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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. There must be something in the phero that makes people (regardless of gender) put down their guard in some sense. I really don't think a mere a-nol / 'chattiness' would have overcome my snobby acquaintance's snobbishness. So it overcomes snobbery AND shyness AND, I assume, the natural intimidation that a young man would feel toward a fabulous woman older than him AND whatever it might be that would inhibit older men's actions. FASCINATING!! I will be meeting a wide demographic range of people tonight, while doused in the New Cougar, so will observe like a hawk and report back (in the right thread this time).

  2. I can totally see the appeal of this --


    the almond at the beginning is very authentic but an even better version of real almonds, more HEADY, warm and sweet;


    I love cinnamon and lavender, which flirt about spicily;


    it's giving me a very upbeat, Mary Tyler Moore / Laverne & Shirley Theme Songs, "I CAN DO ANYTHING, EVERYONE GET OUTTA MY WAY (but with a big smile), LOOK OUT WORLD!" kind of feeling;


    ...and yet ... it so isn't me ... I can almost physically feel it and me repelling each other like oil and water. I think it's the sandalwood which I fear will never be my friend.


    It really is VERY lovely- I'm surprised there isn't more of a clamor over it especially for the many who get along just fine with sandalwood....

  3. It's so strange -- I *love* every ingredient in this, but for some reason every time I wear it the main impression I get is of LEMONGRASS -- not just the smell but even the texture of the lemongrass plant! It's seems sort of rough and pointy on me. I don't get any of the warmth or depth or even foodiness that the rest of y'all get. :thumbup:


    But what's really weird is that women LOVE it on me -- they don't get that impression at all! -- I ask if they smell lemongrass and they look at me funny -- they say NO, it just smells fresh and uplifting and cheerful. Bizarre!

  4. Rare instance of the label and scent seeming incongruent, at least for how it smells on me -- true it's not particularly warm like say Shelly's Winter Sweater or Jo's SWC, but the label led me to expect maybe something in the direction of LP Silver & much beyond, a cold, shimmery, metallic vibe. It's not like that on me at ALL. Primarily floral, but


    It's SO well blended, that I can't nail the notes. ... a seductive cloud of the indefinable. ... very, very sophisticated and womanly.

    YES, YES, YES. It is probably the most mainstream-feeling of the LPMPs I've tried (but very modern, not old-school). It smells terribly expensive. It also feels quite versatile to me: would be absolutely equally suitable for brunch at the Four Seasons, dinner & dancing on the QE2 and ... private activities :blushing:


    It feels very confident and utterly self-assured -- would be FABULOUS amped with Leather!


    Lasts just fine on me - I have had it in the crook of my elbow for about 4 hours and it is still wafting tantalizingly at me.

  5. This is what I've tried so far and got no effects from;

    Romance in bloom w/ blatant invitation

    Open windows

    Cuddle bunny


    Phero girl

    Beth's blushing milkmaid

    Mara's rocket fuel

    Occo red

    Eternal chain

    Happy ending

    Garland & lace

    Magnet pink amber

    It's interesting that you're not getting effects with these - some of these are the most powerful I've experienced. (btw, most of these are among my favorites! If you are looking to trade away bottles of any, check out my tradepost and email me- I've got unlisted hoarded stuff I might be willing to trade :) )

  6. LPMP has yet to cease to surprise and delight me. Earth/dirt notes have just never remotely appealed to me so I never gave this a second glance. But I am trying a sniffy today and just swooning.


    It has a freshness to it that reminds me of Autumn Mist even though neither scent contain the same ingredients. Both of them have a fresh after the rain feel to them in very different ways. This is clean and earthly with musky fig and sweet sugar on top.


    I got EXACTLY this same impression. I was really surprised how "bright" and fresh it is, especially wet -- would *never* have expected that from anything with earth in it! In fact I don't smell any explicit "earth/dirt" at all -- but I'm sure it's working with the fig to create this muskiness that I'm loving.


    The sugar actually doesn't seem that 'pink' to me, but -- especially wet but also through drydown -- I am getting an impression of super-sweet citrus -- maybe that's the way the pink sugar is expressing itself on me.


    The last thing I would have expected to say about this is that it's cheerful -- but it totally is. Posting to wishlist!!


    ETA for some reason it is making me very nostalgic for my childhood summers. I didn't grow up around figs. Maybe I'm subconsciously detecting the dirt and it's bringing me back to rolling around on the lawn and such.

  7. I liked it best wet: I said out loud to no one, FOODY HEAVEN. Like swimming in a vat of coconut + dense vanilla buttercream.


