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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. I know! LAM used to be my go to going out phero. I always wore LAM Pink Amber with LP Red. Or sometimes made my own LAMMY type thing with Occo Red and Flying P (the original that just had Alpha Nol). Good times with that!!
  2. I know!!! I was searching for you for awhile but then you would pop up occasionally so I figured you were busy gardening...
  3. You're welcome. It is a pretty long process. Depending in how much he is making it takes 4 to 8 hours! But I know...most people just think it's smoking a joint or something.
  4. This is what Michael does with certain strains of his crop. He makes what is commonly known as Rick Simpson Oil and ingests it every week... You can use it on skin cancer or on burns...etc. He is an activist for this sort of thing...You can google Rick Simpson Phoenix Tears to learn about his hero!
  5. Yeah it's probably not legal. They are gorgeous lush plants though.
  6. I love the smell of fresh growing cannabis. Michael has a large garden. Is it legal for you to put a picture of him with his plants on it? He grows legally in our county.
  7. Really! She looks so familiar it's been driving me crazy!! I think she looks like someone on a show I watch but I just can't place it. It's a very engaging face!All the new labels are stunning and I agree Rose it will be sad when the surprises end. I am constantly checking for new faces from my phone.
  8. I've never done it but when people ask for a rebrew it still keeps the same name and label...so it would still be Lady V's. It's not like you would be stealing it it anything. Some people even order scents similar to a scent Mara has already done herself that have sold out. They are not the same of course..I think similar versions of things? Again...never done it but it's good to keep in mind just in case!
  9. That's hilarious. My mom never gave me a sex talk except don't do it or you will burn in hell which is why I am such a whore, it worked so well. Anyway if she likes a scent I give her the sample and completely forget about the phero involved. I have told her before about the pheros it he didn't seem to care. She loves that Raspberry Confite one so much so she is wearing Bang to church constantly. Oh well I did try to warn her. And I also smell indecent exposure (with Sexology) on her all the time too.
  10. Oh very pretty BC! And Honeysuckle is adorable! Miss Waterlilly looks like a beautiful mermaid too. I love the mysterious coloring of that one. And I didn't even know we had a SUGARED MAPLE. That is a must and I love the spirit of the model too. Yay!
  11. That sounds like an awesome day! I generally recommend getting Uns because I don't like being restricted by scent..BUT you might get the bottle of Sneaky because of how little you wore to get that response. Might not be as effective for you in the stronger dose. If you get something boosted you might want to get it split between two bottles too.
  12. I am happy with this as well. I haven't even put my sale order in...the two bottles I am grabbing don't seem to be in high demand so I am waiting until this month is over. Then I can recoup financially and get Halloweens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Hi 7omislav! Welcome to LP!
  14. I didn't even know there was honey in it. I am not into florals but this is a favorite of mine for sure...there is something really different about it.
  15. So glad we finally got an LP hottie on apricots!! It's one I want but wanted to wait until someone was on it...and a gorgeous redhead!!! lol! thank you...have no idea what Dogwood Blossoms are! Maybe Mara can make them unstinky!! Oh I didn't even know there was a pear one!!!! That one will be a favorite for sure...
  16. Oh! Two more LP hotties showed up...Mango and clove!! oh! And Magnolia!
  17. Thank you!! I am trying to think of an LP with red musk in it and I can't. Maybe Lala Gulaba? Well, we can get small sizes so it's not too big of a risk. I am going to try it! Your exotic label makes me think I will like it!!
  18. Gorgeous Saffron! Do I like red musk? I have no idea!
  19. oh!! How cute are those!!!!! They are going to be so excited!!!!
  20. Oh wow! What a great story!!! Creating an addict I see!!!
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