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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Holy. MOLY. Mine can't get here fast enough. That was an amazing review. I'm DYING over here.
  2. Got mine too! I can't remember how long it takes now with the relocation....hope for Monday!!
  3. Yes try it in spray and tell us if it helps. I realized awhile back that Topper and Gotcha were both my most consistent pheros for selfies and hits. Then I realized they were my only pheros in 90/10 spray so that got me to thinking....is my success due to the form I got them in?!
  4. Hey Nutrix...Mara has said before that you can request an extra label. If that is what you meant....That there would be no label on the one you converted to spray?
  5. I agree about it not being a bedtime scent. It's too crisp or something. Yes, nice review, ToS is still one of my favorites! It pairs well with Occo Blue too.
  6. I was wondering why you weren't jumping all over the Little Mermaid one!!!
  7. I was a little hesitant on some of these notes too but...the picking and the choosing was just stressing me out. And Luna's stories sort of sold me on some of them. Even though they don't sound like something I might wear...I feel like I need to smell them to finish the story....Lol crazy crazy LP life...
  8. I got Lusty Cherry+cops....Tyveys Chewy....and a sampler. Almost got a full bottle of To Soothe but decided to wait and smell the Lav first. You never know with that one.
  9. So awesome all of it. Now that I have speed read through it all and placed my order....must go back and read again to savor the stories in a more calm and sophisticated fashion.
  10. No!! You cannot have my bottle!! LOL! It's not actually MY PE its StormeyW's...
  11. Oh wow! Ok that's good to know. I would rather Mara do the copping if possible.
  12. I wonder if I should get cops in my Lusty Cherry...seeing that it is so .....LUSTY SMELLING and is recommended to be worn with "bad girl" undies... Oh never mind...I forgot these were bottled up already. I'll cop myself I suppose...
  13. Damn it. This is ridiculous. I guess I need one of Tyveys Chewy's too. Enough already with these irresistible PE's.
  14. I had a guy make a similar comment to me after dancing with him all night while wearing LAM Pink Amber/LP Red combo. I thought it was really weird. I knew him only as a dancing partner and obviously hadn't mentioned pheromones to him!
  15. Th PE'a are the same price as a regular LP...no they are not available in trial size...and I actually cannot remember how to pay for them.
  16. I just read the ingred for the original To Soothe A Broken Heart!! Could this be a Balm Bomb I can wear?! High hopes...high hopes...
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