    The graham cracker never showed up for me, but that was ok by me. It actually didn't last that long on me - my dry skin just drank it all up. Reminds me a lot of BBM, but a bit sweeter and "thicker".

  8. I luv pink sugar but am not getting any of it at all! Just nice melding of rich honey and berry -- the berry cuts the 'dirtiness' of the honey and the honey rounds out the berry. Both those elements are quite distinct and stand up off your skin and say I AM HONEY! and I AM BERRY!


    Somehow the combo of these two notes is very "thick" smelling on me, almost meatily so. -- this scent does not smell like meat! I just mean there's a density and almost chewy three-dimensionality to it.


    I haven't had it on long and no doubt my skin as usual will turn it into Plastic Fantastic before long, but I am enjoying it in the interim :(

  9. I love me a lot of LPs, but so far, hands down, this one strikes me as the sexiest.


    It took me forever to try this because I have never liked any "dark", "black" or "deep" scents, am very skittish about resins, and though I adore violet in food/candy, it usually turns into a SOAP and/or PLASTIC FEST on me. WELL.


    I wore this out tonight and it made me feel like ... the sexpottiest sexpot who ever sexpotted. There's nothing else to say.


    Oh, ETA: it "feels" like Poison (original) to me. Doesn't smell like it at all -- just has that same overtly sexy, mysterious, intense quality.

  10. The extremity of responses (straight vs gay men) is almost comical. I was wearing BBM once in an elevator with several men -- it looked like a lab experiment -- all of them were inching closer to me for the entire ride -- except one, a gay friend, who did not say hi back to me *or even make eye contact* with me, and sidestepped away -- I kept creeping closer to him just to see if I was imagining it but he kept moving away (while the others shuffled along to follow me like petals on a daisy). And this is a *friend*! WOULD NOT SAY HI TO ME. Just proves teh power of teh cops

  11. (I've been having problems with things not turning up in search, so if a thread already exists for this one, sorry/please merge)


    I just got a sniffy of this from the as-always generous M...and it is *exquisite*. That's the only word.


    To be honest the description made me uninterested because Patch & I have never been on speaking terms...and the ingredients seemed like a "?" combo to me... but... they're gorgeously blended - after the initial POW! of dark chocolate (a very clean, bright, almost floral, chocolate, not milky or muddy or even that sweet), which quickly settled down -- the notes blend so fabulously I can't pick out any notes anymore. It's just sensual, intriguing, super feminine, and (though I hate this word, it's just right) CLASSY as hell.


    ETA just noticed this actually has sandalwood, not patchouli...and I don't like sandalwood...must be ok in this one because it's sweet. hm.

  12. Personally, for such an overtly social occasion, I would go with the LAM. JMTC.


    Also, as a welcome gift, I would like to send you some samples/sniffies from my tradepost - have a look and let me know if any interest you! (my email is in my profile) :)

  13. That's right, or thoroughly work your credit cards to their maximum potential!! It's probably a good idea to look at LP's perfume racks, or go to your local craft store for some cute storage boxes, too, since LP's have a way of multiplying!!


    I use those acrylic clear lipstick-organizer things, for example, this one. They can hold both bottles and samples equally well. I have already turned out to need an embarrassing number of them. :Hug_emoticon:

  14. All of my comments on this thread have been about the NEW(er) Stone Cougar/2009, not the older P-Com PG Cougar -- I didn't know the difference until now, and have just tried the latter for the first time. But I don't want to mess up this thread by trying to move my reviews - I'll just cross reference.


    Anyway, I too find that the older phero does not give me the same warm/flushed/fuzzy/buzzy "Marilyn Monroe sex kitten" self-effects that the new one does.


    The older version's scent (possibly due solely to its being older) is noticeably different as well - much "softer" / less heady, less throw, less sweet, and almost floral in its impression.


    It does, however, like the new one, make women around me more sociable and happy - for example, I ran into someone who has *always* (for years) been very snobby and standoffish with me, but today she was an unstoppable chat machine, and even complimented something I was wearing - trust me this was a shocker. I must credit the phero.

  15. Hi BlueBear !! to pass forward others' generosity to me here - please have a look at my tradepost and email me if any samples/sniffies interest you - my address is in my profile. I'd like to send you a "welcome packet" :lol:

  16. Addictive! On me it starts with a huge sugary fatty kiss of vanilla frosting, just tinged with rose, and as it dries down they meld really nicely. The rose is a light, rosewater, tea-rosey kind of rose, just a suggestion and not an 'equal player' with the frosting.


    ITA that it's reminiscent of La Fleur Cremeuse... BUT, happily, this one agrees with me much better. (LFC was much more salted-buttery, and combined with that heavy type of rose, it wasn't working right on me.) Very nicely done!!

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