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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. WA, you may be wearing too much or too little. Sounds like you're pretty expert but in case not, - I think you should play around some more with the amounts. With cops, I would say you need more than a dab of Phero Girl (or anything else with cops) - I would try, e.g., several stripes of several inches each, on each arm and on your chest...

  2. I'm sure you've heard the joke about how women are really dressing/wearing makeup for each other - men don't give a shit. Well I think it's the same with most florals : men don't care - they may not dislike it, but they don't care - the way they do about foody scents. At least the ones I've met, LOL. ETA there are exceptions of course, like some violets which seem to hit some of them pretty hard.

  3. Could you help me loosen my button? And make sure your dress/top comes with a back button.

    LOL!!!! wow, that could be VERY misinterpreted if I did not have a button on my clothes. Ba dum, CHH


    OR apply a few drops of TMI on a hanky and put it over his nose!

    Don't think I haven't thought of this. :abfx:

  4. I know, and even to my own CHANGE in chemistry with honey and/or cops over time, not even across cycle -- this couldn't have been more aggressive the first few times I tried it, and now, even with wearing the same amount, it is SO MUCH better behaved, like I've only been dipped gently in a thin coating of honeyed sugar instead of going around clobbering people with a club of drrty honey.

  5. WA, welcome. I too implore you to keep it and try it again in a different point in your cycle...and just keep trying with honey & cops in general.


    I pretty much hated P G the first time I tried it, but it is now a favorite. It took me a few tries to "get" the honey scents, and I sincerely believe it's not even just a cycle thing but a SKIN thing -- especially for honey and for cops. After a few times, your skin goes "Oh ok I get it" and starts behaving differently with those things over (a short) time.


    Also are you sure you're allowing plenty of dry down before putting on clothes, etc?


    Specifically, the first time I tried Phero Girl it just seemed DIRTY and almost rancid. The second time I said hum this isn't so bad. The third time and ever since, it quickly turns into this crystalline, powdered-sugar, soft, even SUBTLE phenomenal unique gorgeous thing. (And that's not even taking into account its effects.)

  6. There are ways you can wear it in order to limits its effects on you.


    I know "on back of neck" is recommended, but how do you get your target to snorf you there? (I once tried H&S on hands (thinking, "as far from face as possible") but being a hand-talker, I ended up talking my face off & spilling all kinds of crazy shit from childhood on an acquaintance, who eventually ended up looking like this:



  7. Huh, I don't think I ever specifically connected that it's a-nol (not just pheros in general) that particularly lowers tolerance. Maybe that explains why the last time I wore a lot of Open Windows (spray) and downed 6 cocktails in 2 hours, I later found dozens of pictures on my phone that I did not remember taking.



    (must cut back on caffeine again)

  9. So, 2.5 sprays (1x)- 1.5 being on chest and 1 bring in hair - seems to be just a little too much - made me fidgety and giddy - and gave me mood swings -


    all happy and chatty and life-of-party one second, and rage the next (and mouthy about my rage, which I almost never am)- although I *was* sorely provoked by a racist powertripping asshole, so maybe the TH actually *helped* -maybe I'd have stabbed him without it.  


    Then back to scarlett o'hara style social butterflyness making friends w/the ladies and being genteely mooned over by the menz.


    Then I got on a teeny plane, which normally gives me fits, and couldn't get over how BEAUTIFUL the runway was, and grinned peacefully out the window for the whole flight like a loon.  I have been a nervous flier for a decade, and even before that never really *loved* it- even the first time I flew I wasn't like WOOOW THIS IS SOOO COOL the way I was today.


    So, ok, maybe 2.5 sprays isn't too much.

  10. Wow, invi the water-on-fire is SPOT ON what I felt. You know, I've trialed b2 before but didn't notice any self-effects so I thought it just wasn't for me...turns out it's just not for me if I am in a okay mood, lol. Pretty amazing stuff.

  11. I am experiencing this in a Rose Cookies melt. I had not one but two infuriating phone calls in a row: incompetent, interrupting, non-listening, nasty, customer service people who both HUNG UP ON ME! I tried one more time and got a moron who, though he never did satisfy my concern, was at least not nasty.


    Normally the first person, let alone two such people, would have sent me into an uncontrollable rage - few things make me madder faster than customer "service" power plays like that - do people know what is happening in the economy and how lucky they are to have customers and jobs? - but, although I felt rage, it was restricted to my tummy, and I was able to continue talking calmly to the moron. I must attribute this almost involuntary-feeling self-control to the B2. I mean, I could feel the rage boiling deep within but it felt sort of peacefully "tamped down" from outside. Pretty cool.

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