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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. I find myself wondering if the phero is a women's version of Charisma.


    Fascinating theory!!! The heightened sensory awareness and focus COULD be very useful for acting, and certainly the "everyone is staring at me" effect would come in handy too...

  2. Hmmm: is MIL the snob type though? To be clear, these 3 women that I have the crazy hits with aren't ACTIVELY bitchy - I shouldn't have said "mean girl" -- they don't SAY nasty things - it's the opposite - they're just social/socioeconomic snobs and in fact they DON'T (normally) speak to "their inferiors" (ie everyone) at all.


    could it have been OD (maybe not for you but for her tolerance)? or she didn't like the scent? OR she was reacting to its effect on someone ELSE (like your hub)?

  3. I have to report again on this. It is a MUST HAVE if there are any people in your life who you need to force to both like and respect you in equal amounts, and I mean 'respect' more socially/relationally than in the Leather/Dom sort of 'authority' way, if that makes sense.


    I had two homemade-sprays (2:1 unscented Stone Cougar beta to LP Silver oil) in my hair. There's a very high-level, powerful woman in my company who is shy and a bit standoffish, does NOT initiate conversation, will barely respond even when you directly address her, extremely attractive and perfectly put-together and you always get the vague feeling that she looks down on you because you are not, like her, also wearing $1000 shoes ... think of Tilda Swinton in Michael Clayton, but also a social snob (like a high school mean girl), you get the idea.


    Today the INSTANT I showed up (late) to a meeting, before I was even that close to her, she CLAPPED HER HANDS and said, "Yay" (yes, YAY) "you're here!!" as though I were some celebrity she had invited but not dared to hope would attend her party. She reached out for my hand/arm and we grasped forearms. I CANNOT OVERSTATE TO YOU HOW BIZARRE AND OUT OF CHARACTER THIS WAS FOR HER. And then later she was vocally appreciative of something I'd done for her indirectly, which in 4+ years I've NEVER heard her be.


    I'm telling you, I almost get better hits with women than men with this one. This is the THIRD usually-snobby woman that this has made 'softer' and starry-eyed (the other two being my bitchy neighbor who NEEEEVER initiates conversation but blurts out compliments about me, my hair, handbag, etc. when I'm wearing this, and the condescending jerk I wrote about a few posts upthread).


    Put another way, this works like a workplace version of Treasured Hearts for me.

  4. 1 spray to crown of head, covered with Miss Pucci. In first few minutes, got that same effect again where everything looks ultra-3D, sharply delineated in successive vertical planes like photoshop layers.


    I have a colleague who is VERY private, but this made her share some VERY personal details, like bodily function & medical-issue details. Extremely out of character for her.


    I then went to a meeting where someone rambled & overshared, but they always do that.


    Walking around the office, once again, people are staring. Not admiring, not hostile, just staring.

  5. O my luve's like a red cherry rose.


    Red red red...I get a fuchsia, hard, tart (not sweet or black or gushy) cherry, gorgeously seamlessly blended with a bright fire-engine red rose. They're a match made in heaven. As you sniff you go "cherry! no, rose! no, cherry! no, it's a cherry-rose! a rose-cherry!" NOT FOODY. Feminine, grown up and vaguely authoritative...swoony. BEAUTIFULLY DONE


    I don't see it on the PE page and Mara hasn't mentioned it here on the boards so I'm guessing there's no extra :'( It's just screaming to be boosted with Cougar, PP or Leather. *lusts*

  6. Hm, I did not notice any effect on appetite but will pay more attention in trial tomorrow. (Had to skip today) I'm off booze for the time being so can't report on effect on tolerance, although that's an extremely interesting effect some of you are having - the opposite of most pheros.


    Agree with Beccah that yesterday I did think I detected the scent of EST.

  7. Today's trial: 2 sprays to hair, covered with sprays of Drac's Bakery which is driving me mad with its nomness.


    I am again hyper alert and aware, both visually and auditorially. This is actually a bad thing for the first time in my trials, because I'm at a loud restaurant and I CAN HEAR EVERY CONVERSATION AROUND ME CLEAR AS A BELL AND CANNOT CONCENTRATE ON WHAT MY DINING COMPANIONS ARE SAYING. In fact they sound even further away than the people at other tables. :Dannaalterego: could just be the acoustics here.


