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Posts posted by tyvey

  1. Several years ago before a few shitty things happened I always felt much lighter and fun with people and yesterday, despite a slow start, I felt a a lot like that again!! This is really odd because I am always trying to go back in my mind and figure out how I can get back to that feeling. Again, not to put too much pressure on the phero, but it was just great to feel that way even for one day.

    I think I have discovered the phero that is just "me".

    That's so beautiful - thank you for sharing that - really resonated with me - I for one don't think I can overstate how much these scents and pheros can impact our lives and therefore, not to be dramatic, but what an important and possibly literally life-changing thing they can do for us if we let them. For whatever reason I don't often reach for TH but this is very inspiring.

  2. I am very sorry to bore everyone to death with my nonstop ranting about unCB, but I got such a funny hit with this on saturday that you all just have to bear with me, especially because this was a kinda unusual one....


    I wore it to a museum and took out my blackberry to look up some more info about the artist. HUGE security dude - I mean 6'6" and 350 lb at LEAST - came racing over, yelling, NO PICTURES!! The way he was acting it was pretty clear he meant to tackle me or punch me at the very least.


    I remember a thread on here where we talked about how super macho testoeroney dudes tend to prefer very femmey women and vice versa, and more metro/otherwise not so testosteroney dudes tend to like less femmey women and vice versa.... I'm not all that femmey in either look or attitude, which prob isn't a big surprise to y'all, lol- big dudes like that tend not to like me in "that way" - they totally ignore me...


    Anyway, the guy got within a few feet of me and when I tell you he almost literally melted - it was actually a little spooky. He completely stopped in the middle of yelling, completely stopped advancing on me, his whole posture sagged- it was like the wicked witch after water was thrown on her - his whole face softened like melting butter, into a dreamy smile and he sighed and went "hmmmmm." lol!! My friend (doesn't know I phero) looked at me like WHAT THE HELL?!


    I said "oh, I'm not taking pictures- I'm just looking up info about the artist, see?" I just used that as an excuse to wave my CB'd arm under his nose :love: he sagged even more- and was GRINNING like a muppet...started falling all over himself telling me all these places I could go for more info, other museums that had certain of the artist's work- my friend and I started sort of slowly walking away and he FOLLOWED us for several rooms, just chattering away, and he seemed aware that he was acting weird but couldn't stop....started complimenting me on my hair, eyes, blah blah, but not in a hitting-on way, more like to a pet almost..... IT WAS NUTS!!!!


    This was like Harry potter kind of stuff - it was like he was an attack monster and i waved a wand and turned him into a yellow lab puppy. Just really comically OUT OF CONTROL. so: cb soothes the savage beast.

  3. What a fascinating, unusual combo: violet and heavy-juicy fruit! This violet does not come off boudoir-y, fussy or powdery at all. You know how distinctive it is and therefore it usually kind of separates iitself from the crowd and stands up and says "OVER HERE, LOOK AT ME, I AM VIOLET". Totally doesn't do that here. Almost no resemblance to, eg, Choward's violet- no "edge" at all. It's *so* harmonious with the fruit. If no one told you it was in here, you might not even pick it out, it's so sultry and sweet.


    This is voluptuous. This is a grown-up fruit. If you put this in Sephora they would not be able to keep it in stock. Home run.


    ETA I couldn't put my finger on what it was reminding me of, but I've got it now. It's a spiritual sister to

    PG WILDFLOWER!! Flower and fruit folded into a desserty nom finish. DROOL.

  4. The cherry in this isn't a blasting FAKE CHERRY like a candy or anything. I think the sourer bite of the cassis and pomegranate keep it from being that way. As it dries down, the amber gives it a chewy, taffy-like "texture" which makes it not as "young" or "girlish" as it might sound. It's kind of like cops and robbers in that you don't see how it could feel like a "legitimate" perfume rather than a "fun novelty", until you try it.

  5. I ripped open my package today - THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY MARA!!!! - and tried this one first, and cursed loudly and violently. This is sexy as hayull. Freaking genius combo of amber and cherry. I like real cherries all right but have always, even as a kid, hated cherry flavored anything, including scents, til experiencing LP's. July girl's cherry pepper, special delivery and now this. Luna nailed it: sexy cherry popsicle. That translucency, but with a warm inviting sexy softness. It's a f****** KNOCKOUT. I plan to pair this with my Lace and Ss4w betas.

  6. If you tell me that that was at the Hollywood Bowl, I will be terribly jealous and upset ... sigh...


    but yeah about OW, I've always liked it for its general happy uplift party vibe, but never had this crazy celebrity "everybody wants you and thinks you're amazing" thing before with it (that I recall).

  7. OK guys if you want to be the belle of the ball with everyone flitting around you and fawning on you, this is the thing to use. I wore it tonight in a large crowd and believe me I can handle lots of attention and this was almost too much. It was a very mixed crowd (age, gender, sexual orientation, you name it) and people were eating me up with a spoon.

  8. Hi and welcome! you'll love it here.


    I am probably the biggest (un)Cuddle Bunny raving lunatic around here. Things work differently on different people, of course, but if it were me, that would be the no-brainer first choice for your situation. I know everyone always says pheros can't "make" people have feelings about you that they don't already to some degree, but I don't care - I swear this stuff does make people fall in uncontainable love and lust (equally) with you.


    Just be careful not to overdo because too much cops makes you invisible. Everyone's different but based on your age, conservatively, I wouldn't do more than a few-inches-long stripe on each forearm and similar in cleavage, at the most...hm, maybe not even that much. As you've probably already read, it's always best to start with less and (if you want) keep adding til you disappear, lol.


    Again if it were me, my next choice would probably be OCCO (same advice re: don't use too much). BI is such a blammo sledgehammer that I, like luna, would personally save that for later in the relationship :001_302: PM is lovely but, I think, you already have the feelings between you two that that is meant to inspire. It can't HURT, of course, but it doesn't sound like it's what you most need at the moment.


    ITA w/Luna about avoiding mixing pre-made blends... the experts know what they're doing better than we ever could :w00t:

  9. I bought a couple of dozen new oils when I picked up the wax last week, so I have a few more options. One that I got is called "egg nog", so will see if I can blend something along the lines of Garland & Lace with it.

    I fainted and hit the floor.

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