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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. I tried a too-small smudge of this last night and got a surprisingly WARM limeness - was not sharp or super bright as I would have guessed. Will test properly & update.

  2. rofl you gotta love a company that inspires such mad ecstatic reaction that constant corrective "DO NOT EAT" PSAs are necessary :666:


    Right off, I thought how similar this felt to Mamelons de Cerise!!: a sheer, sexed-up sweeted-up red fruit. As it's drying, a layer of translucent gloppy caramel is coming out. Yeah, BABY.

  3. As usual with new monthly scents I tried this without refreshing my memory about the notes and I think I was expecting more apple/grape kinda action, but this is much more tropical. More conventional than I expected, not noveltyish at all -- big-bodied, gorgeously blended, intoxicatingly beach-vacationy. I also get a bit of pikake or bougainvillea or something - a tropical floral - but now looking at the ingredients, my brain is obviously "filling that in" from sense-memory. Isn't it wild how that works?


    You could probably load this with cops for days and never get any stink.

  4. On me, this starts out all soft warm fuzzy choward's violet. As it dries it quickly sweetens up, though reading not as marshmallow but as powdered sugar - like a heavily sugar-dusted (not candied) violet. As the hours pass, the two notes meld and it becomes a light-purple, lightly violet-scented fresh homemade marshmallow -- the evocation was so strong it was like R2D2's Princess Leia hologram -- I could almost bite into it. Unnnnhhh nom. Hours later the violet was almost gone, just the faintest lacing on that same dense chewy marshmallow.


    I never got any smoke but I bet that starts to bloom and show up as it ages.


    I don't actually pick up any amber, but that must be what gives this a purring, languid kind of sexiness.


    This is unusual, warm, comforting, good for evening or sleepytime-- really glad I jumped on a bottle unsniffed.

  5. OMG, how did I not report on my Rose Cookies w/B2 usage a few weeks ago? I burned just HALF of one, in a room that is about 30' x 15'. It was plenty, and even seeped into the neighboring room. The scent is an absolute dream ... it is exactly what it sounds like: a mellow dark red creamy rose + a crisp sugary cookie. To die for. And the B2 made me not sleepy so much as spacey... super congruent and nom.

  6. But wait, I have a followup report!! 6 hours after my (probable over-) application, this had a VERY STRONG bees-to-honey effect on a bunch of strangers (all men) ....wtf??? It was like OW and Cougar put together. !!!! I am *certain* it was because of the phero- I DID NOT feel especially social or fun or anything and yet it was a nonstop stream of people being all chipper and chatty, including in situations where, believe me, people are NOT normally that way, and everyone wanting a piece of me. It was a little crazy...

    Ps bumbob I emailed u

  7. SCENT: really beautiful "GROWN UP LADY" scent as luna calls them :D "feels" VERY classic, like Chanel No. 5 or Joy - doesn't smell like them, but FEELS like them. Doesn't smell like any of the listed notes to me, lol- at least I don't get any apricot or olive - it's smooooooooth. Incredibly congruent with the intent of the phero - it's authoritative in an "I don't have to shout to get my way" kind of way.


    PHERO: I have almost no experience with SWS so just feeling my way here - I may have overdone it - I was using a trial vial and did a 3-inch stripey puddle on each inner elbow and smooshed it around. I *FELT* good - calm, in charge, confident, "together" - BUT - I already talk too fast and "all over the place" normally, and I think this made me VERY much more so in an important meeting , and made my boss kind of snap at me about it :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co need to try less next time I think.

  8. Him saying things is only half the problem, and the lesser one. That he *thinks* these things is the bigger one. Delightful to hear he sounds wonderfully racist on top of telling you repeatedly in every imaginative way he can come up with that he does not respect you at all. What a peach.


    Back on topic: the sense-sharpening and self-effects (esp, feeling more torlerant/patient toward my mom, and toward trying colleagues ) are things I want to experience again with this blend, but in a lesser concentration than the 2x I tested.... maybe even I'll wait for a future tweak to address the crash issue...

  9. On me, this is chocolate frosting, the super bad-for-you right-out-of-the-waxed-carton kind.... absolutely shamelessly nom.... the first time I wore it I was like "yup chocolate uh huh" and stopped paying attention, but I've noticed more recently that the amber makes it TEH SEXIEST. I think this would be great in the hair with ss4w. *going to make spray*

  10. And the great thing about this one, on me it lasts all day.


    Trufax. Put on 9+ hours ago and I'm still moving about in this cloud of purringly sexy, bit mysterious and above all REGAL nom.


    Copying earlier comments about this scent that I littered irresponsibly elsewhere, which remain true on this wearing:


    foody but in a 'believable' perfume way. Reminds me of caught in the act but less come-hither. Eta as it dries down I'm getting a honey that is just a bit drrty. Oo sexay ...alabaster queen turning out to be a naughty wicked zoot

  11. LOOOL! All this effort to get tmi out of someone when it may very well be "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHY R U ACTING SO WEIRD?!"


    But seriously, what an idea, to put different scents/pheros in diff places on one's person and invite the tg on a wanderiing sniffing treasure-hunt. Ya know, just to get their opinion. For science.

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