    Getting the "people staring like in Inception" thing again too, including passerby and waiters as well as from my dining companions who keep looking at me even when I'm done talking and someone else is speaking.


    I am finding them all annoying - one of them keeps interrupting me, another keeps saying "like" every other word which is all I can think about, and the other one is being such a weirdo. I think 2 sprays is 1 spray too many for me.

  8. OK, the curiosity was killing me, so I broke down and read everyone else's reviews, so my future results should be considered suspect, as I'm sooper suggestible.


    But I'm so fascinated by the "heightened senses" result that more than one of us has experienced. The common theme seems to be a Wonder Woman-izing effect, both on the senses and in terms of conveying competence and garnering respect, people wanting our attention etc...


    Of course there's a great temptation, while experiencing the effects (on self and others), to try to guess what it's for, to try to 'label' it or put it in a box, and even for my own results I find that I can't.


    I do think it'd be great for work as far as the respect-attracting aspect and especially that it makes people *really listen* to you.


    But, I also see it being great "socially" for people who want or need to feel more 'accepting' (toward both self and others)... it seems to make me feel more 'welcoming' toward people. Today (after above review) I spent a few hours alone with someone who usually irritates me (never have hung out with him alone before that I recall), and even when he occasionally said irritating things, I realize now that I kind of let it just float past like a leaf on a stream, instead of demonizing him in my mind about it ("Ugh, sexist piglet" etc.). -- OMG! ETA I just realized- one of the things that annoys me about this guy is that he doesn't really listen while you're talking - he's one of those people that goes "uh-huh uh-huh" and is clearly just thinking about what HE wants to say next, or about something totally unrelated to the conversation... Today, he was much more present in the conversation and it was actually a conversation instead of him going "uh-huh uh-huh" and not responding, or randomly changing the subject. So funny I didn't even notice it while it was happening, but only now as I look back at it -- incredibly I guess I was just enjoying the flow of conversation so much that I didn't pick up on it. :)


    Even though, unlike others, I don't experience it as affecting my MOOD per se in an obvious 'directional' way -- no, like, Flying Potion or OW high, or TeddyBB or Tranquility mellow, -- maybe it really is doing so but in a subtler way, in a way that just expresses itself differently for me. Looking back on how it made me interact earlier (about 1hr into the phero) w/ a big bunch of strangers I had to briefly meet, I realize that it made me feel I am normally wearing a cloak of cynicism and judgmental-ness about people without even really knowing it, but this lifted that cloak away and let me be more the way I used to be when I was much younger, which was like a puppy, pleased as punch about everyone and everything and licking everyone on the face -- and, surprise, nearly all the strangers seemed unanimously happy to meet me, the happiness was a few degrees more than what I normally experience (or at least I perceived it that way, which might be the same thing in the end), and those one or two who weren't besides themselves with delight to meet me, I didn't care, lol, whereas normally I'd be hurt and/or annoyed ("what a jerk", "what a snob", etc). Everyone likes puppies.


    PS ... My dog has started on some drugs and is doing much better already- thanks B) xoxo

  9. Today's trial: 10am, 1 spray split to inner crook of elbows/wrists. Also did a bumbob-style walk-through spray, but didn't feel like I caught much- I think most of it is sitting on my bedroom floor :)


    Super-heightened sensory alertness again: sharper ability to distinguish very similar shades, and things seem more 3D than usual - one tree that is further away than another looks very sharply, clearly further away, as though on a different plates/planes, as though they're layered in very far-apart layers of 3D photoshop. The leaves' green is VERY GREEN. Hard to explain.


    Meeting up with a few acquaintances. Again I feel more accepting/less judgmental toward everyone and more "open", am not as wary and defensive/"assume the worst" as I can tend to be. Interestingly it is *not* a result of, or accompanied by, any mood lift, not that I notice anyway.


    The person I know best, a dude (no interest on either side), seems a bit more respectful than usual- he always is, but seems to be taking what I say more seriously.


    Have a bit of headache, as I did yesterday, but might be due to my getting off coffee, rather than the phero.

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