cougar, and the scented Stone Cougar. I personally prefer the scent of Stone (seems muskier) and it seems to be more effective for me.


    I just ordered, & haven't yet received, a BETA of the Stone Cougar, so can't report on its relative effectiveness yet, but really look forward to experimenting :shocked:

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