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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. Hm funny this is one of the first ones I ever got- surprised I didn't comment on it. Agree with JOC, a very feminine whisper. Freesia is one of my favorite flowers and this scent is very true, seamlessly blended with musk. Wonderful for bedtime and I actually would do this for evening too- it has the same shimmery elegance as the also lovely KSM but IMO a bit more to say (because of the specificity of the freesia).

  2. I was going to buy a sample of Garland and Lace with my next (huge)order, is it so yummy as it sounds from the description?

    More ! Every time I put it on I moan with pleasure (seriously). It's just fantastic. and WELCOME!!!

  3. I believe at this point I've ordered samples of every new release this month across several orders, which was dum not only because I should've just bought the sampler, but also because I am just going to end up buying bottles of all of them. Oh well. Also just took my samples of Whoopsy Daisycake and Rosebud Cupcake away for the weekend and loved them so much I bought bottles of them. Sigh.

  4. This has the RED APPLE! sunshiny opening punch, and crunchy glazy sweetness, that I expected, but it also has a warmth and substance, roundness, I didn't expect -- so much so that in the middle drydown I even get a "white chocolate" sense from it. The pink sweetness hangs out longer than the apple. It's straightforward, and not something I'd wear to a formal evening occasion or anything, but what a cheerful scent especially for summer. <3

  5. PS before discovering this place I tried a few Androtics products too. Besides the neroli smell that I just can't get into, with all respect, I feel like the pheros are a bit ... clumsy? primitive? They do somewhat work for me (at least some of them) but even my favorite of them (Shine) is bettered here by comparable products (Cougar, Open Windows), even before you take into account how much better LPs smell.


    ETA if it's not cool to criticize others' products here, plmk or delete...

  6. Welcome, obliviousfox! xo I think you'll find the combination of the quality and variety of the product, and the generosity and humor of both Mara and this community, will suck you into obsession very quickly. :lol: I've only been here a few months and already don't understand how I ever got on before. :)


    I'm thinking, ok, my job here is done...and I silently back away.

    ROFL!! Mara your story was so beautiful, in form and content. I especially love what you said at the end. To speak very personally for a moment, and I've told Mara this privately but want to share with you, obliviousfox (and everyone else), - the scents, pheros AND people here have changed my life. In various ways -- all 3 have let me express myself, are changing my mindset about things (not least myself), provide encouragement and acceptance, make me feel freer to be me. In the time I've been here & used LPs I've become more confident, happier, a better planet and community and relational citizen. What more could you ask from a product?

  7. Personally it doesn't make me that chatty - of the blends here, Heart & Soul does that to me the most - just makes everyone happy and sociable. Not in a hyper way. Doesn't make it hard to focus, for me.


    Interesting that some say Cougar makes it hard to focus. I can understand that - it does kind of make me preoccupied with my own and others' awesomeness - it does give me positivity-goggles about other people too.

  8. This remains one of my all-time favorites so far. Wore it yesterday and though all LPs seem to "bloom" and morph over the hours, this one does so in a particularly delicious way. NINE hours after I put this on it was still a (to steal a PE's name) Warm Creamy Dream, more so than ever. ALSO: I had forgotten about the description and had been wondering why my friend's baby, who in the past had no use for me, was FASCINATED by and besotted with me yesterday. Hello, Baby Lure!

  9. Yeah but, that's why people use pheromones...to give them an edge over the competition in those kinds of settings.
    OMG. I disagree. I'm obviously not expressing myself thoroughly enough to be understood today. To more fully explain my point: I was thinking that Slore was acting the way she was because she was FEELING BAD about herself, and so by being more physically slory/macked on THAN LADYROSE, *that* was what was making her feel better - BEING "BETTER", more valuable, etc. (in her own view) than the next woman. Not (just) the attention from the man, but by **putting ladyrose down by comparison.** (See her childish, plainly untrue comment.)


    I don't - and it doesn't sound like most people here - use pheros for *THAT* latter purpose. Of course pheros give a competitive EDGE against others, but the *goal* of their use is not to FEEL BETTER *AT ANOTHER WOMAN'S EXPENSE*. It's turning the guy on, or feeling confident or popular, etc.


    So LadyRose, my point was that her comment actually wasn't vain- it was just pathetic. Beccah's "scraps" analogy above is hilarious :) Playing it out, Slore's comment was the equivalent of the beta eating and then saying to alpha, "The food provider obviously wanted to give the food to *me* MORE THAN TO YOU". *As opposed to* the reason I - and I think most people here - use pheros, which is to be able to say "hey, the food provider wants to give me food", or a toy, or a blanket - period - without the "MORE THAN TO YOU" part being necessary to feel good about oneself, which Slore seemed to me to have betrayed with her comment.


    But now I feel like I've spent more time thinking aloud about Slore's pathology, and defending my comments, than is warranted. In short, LadyRose I don't think she was stealing your hits - seems you were getting them, all right (including from her :) ) - I think instead that she's insecure and exploited your non-capitalizing on your hits, in a sloppy-seconds way :love:


    ETA paragraph breaks which my device ate for some reason.

  10. there was a guy who walked by 8 different times and smiled at me and waved each time. Her back was turned so she didn't see this but the minute I finally waved back, he came right on over and introduced himself. He wasn't interested in her but when he went in to get me a drink, she said, "oh, he was waiting until the other guys left so he could come talk to me." WTF?!! Vain much?

    Oh, I just realized something from that comment. The mackfests were about making herself feel better (desirable) at your expense, because it sounds like the men were gravitating more towards you than her. One of those people who can only feel good about herself 'in competition' with other women. Wow, now I just feel sorry for her.

  11. Wow, that must have been pretty irritating :/


    You know, I was thinking about this the other day. I've read that people can't distinguish who the pheros are coming from, but in my experience that hasn't been true at all, even when sitting/standing/walking past while being very near to others - it's always very targeted and obvious, regardless of how much more or less "conventionally attractive" the people near me are. Plus, at least for me, Cougar doesn't elicit that kind of lust-crazed, gropey, EoW/BI reaction, more a general wide-eyed "woooooow you're so awesome" vibe, and TH *definitely* doesn't. Personally, I think she was either head-to-toe in cops, or was flashing upstairs and downstairs at them when you weren't looking, or somehow otherwise was giving off a "I am big slore" neon signal.


    BTW though, that's a hell of a hit (for both pheros) from her toward YOU :o

  12. Omg, Dr Luna, you are *bang on*. I am bossy and opinionated BUT only with people I know well/i otherwise have good reason not to fear rejection...otherwise I'm approval-seeking and people-pleasing to beat the band, oversensitive and easily hurt. So TAH just brings those things out in me in an insecure, "weak" direction. :abfx: is our hour over already??

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