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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. Yes, that seems to be what it says on the New Releases page..but it also says there are stepped discounts as the orders increase - 10% for 10 melts, 20% for 20 or more melts. I assume this discount is a discount on the melts, not on the shipping cost, but I'm sure Mara will confirm...

  2. Lip, did u want the word "authentic"?


    I know what you mean - fake chocolate smells waxy, chemical-y and nasty! But NOT ONE of the many different LP chocolates I've experienced have been that way. Sure they're very different from each other - cocoa powder vs a chunk of 80% dark vs hot cocoa vs a bit of hershey melting against a scorched marshmallow - but at least on me they are spot on.

  3. Ps oh I def will try with cops- resisted today because I wanted to isolate the IM as far as effects!


    I forgot to mention : it did seem to make everyone want to be my friend - I ran into various people who usually aren't overly friendly but today they were - and not in a dazzled Cougar way, or "petting" adoring snuggly TH way, but more hail-fellow-well-met, very comfortable and accepting.

  4. Seems impossible this hasn't been reviewed but I did look!


    Finally trialed this based on Calii's raves :)


    This smells exactly as expected: sweet nutty coffee. But with a Super-for-Women swingset pole in it.


    It's not TERRIBLE, but not something I desperately want to smell like. I don't know if it's the scent or the phero.


    As for the phero: it made me LIKE MYSELF A WHOLE LOT. Very "good in my skin". So much so that I fearlessly and freely spoke about something personal that I'm very sensitive about, with someone I'm not that close with, AND I was able to listen to his responses and subsequent related comments that I would normally bristle at, with an assumption of good will and concern instead of feeling criticized or embarrassed. This is HUUUUUUUGE for me.


    So Intellectual Man definitely warrants further exploration. CALII, if you have advice about covering it (whether what to use it in as a boost or about using it UN), I'm all ears...



    Aether: Ozone, pine, white sugar

    Ambrosial Summer: melon, banana, grape, cream

    Luminessence: amber, orange, with gold flakes

    Candy Apple Cutie: red sugar, red apple, caramel

    TMI: spearmint, vanilla, Green musk

    Pillow Stuffing: cotton, lavender, dirty musk

    Limelight: OMG THIS IS F* EXHAUSTING HOW DOES MARA DO IT?!? lime, vanilla, stage woods, roses, begging for a pop potion boost

    Belle de Menthe: peppermint, carnation, powdered sugar

    Voodoo Fondue: hot red pepper obviously, in dark chocolate fondue, heavy cream and a bit of smoke


    Violet smoke sounds dead sexy

  6. Echoing everyone else -- adding even ONE thing to the pre-done blends is gilding the lily, let alone piling on a BUNCH of other stuff.


    I'm always banging the drum on here that the experts are better mixers than we will ever be unless/until we start doing that full time, for YEARS, as they do & have. See PM's own thoughts on the matter here.


    I personally don't think Cougar even needs cops, but a bit probably won't hurt.

  7. So I notice that only one of my many posts in this thread was on topic, so to put myself back on topic: I brought this as part of my "LP wardrobe kit" B) on a recent short trip.


    My skin still amps the currant and makes it a little stabby at the beginning - seemed especially so o this trip & I wonder if it was because Auntie Flo was visiting.


    But as before it caused flat-out adoration from teh menz. I've worn cops with Lace plenty of times w/good results, but there's something about this blend - probably the ideal ratios & flirtatious scent - that seems MUCH more effective than when I combine the 2 myself.

  8. I had ordered a sample of this b/c the floral/water sounded interesting, but was a bit worried from the reviews above what with all the FRESH and LAUNDRY which tends not to be my favorite kind of thing.


    But last night, I accidentally got some of this on my fingers while giving myself my nightly Purple Cupcake bath. (I have many hands.) In the first second, it brought Irish Spring to mind, and I thought the opposite of Q...TOO MASCULINE! Then a few seconds later, it was a COOL BREEZE, I mean like suddenly diving into the 60-degree splashy coolness of underneath a waterfall when it is 100 degrees out w/100% humidity. YOU CAN FEEL THE WATER, PEOPLE! Then it turned all floral-sexy - though I couldn't pick out any of the floral notes, it is NOT a huge floral like Miasma, but more demure, flirty.


    I COULD NOT STOP SMELLING MY FINGERS. The scent was completely addictive. It made me so happy I was HUMMING as I went to bed. This is extremely abnormal behavior.

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