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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. luna, can you elaborate on this?

    "This blend will turn the weapon around, you will be on the other side of the mirror: having that powerful intent to manipulate a situation focused upon you."


    I don't mean, 'please share your private example' - I mean, what exactly is the intent that they're having; how are *they* manipulating *me*...? This hadn't occurred to me at all during the trial and I'm VERY interested.

  2. Omg, that's so cute...the exact opposite of dogs. Oscar and felix.


    ETA The more I think about this (luna's behavior) the funnier it is in my mind. She's like a Dept of Health inspector who is just barely enduring All The Specks. She's like, patiently, "Ahem. You see this here? It will not do. We've TALKED about this...." Also proves the joke about dogs having owners and cats having tenants/ employees, lol!! So, so funny.

  3. I have noticed that babies, cats & dogs all love the smell of copulins for some reason.


    Maybe some plain and simple "body odors", like copulins, make us come off as "honest" to beings more in touch with their primal natures?



    What a nice thought. I still laugh when I see my Captivation Equation bc I remember someone here saying that their dog was CARAZY for it and they said "I CANNOT STOCK UP ON CE FOR MY *DOG*!!!" :lol: it also makes me think...isn't that why there's nothing more attractive than someone being absolutely real and vulnerable, when they aren't doing the relational / emotional equivalent of washing off all their natural pheros. Isn't that why we are most moved by that in books, plays, movies...

  4. No, right, that's exactly what I meant - more than one of us had the self-effect of being all FOCUSED and motivated and down-to-business, and though that doesn't seem OBVIOUSLY related to empathy, .... since there are ingredients for intensity directed at another PERSON, I guess it's not surprising that it created a GENERAL intensity that became channeled toward concentrated activity / accomplishment (in my case cleaning up). I'm going to look back - I bet each of us who experienced the FOCUS thing, felt it when we were alone! So interesting. Thank you.

  5. besides hoarding and petting them in the drawer i've stashed them in, i realize now that I've been irrationally not trying my phero'd melts due to fear of OD. Any opinions/ experiences to share? I'd be burning them in a decent-sized room (30' x 13' ish) if you think that matters... thank you in advance for sharing...


    another question not phero-specific but melt-related: do you guys think it's ok to leave it burning overnight?- I'd sure love to fall asleep with one going. I use a purty electric one from lpmp, the "Ceramic Electric Oil Warmer"...can I say, btw, it's so pretty and sturdy/hefty, clearly high quality, and well priced - have seen much crappier ones for same price or more online elsewhere...if anyone's looking...

  6. This reminds me of Pillow Patter - the same girly bright red-and-pink freshness. Also some powder. Would have great commercial appeal. Pretty enough, but there are others in this newly arrived order I'm plowing through that interest me more.


    Never came back to report that when it dies down from that initial berriness, it goes very warm, sexy, pumpkin buttery. Becomes quite a different thing. On me it does have great staying power on me as well -- all day long, and it was hot & humid as heck.

  7. I wore my sample of this the other day, and I have to say that it is VERY different from the LPLE/BI. The LPLE amps the apricot so much that it turns the character of the perfume into a fruit fest.....which is not a bad thing, don't get me wrong! My LPLE/BI is one of my man's absolute faves.....

    How funny, I've been meaning to comment forever on how different they are on me too, except for me the LE is very dusky and powdery and mYsterious and classic-perfumey and old-world feeling, while the Lp original is bright sunshiny apricoty warm fuzzy honey. Mght just be that the lple has aged? Vury interesting.

  8. I adore this stuff!!! I saw that one of us ladies (I'm too lazy to go back and check who...) was using it around her eyes. I tried that, and my eye-skins love it! So do my lips & face & neck. No problems with clogging pores, either--just GREAT, anti-aging moisturizing!

    that was me :drunk: i started using it on my face too, with some trepidation as I have had crazy cystic breakout problems in the past year or so, but it has posed no problem at all - I put it on at night - it feels amazing going on, and in the am I don't wake up with a mask of glop still just sitting on the surface of my face the way it happens with so many night creams. it is completely absorbed and babysoft.


