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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. :lol: thanks for saying so! I'm using the 2009 scented stone cougar. (I hope I have not yet again posted in the wrong Cougar thread.). It seems much more effective (for obvious reasons) in this homemade in-the-hair spray form than when I (too timidly and sparingly) dabbed the oils on skin. The Cougar worship seems less sexual than other blends- it's like your Cougar targets get stars in their eyes, compared to CB which puts hearts in their eyes, and OCCO/BI/Pherogirl etc puts, I guess, raging rabid sexual fantasies in their eyes. It's just all good.
  2. I MUST RAVE AGAIN- THIS STUFF IS AMAZING. I had dinner plans with a guy I don't know well but wanted to, err, impress, cuz I'm just like that, and a female friend, but also, unexpectedly, *her* friend whom I'd only met once but didn't like - self-involved bratty pretentious supercilious prattler.


    I sighed and hemmed and hawed among various phero combos - "what will fascinate the guy, but also get the prattler under control?" - and was making myself batty going over the permutations before I finally realized and shouted out loud, yes, to myself, like a maniac, 'COUGAR!'


    Well, it was perfecter than perfect.


    Prattler was seated next to me, and immediately goes 'Guys, what smells so good? Fruity!" and she plunges her face into the back of my head (which was doused with Cougar spray). I was like INHALE AWAY, WOMAN. She goes, 'it's you!' and for the rest of the dinner was much more deferential and let other people talk and at least pretended to care about what other people had to say, including me who last time she always seemed to make a special effort to shut down / condescend to - ie, COUGAR MADE HER ACT LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. In fact (especially at first) it made her SNUGGLY with me. I can't even tell you how opposite this was to her distant, cool attitude toward me previously. Massively effective.


    It also made the guy ditch his other plans afterward and walk me home instead... a very long walk, with a very easy, warm, enjoyable conversation.


    Maybe most importantly, it made me feel so confident, present, secure, self-assured.



  3. My only Lace experience is in Garland & Lace but my two cents - I would *totally* wear Lace to work - nice moderate lift, happy making. Not a lot of men in my workplace so at least for me no worries about the est "men following me around hanging on my every word with cartoon hearts telescoping out of their eyes" problem.


    (Just to respond to your comparisons- I know it's because I put on waaay too much & then reapplied on top of it, but in my last use of Elevation Potion I was soooper hyper and jittery, and had the mother of all hangovers afterward, just misery. Adore the scent though. As for OW, personally it doesn't give me so much of a lift, just a more general contented "ahhhhhh" sense of well being- seems to have more effect on other people- makes them more sociable and bubbly- you can see in their faces that they're like, hm, why do I suddenly feel so much happier? :) It's great for getting together with the girls; haven't tried it around teh menz.)

  4. Fascinating: I expected it to be FOOD , but it's not. It's much more perfumey than I expected- this would not be out of place commercially. The combo has a mysterious, almost smoky quality to it that I can't put my finger on. It's so smooth that I really don't think anyone one on the street would ever pick out any of the ingredients. I'm sniffing so hard that I'm giving myself a headache. :)

  5. PE's are the personal scents that anyone can order from the PE section in the shop. You pick different scents to create your own perfect perfume :thumbup: And they are named after you!


    Any extras from when the ladies make the special orders also get put in that section of the store so that anyone can buy them.

    I suspect that the "PEs take longer" caveat applies only to NEW PEs that you have created and put into your order ... and NOT to other people's PEs that are already viewable and available in the shoppe, ie, here.

  6. hmmm to be honest I am not totally sold on this one. Though I like most of the notes (very true jasmine-rice scent, cardamom, rosewater), the combination of those notes isn't really doing anything for me... and at least my vial is a Parade of Notes... I bet once this ages a bit, it will become a creamy, heady, imagination-firing fabulosity, but it's not quite doing it for me yet...

  7. Started out VERY young-girly on me - reminded me in fact of a Barbie perfume I had when I was little! But grows in complexity and warmth as it dries down. Now that it's totally dry, it's super smooth and I can't pick out any notes. Still very feminine but now feels office-appropriate, elegant and lies very close to the skin.

  8. how has this not been reviewed yet?? It starts out VERY GREEN -- like Eye of the Storm green -- but that quickly settles in and mixes with the sugar (I assume white sugar -- gives a clear/crystalline impression) and the musk starts to come out and it's... I want to stretch out luxuriantly and come-hitherly on a silk sheet over a bed of spring flowers. It's super girly and just a bit of wink-wink at the same time. Would make a fantastic shower gel! Refreshing and uplifting.

  9. :lol: so many people have posted recently about others guessing totally wrong. It seems a lot of people (like me still) can't discriminate scents that well, just put them all into a few big crude buckets, and when confronted they can only grasp at associations within the bucket, however far away. :)
  10. hmmmmmm both have faked British accents, very convincingly, in their movie roles. That's all you get!! :lol:


    Having now decided to live in SC: I have read every single Cougar thread (I think) and can't find the answer to this question:


    I want to order an UN 60/40 spray of the phero that is in the "Dec 09" Cougar -- blond woman in black dress on the label.

    This is Stone Cougar, aka as "Cougar Potion (4 women)" in the beta spray dropdown menu. (please correct me if wrong... I R easily confused)


    So the question ... Is it super stinky like EoW?

    -- what does it smell like? powdered-metally like SS4W? Or just slightly chemically like unCB? (which I don't find unpleasant btw)

    -- does it smell strongly enough that I have to carefully consider what oils I put under it...eg, it would have to be dark/foody/heavy etc.?



  11. ohhhh Scheisse... some of you are talking about this having cops...? Did I misunderstand? I've been spraying it in my hair forever!! I haven't noticed any coochie-head but maybe it's there offending people and I just haven't noticed?!


    Well, anyway. I wore this out tonight and unexpectedly it was a celebrity crowd ... two of them (guys) were doing a lot of double-taking and staring. Believe me there was nothing particularly special going on with me besides the Cougar. It didn't seem lustful, it was more like *they* were starstruck. I loooove one of them but both are married, so nothing doing, but what an effect right? Two other guys were literally following me around like lost puppies. Sparkly is the absolutely perfect word.

  12. Oh and to get back on thread... I have been making very self-disciplined "small" orders which I sternly tell myself will be IT for the (month / week / day) ... but keep making new small self-controlled purchases every five minutes... which must be driving too-polite-to-shout-"GATHER YOUR THOUGHTS AND JUST PLACE ONE BIG ORDER, WOMAN" Mara batty ...


    About to try for another PE, getting a Sugar Web, and grabbing that last candy apple (might be really nice with some spring honeys eh? maybe LAM original??)....

  13. Yeah, 3 of Pears has flowers in it too (like your Mist that you like). You said you were looking for darker scents though - if you can get hold of some Dolly's Dark Side I have a feeling you'd like that. Dark and violety and SERIOUSLY SEXYPIE.


    And as others said, no reason you can't just put on some of your unBI, *let it dry* and then go to town with your body mist over it. Personally I like CB even better than BI effect-wise, but to each.

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