    AND : as a public service announcement - I get allergic dermatitis on my forearms from exposure to the sun if I forget to wear sunscreen. It gets itchy and red and bumpy and unhappy. The only thing that has worked on it is this steroid cream :jumpforjoy: which I don't like putting on...I don't ike absorbing that crap into my body. Anyway, so it happened yesterday, and I sighed and was going to put on the steroid...but on a whim I slathered on some of my nom butterstuff....it *instantly* felt wonderful, soothed, no more itch.....and I WOKE UP TO THE RASH BEING GONE. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!


    I'm talking about the edible cake butterstuff btw.

  9. Even if it's not a "daily go-to" blend, it seems a lot of us found it incredibly valuable when we DO need it, in a unique way from all the other current pheros. I for one plan to use it whenever I know I'll be encountering people I know I don't communicate well, with, eg, my mom, and I'm also thinking of a particular colleague who is just the worst ever - super defensive and prickly, doesn't answer the question you asked, rambles andf doesn't make sens ...but I'll be using as much for it to make ME patient as to make HER a better communicator. If it weren't for the emotional side of it, I would think it would be killer for work....and maybe it WOULD be decent as long as you remember not to wear too much where it takes you into weepy/overshare mode...

  10. FASCINATING!!!!! Thank you for sharing and in such lavish detail. Thank you for letting me be a part of the experiment.


    Now that I know what it was meant for, - looking back, especially with the uses with the 2 people with whom I usually find communication frustrating (mom and interrupty friend) - I was probably too focused on watching their behavior (and being surprised by it :)) to realize it at the time but it MUST have affected me - I just experienced the self-effect differently on my end (acceptance / tolerance of them) than how I perceived THEIR behavior to have changed (mostly not interrupting, lol, and actually clearly listening to me for once).


    I'm not naturally much of an empath so that would explain why I had a hard time identifying what I was feeling, lol.


    From the collective results, it seems like phero strength & moderating the # of sprays will be important. Sounds like having one's empathy oomphed is tiring! Makes sense - it does take more effort than to not be that way.

  11. That's a great question and I always wonder about that too... I mean obviously it probably depends on how much you used in the am, and as an AVERAGE I think I see phero effects taper off to the point of being pretty much gone at anywhere from the 4-6 hour mark ... but I'd love to hear others' experiences and opinions.

  12. welcome! :D


    I'm not sure you want to bust out Dominance in just an ordinary work situation. eg, Dolly rocks Leather (& I think possibly Dominance?) at her work because/when she deals with super aggressive clients who need to be strongly put in their place for their own good, lol. I definitely wouldn't wear it to an interview; you don't want interviewers to be cowed by you (do you?).


    I'm not very familiar with SWS but others have opined.


    For attraction, love, etc: the best way is to just try it yourself - start low and keep adding (if it's not having as much effect as you'd like) til you find your sweet spot. I'm personally very lightweight so I can't do more than 2 sprays (if that) of most things.


    For the kind scent you like - there are (as you know) literally too many to be able to usefully make recommendations - that is one of the many great joys of LPMP & this place - trying a wide smattering of scents and talking about them :) That said, I have similar taste to you (although not all citruses like me) -- and I do think you'd particularly like scented Cougar, Caught in the Act, LP Silver and LP Red.



  13. As for how much is left -- I used it I think at least half a dozen times, usually one spray, only did 2 sprays once. As usual (not just this phero) I am a lightweight and 2 was waaaay too much. Vial is probably at 80% of what it was when it arrived, lol.


    I like the idea of summing up the experience! for which I too felt honored - thank you:

    - initially, greatly sharpened/intensified sensory input, especially vision (ultra clear, even more 3D than 3D)

    - made people talk A LOT, but also more respectfully - not in an awed way, but just being better conversationalists, by letting you talk (rather than interrupting) and by really listening

    - made me feel "it's all good", but in a subtle way, not a pothead "it's all goooood" way

    - made me feel "I can handle this" but in a subtle, self-assured way, not in a bitchy aggressive way


    ETA rosegirl reminded me that in the first trial, when I paid attention to its effect for the longest period of time, - towards the end, it had a very strong Focus Potion-y "I am gettin' down to BUSINESS" effect on me - felt energized toward being efficient and getting a lot done in a no-nonsense way.


    Interesting that it moprhed through such distinct 'stages' every time for me - as it seems to have done for some others.

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